Stags Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Hugo Selma Stags Paramount UK

The Toilet – Episode 3 begins in 2016 on the Isle of Wight where a silhouetted man in a tent has a brief bowel movement.

In the present, Stu (Nico Mirallegro) attempts to convince The Man (Javier Godino) that is he a good person and did what he did in the defense of his friends. The Man implies that he would believe him if it wasn’t for the fact that he also suspects Stu killed his friends. Stu soon realizes The Man is going to leverage what he knows against him. At the same time, Kai (JoJo Macari) and the others return to their cell to discover the chicken gone. At the height of their argument as to who is to blame for the AWOL chicken, Stu returns, chicken in hand.

As they cook and eat the chicken, Stu entices them with The Man idea’s but carefully spins it as his own. John (Cavan Clerkin) is the first to sign on with Stu’s plan to work in the cocaine factory and suspects it might even gain them favor with Selma (Paulina Galvz). It is also John who comes up with the idea of having a service for Ant (Charlie Cooper) after he realizes what a hard time Ryan (Corina Silva) is having over the loss. Given that Ryan blames Kai for Ant’s death, things go bad when he tries to offer his condolences. Thanks to John, the situation doesn’t go much than a few disagreeable words.

While the others visit Luba (Alexandra Masangkay), Hugo (Paul Forman) learns the role that Selma wants him to play in assassinating her brother Gomez (Abel Folk). Instead of refusing, Hugo carefully tells her that in order to take such a risk, he’d need a reward. Surprisingly enough she agrees to help him escape but only him.

Shortly after this, they are greeted by Branco (Oscar Foronda) and Davide (Adria Escudero) when they arrive at the compound for Easter dinner. There is a bit of bickering before Selma introduces Davide to Hugo as the man who will later be singing for Gomez (Abel Folk).

Despite being allowed to labor in the cocaine facility, things aren’t going so well. Firstly, Stu doesn’t have any shoes and ends up lying to Ryan about Greg (Asim Chaudhry) and the cell phone. Secondly, Kai and John can’t seem to put their petty bickering aside to get anything accomplished. At the same time, Hugo’s situation gets even worse when Clem (Sophine Lenglinger) shows up along with Gomez and recognizes him. She is later revealed as the street doctor who is going to perform Gomez’s liver operation. This eventually not only leads to him telling her the truth about Selma’s plans but he encourages her to use the information to build further goodwill with Gomez. Instead, she uses it to get Selma to add her to the escape plan.

Stu and The Man are nearly caught at the cocaine plant when they set off an alarm tied to the basement door. Kai does actually catch them later but they seemingly convince him to play with the deception right before Luba shows up.

Selma and Branco’s sibling rivalry ends up ruining any plans she has of killing Gomez for the moment. Gomez admits that he only came to the dinner anyway to look Clem in the eye before the operation. Things and no less heated between Kai and Stu now that Kai has overheard Stu singing ‘Lyrical Gangster’ while having a bowel movement. This causes Kai to realize that it was Stu who crapped in the tent. None of this soon matters because Luba walks in on them. This is when things get really bad thanks to The Man setting off the plant’s front door alarm while making his hasty exit. Stu uses his admittance of the incident in the tent to draw attention away from the alarm. This, however, leads to a physical confrontation between him and John in which John slips and hits the back of his head on the toilet. For the moment, it appears that he might be dead.

When the Easter party turns its attention to the burning of the Judas, Hugo uses the distraction to plant the landmine. After doing so he immediately becomes overrun with guilt and races to the nearby whiskey cart to down several drinks. This eventually leads to him discovering a recording device that Hugo later admits is his. He also admits to being with the CIA right before unknowingly sitting on the landmine.

The Man is still in the process of escaping when he spots Ricardo (Antonio Comain) and several of his men. As Ricardo and his men open fire on the cell where Stu and his friends are supposed to be, Davide stands up from the chair, sitting off the landmine.

The episode ends with what appears to be the death of Davide while John wakes. He, however, appears to have no memory of who he is or where he’s at.


Stags Review

I must say that John’s amnesia could bring an interesting aspect to the story. It just depends on how it is sold. Being that the creators have already bungled the could-have-been interesting main story, this is likely to be a failure as well. I can’t say the episode was completely horrible but it was far from great. It did have some interesting parts, but I felt it would have been far more effective to stick each story longer.

There was a lot of rapid ping-ponging between the cocaine factory and the compound. In addition, nearly every scene with The Man was so dark that it was nearly impossible at times to tell what was going on. I am intrigued by the potential monster in the basement. Is this possibly the creature the children were referring to during their playtime? I’d have to give the episode a 5 out of 10.

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