SkyMed Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

episode 7 skymed recap jeremy

Daj Mi Buzi – As the seventh episode of SkyMed begins, Hayley (Natasha Calis) and Emma (Rebecca Kwan) go to the pub together for drinks. Emma asks Hayley why she needs better luck so Hayley tells her that she is waiting on some test results. Their conversation is interrupted when a man nearby swallows a thumb causing him to choke. He passes out as Hayley argues there isn’t enough time to call 911. She insists the man needs an emergency cricothyrotomy. Emma asks if she wants to do it here. Hayley reminds her that this is the north and they have to make do or people will die. She immediately asks the bartender for a sterile blade and a straw. Once they have what they need, Emma and Hayley work quickly to save the man’s life. After the man begins breathing, Emma is excited that they just did a cric.

Crystal (Morgan Holmstrom) hangs out with Trevor (Patrick Kwok-Choon) who promises that she is going to crush it. He tells her that Winnipeg Memorial has been trying to poach him. They have a good ER and it’d be nice to live in a city with more than one grocery store. He suggests moving there together. Bodie (Aason Nadjiwon) and Chopper (Praneet Akilla) as Bodie admits it didn’t make sense to keep the lease on the house without Madison. Chopper insists nobody cares about what happened because they’re just happy to have him back. Bodie thanks Chopper for agreeing to move back into his old room. When Hayley returns with groceries, she is surprised to see Bodie. Once she leaves, Bodie says he thought everyone knew he was coming back. Chopper changes the subject by saying Emma broke off her engagement. He hasn’t called her yet.

Hayley goes to the restaurant so she can talk to Madison (Emilia McCarthy). After she apologizes for what she did, Madison tells her to screw off. Madison knows that she only wants to apologize for herself so she’ll feel better. If she really cared about her, she wouldn’t be here putting her through all of this at work. She admits she doesn’t give a crap if Hayley feels better. Chopper goes to the bar where Nowak (Thomas Elms) is having a hard time keeping up with orders. Nowak says he is picking up doubles at the bar and working extra in the medevac. Once Chopper drops off the drinks, he runs into Emma in the bathroom. He learns that she is staying at the crew house since she is off for a few days. They talk about single life which Emma calls a bit boring since she has so much free time. They begin making out. When Hayley checks on Crystal, she learns that she had her med school interview today. Although she says it went really well, Hayley suspects there is more to the story.

Crystal explains doing this means leaving and staying gone for much longer. Trevor wants to make the move together. Hayley thinks she should take a second to celebrate because she has worked hard for this. Crystal asks if she heard back about her MRI, but she hasn’t yet. Hayley goes for more drinks while Chopper checks to make sure that was okay for Emma. She says it was awesome. Emma always wanted to hook up somewhere public since she hadn’t before. After discussing doing a bucket list, Emma admits she can’t imagine doing anything serious right now. That doesn’t mean he has to do this if he isn’t down for it. Chopper is down for it. After Nowak cleans the bar, he calls Tristan (Kheon Clarke) while driving home. Tristan begins talking about someone hooking up in the bathroom as Nowak falls asleep. Tristan hears glass shatter when the car crashes. Nowak wakes up in the car and struggles to get out before a car pulls up. Lexi (Mercedes Morris) and Tristan get out and begin helping him.

Nowak confirms he has no neck or back pain before he is pulled from the vehicle. Tristan says he has a dislocated shoulder that can wait until he gets to the hospital, but Nowak pops it back into place on his own. He wants to wait for a tow truck because he would prefer to go home and go to sleep. Once they get him home, Tristan checks on him to make sure everything is fine. Tristan believes overworking is starting to catch up with him, but Nowak is adamant that he is fine. Tristan tells him he isn’t dying. He is just annoying. As Nowak showers, he has flashbacks of the accident and nearly faints. On the plane the next day, Lexi checks on him again while he says he is as strong as a bull.

In the back, Crystal tells Jeremy (Braeden Clarke) to stop touching things. He pleads with her to tell him a story, but Crystal isn’t in the mood for storytelling. Crystal drops him off later and he meets up with his friend who has a bandage on his arm. Jeremy tells Lefty to come by later so they can play video games together. Once they go inside, Jeremy tells Crystal to chew him out for not getting out of dodge. He doesn’t like the silent treatment. Crystal breaks the news that she is leaving now that she got into med school. He accuses her of running away again, but Crystal claims she is doing this so she can come back as a doctor for the community. He asks if he is supposed to be grateful that she is telling him this time. One minute, they were having a baby. The next, she was gone. Jeremy complains that Crystal just left him alone after everything they lost. Crystal doesn’t think they were having a baby together though. She was having a baby and he was the guy who got her pregnant.

She asks what she was supposed to do when he was 17, partying too hard, and smuggling bootleg. Jeremy argues that she never gave him a chance to raise the kid. On the day she told him she was pregnant, he went to Prospect River to apply for a real job at the nickel mine for her. He confesses it has always been her even when she isn’t here or mad at him. They end up making out and having sex. Emma makes a sex bucket list, shows Chopper, and wants to complete numbers four and eleven on the list. Later, Chopper offers to order food and eat in bed together. Bodie overhears as Emma says she is going to crash with Hayley. Once she leaves and Bodie enters, Chopper says it is casual. He admits that isn’t what he wanted even though it is what they’re doing. The next day, Donny almost shoots his friend while hunting. When they get back to the camp, Donny’s friend says he doesn’t feel so good. Donny claims he does this every year.

He goes on about animal rights and embarrasses him in front of his friends. His friend only had one beer. Donny wonders if they should have separate vacations or just be separate. His friend falls causing an antler to jab through his mouth. Hayley arrives to help Brendan and tells him to stay still. Donny tells her that he can barely stand even though he said he only had one beer. Chopper asks for a clothes hanger because he thinks they can burn through the antlers. On the plane, Hayley tries to get Brendan to squeeze her hand. When he can’t do it, she suspects he is dealing with right-sided hemiparesis. Hayley tells Donny that his partner had a stroke. He begins moving around causing a mechanical issue on the plane when the feathers in his jacket explode. Donny is worried and wants to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Hayley admits the feathers might’ve gotten behind the panels and could cause a fire. Donny apologizes for dragging Brendan up here before admitting he never actually shot anything.

He has been hanging out with these guys since college and thought this is what he had to do to spend time with them. Donny likes who he is with Brendan though. Tristan and Nowak arrive to take him away in another plane. Once they make it to the hospital and the lights are turned on, Nowak has flashbacks of the accident. He sits down on a bed before Tristan follows to check on him. He tries to calm him down as he complains it feels like his chest is going to burst. Tristan suggests it is a panic attack, but Nowak doesn’t like hearing that as a pilot. Tristan reminds him that pilots are people too. He sends Nowak the details for a counselor who can teach him some coping techniques. Bodie goes to Deep Lake where Jolene grew up. She doesn’t want to be found since nobody knows where she went after Bodie was born. His new friend reveals he is Bodie’s uncle. His parents took her in and raised her. While he isn’t really her uncle, it works like that up here because it is more about community than blood.

Bodie learns that they’re building a hockey rink for the kids. The guys in Winnipeg sent them bad wood because they know they can’t send it back and they likely don’t have enough to finish the rink. Jo didn’t like skating, but she loved to sing and dance at pow-wows. She went to Toronto to be a dancer and that is where she met Bodie’s dad who was Jamaican. Jolene was determined to keep him when she got pregnant. Things changed when the 17-year-old Anishinaabe girl went into labor far from home and all alone. The social worker made Jolene give Bodie up. Although his uncle says she was pressured to give him up, Bodie is still convinced his mom chose to give him up. Bodie tells him he is full of crap before leaving. Trevor wants to celebrate after Crystal’s awesome interview, but she has something to say. She admits something changed yesterday so Trevor realizes she has something going with Jeremy. She says he wants her to go to med school so she can leave here, but she wants to go so she can come back.

North House is Crystal’s heart. When he asks about Jeremy, Crystal admits he is too. Next, Crystal visits Maskwa who is face down on the ground with a bag of pills nearby. Jeremy enters as Crystal begins accusing him of lying to her and bringing this stuff into the community. They get him to the nearby clinic where Crystal and Emma begin working on him. Once he is injected, he immediately wakes up and says his arm started hurting so he took some ibuprofen. Since he only took two, they suspect it might’ve been laced with fentanyl. Crystal and Jeremy begin arguing over whether he brought oxy up here. He claims some bikers in Winnipeg found out about his pipeline. He got stabbed because he told them no, but they started sending it anyway. Brad hit him with the car because he was sitting on it instead of selling it. Crystal admits it was a miracle that Emma even had a kit to deal with something like this.

So many of their people die because they cannot get naloxone. He says he can go to the hospital to help, but Crystal thinks he has done enough. At the hospital, Trevor confirms to the boy’s parents that he should make a full recovery. An agent with family social services enters to speak to Maskwa because this was an overdose. They learn that the boy will be moved to foster care until they can finish their review. Bodie calls his adoptive parents to ask if they knew about Jolene wanting to keep him. They claim it wasn’t like that, but Bodie says she didn’t have a choice. Once he tells them what happened, his parents insist they always thought it was a consensual adoption. They didn’t ask any questions because they wanted a child so much. When Crystal returns home, she tells Hayley about FSS investigating Maskwa’s case. Crystal suspects Hayley thinks she is an idiot for falling for his crap again.

She thinks she should’ve let Hayley report him to the police after he got stabbed. Trevor calls to say he pulled some strings with FSS and he won’t be taken from the community. Crystal tries to talk to him about their relationship, but he says goodbye and hangs up. Bodie’s uncle finds out that he bought a bunch of wood for the rink. Nowak says he’ll call and make an appointment with the counselor next week before thanking Tristan. When Tristan leaves, Nowak deletes the number for the counseling service from his phone. Emma wakes up Chopper to see if he is ready for number six. He says this isn’t working for him. His ex-girlfriend didn’t want him to be a pilot. He gave up flying for her and she left anyway. He was making himself miserable while making someone else so happy.  Although they like each other, Emma isn’t willing to give more after Devon.

Bodie and Chopper go outside to look at the stars. Chopper tells him about Emma. Hayley gets a call from Dr. Allen’s office with her MRI results.


SkyMed Review

The seventh episode of SkyMed was just okay. The writers have thrown everything at the wall to see what would work and what wouldn’t. Some of the storylines are good while others are silly and some are even annoying. In particular, Crystal and Jeremy are mostly interesting. I can’t force myself to be interested in Bodie’s story about his mother. As for the romance, some of the relationships are okay, but others make me cringe.

It just seems like some of the characters are constantly jumping in and out of relationships although this probably wouldn’t be likely in real life. SkyMed isn’t going to be for all viewers, but it may be a good guilty pleasure for others. It hits some high notes with legitimately uplifting moments. On the other hand, it regularly hits low notes by creating conflict at every turn and throwing characters into the sack together with no real build-up.

The episode scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of SkyMed can be found on Reel Mockery here. Learn how to support us at this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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