Stags Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

stags s01e01 tv show paramount

The Tunnel – The prison remains in complete pandemonium as episode 5 opens and Gomez (Abel Folk) is still en route to his operation. Much to Cisco’s (Daniel Triana) dismay, he’s being prepped for what he was initially led to believe was a minor blood transfusion. It doesn’t take him long to realize his role is much bigger and aided by several of the younger ruffians (Nerea Del Cristo), he manages to get a hold of a gun. He manages to get the door to the room unlocked but is immediately greeted by Selma (Paulina Galvez). Although he still has the gun, he’s backed into the room operation room which provides Clem (Sophine Lenglinger) with the perfect opportunity to stick him with a sedative that knocks him out cold. Selma will reward Clem by having Miguel (Alejandro Barrios) escort her to Selma’s house to get cleaned and dressed up for the operation. This never happens because outside Miguel is surprised and killed by the young ruffians who were helping Cisco.

When Clem returns to Gemma’s (Aysha Daraaui) cell to free her, it’s revealed that what just transpired was their plan from the beginning. Despite Clem’s unwavering loyalty, Gemma ends up locking her in the cell and leaving her behind.

At the same time, The Man (Javier Godino) will reluctantly share his escape plan with Stu (Nico Mirallegro) and Ryan (Corin Silva). Although he’s apparently got everything staged, doing so was extremely expensive. This is where robbing their robbing the cocaine factory comes into play. The whole time The Man was unveiling the plan; Stu was dwelling on haunting memories of the ones they’ve lost since being thrown in prison. Whether it is grief, guilt, or a sense of doing something right, finding and returning Ant’s (Charlie Cooper) ring to his family becomes his primary goal. Even though Stu doesn’t realize it at the moment, it will also become Ryan’s. The Man certainly isn’t happy to learn this.

Selma certainly is no happier when she comes looking for Clem and finds Gemma gone. Despite her outrage, she appears to buy Clem’s claim that Gemma was already gone when she and Miguel returned. Things will completely change when they return to the operating room to find The Doctor (Tony Corvillo) dead. They will also be attacked by Gemma but once Clem gains possession of the gun, she uses it to hold both Gemma and Selma hostage. While doing so, she will also notice that Gemma keeps looking at the fridge, which just happens to turn out to be the secret entrance to the tunnel system.

Clem will force Selma and Gemma to lead her into the tunnels but while climbing down the ladder, she drops the gun. Even though Gemma retrieves it, Clem will eventually take it back after several scenes. As they proceed through the tunnels, Clem will not only learn the truth about El Nino but she’ll learn that Gemma and Selma were once romantically involved.

By this time, Stu and Ryan have reunited, but it all problems after The Man catches up to them and forces them to carry through with his initial plan. Although their hurdle is an unexpected guard outside the factory, it doesn’t take them long to deal with him. Once inside, they will learn they have no effective means for transporting the amount of coke they need. They don’t get long to debate this thanks to the arrival of Luba (Alexandra Masangkay). Luba’s arrival will actually turn out to be beneficial thanks to her connection with The Man. By the time The Man has convinced her to help them; Stu and Ryan are loaded and ready to go. This will however be interrupted by the arrival of Branco (Oscar Foronda).

Although Clem still has the gun, Selma will quickly use the prison’s PA to alert her men to her location once they make it to the control room. What she doesn’t know is that she’s also just alerted Branco of her location as well. Before anyone from either side shows up, Gemma will regain control of the gun while she and Clem are devising a strategy for their escape.

Even though Gemma now has the gun, she and Clem decide to use Selma as bait to lure the El Nino back to its cage and trap it. The episode will end with Selma coming face to face with El Nino.


Stags Review

If this was supposed to be a pre-final, it was a pretty bad one. That, however, could only mean good things for the finale. It would be hard to imagine getting much worse than this one. I was kind of interested in the tunnel system and El Nino, but this turned out to be a complete letdown. Nearly everything about this episode was just plain bad. About all it managed to do was expand on the story. For that, I’d have to give it a 4.5 out of 10.

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