SkyMed Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

episode 5 skymed recap chopper

Bushwacked – As the fifth episode of SkyMed begins, Emma (Rebecca Kwan) steps outside to try to call Devon (Gino Anania). Chopper (Praneet Akilla) follows her to see if she is going to leave since he thought they could get dinner. Emma reminds him that she is married. He suggests there might be something there between them, but Emma calls it a mistake. Bodie (Aason Nadjiwon) takes Madison (Emilia McCarthy) out to dinner because he wants to do things right this time. The couple in front of them gets upset when they’re told they have to put a deposit on their credit card before they’re seated. When they leave, the host complains that they always expect everything for free. Bodie wants to leave since he claims they won’t serve indigenous people, but Madison isn’t sure about that. He says he is indigenous too because his mom is from Deep Lake.

Madison suggests they just go somewhere else. He leaves after saying he lost his appetite. Tristan (Kheon Clarke) gets up and tells Nowak (Thomas Elms) he should go back to his room to get some rest. He reminds Nowak that he said it was a bad idea to let a one-night stand spend the night. Tristan says they barely know each other or talk outside of work so Nowak suggests they talk now. They argue about not letting people in before Tristan is asked about Darius who he mentioned during his intense dream. After receiving a page, they have to tend to a man shot in the glut. The man thought his wife was cheating, but she just wanted some alone time. Kathy insists she couldn’t know that he would show up in the dark and try to break in so she shot him. When Robert mentions her trips to Vegas, Tristan decides to give him more pain meds.

Once Lexi (Mercedes Morris) gets back, she talks to Dubs in the locker room. He complains that he sees pallets and manifests in his dreams. Brad (Matthew Kevin Anderson) brings a box to Dubs to make sure it gets on the 420 up to North House, but he doesn’t see Lexi. When Dubs said he didn’t see it on the manifest, Brad makes an excuse and tells him not to question him. Once Brad leaves, Lexi tells Dubs he doesn’t have to listen to him since she lost a lot of sleep keeping quiet about Brad’s stuff before. Dubs believes he has to stay on Brad’s good side if he wants to go flightline. Jeremy (Braeden Clarke) talks to Brad in the hallway before they begin arguing. Crystal tells Wheezer (Aaron Ashmore) she is thinking about skipping survival training this year and going to North House instead. Wheezer learns about Jeremy possibly smuggling oxy, but he doesn’t want to believe it.

He insists Jeremy wouldn’t do that although he can’t explain what Constable Lee is trying to achieve. Wheezer encourages her to consider forgiving him one day since we’re all idiots when we’re young. Trevor offers to warm up Crystal when she gets back from survival training. She learns about the 25-year-old victim who was hit by an unknown car that fled the scene. His pressure is stable although there is a lot of abdominal swelling. She is surprised when she finds out that Jeremy is the patient in question. Constable Lee (Rong Fu) questions him about the dark vehicle that sped away after he was hit. Jeremy refuses to tell her what type of vehicle hit him. Lee argues they all know who is running drugs up to the community just like they know what kind of message this hit is supposed to send. She can protect him if he tells her what he knows.

Crystal tells her to get out of the way unless she is going to arrest him. Once on the plane, Crystal tries to find out more about the accident, but Jeremy calls it an accident. He claims she is overreacting. Crystal hopes whatever is in those black and yellow boxes is worth it. Lexi overhears this so she decides to find out what Brad is doing. She finds a black and yellow box in the back of Brad’s truck. When she checks the front, she sees that the headlight is damaged. Once Brad comes out, she rushes off. In the locker room, she calls Nowak to ask his advice. Nowak tells her to do it. He talked her out of it once before and realizes he shouldn’t have. Jennifer Lee checks Brad’s vehicle and questions him. At first, he claims he hit a deer.

Then, he changes his story while saying he had a beer and the guy came out of nowhere before he hit him. By the time she checks the truck, the box is already gone. He is arrested for the hit-and-run while Lexi watches. When Devon calls Emma, she tells him the bad news that she won’t be able to make it home tomorrow. She explains that it is survival training weekend and it is mandatory, but she promises to make it up to him. Devon offers to book her the best hotel in Thompson so she can pamper herself. After the call, Emma puts the ring on her finger. Wheezer tells everyone that the chances of surviving a plane crash are 95.7% before the survival training. Your chance of surviving in the wilderness after the crash is only 25%. They will be split into teams and placed in the woods at different points. They will receive a tarp, some rope, an ax, a map, and a compass.

They must make camp tonight before traveling to the meeting point by tomorrow afternoon. Bodie and Nowak argue a bit before Nowak offers to bet him 100 bucks he’ll reach the coordinates first. When Bodie tries to pump it up to 500, Nowak accuses him of paying to solve all his problems. Wheezer gets to pick the teams. Tristan and Nowak venture into the woods moments later. As they walk, Nowak is asked why he hates Bodie so much. He calls him self-centered. He says it is easy to be a pilot when mommy and daddy can buy your hours. Nowak tells him to make up his mind before asking if they’re friends. When Tristan asks if that is what he wants, Nowak says no. Crystal starts a fire for herself and Emma. They talk about possible overdoses in North House and how the community took steps to make sure drugs don’t slip in. After Crystal asks her about having the week off, Emma confesses she cannot go home.

She tells her about sleeping with Chopper. Emma wonders what she should do. Crystal tells her she cannot go into something like this with secrets. Chopper thinks Hayley (Natasha Calis) is flirting with him so he tells her he is kind of with someone right now. She learns that he has a drink with Emma and she doesn’t want to marry Devon. Chopper got married when he was 21 because he thought that was what people did and it made his parents happy. He was going to be a happy engineer like his father. Chopper sometimes feels bad that he doesn’t miss his ex. Lexi complains about Bodie wanting to continue walking through the darkness. He accuses her of trying to slow him down so Nowak can beat him to the coordinates before he steps into a trap. When the others find him, they begin worrying that Bodie could lose his leg or experience permanent nerve damage.

Chopper tries something that doesn’t work. Then, they decide they’ll have to pull the trap open. Once Nowak jumps early and gets Bodie’s leg out, he says nobody will miss them until they miss the rendezvous this afternoon. They’ll have to find a way to get him out of there sooner. Chopper takes off his shirt and coat. Crystal checks on Emma before she gets stung by a wasp. Chopper takes the other shirts and two branches to create a stretcher so they can carry Bodie out of the woods. Moments later, Nowak says this isn’t working and it’d be faster to just carry him. He puts Bodie over his shoulders and carries him. They make it back to Wheezer and tell him to prepare for a patient. Nowak claims he got back first and Bodie owes him. Hayley notices that Emma’s finger is badly swollen and the ring is cutting off her circulation.

They have no choice but to cut the ring from her finger even though she worries Devon will kill her. Bodie is taken to the hospital where Trevor treats him. Crystal thanks Trevor for the other day with Jeremy. He heard back from Winnipeg Memorial and they didn’t find any sign of a bleed so they’ll transport him back up here tomorrow to continue his recovery. Trevor says he likes her and being with her, but he’d like to know if there is something he has to worry about there. She promises Jeremy is just a part of her past.

Later, Hayley learns Crystal is going to go to Jeremy’s place to pick up some of his things. Chopper notices something on the ground that he calls an SOS only to be ordered to continue to North House. He argues that they should stop anyway since they’re only dealing with a patient going to the dentist for a root canal. Nowak relents and agrees to land the plane. Once they land, they find a body in a tent. Crystal says no efforts to resuscitate. When the police arrive, they speculate that the victim broke his leg and was unable to hike out for help. It looks like he was here for a couple of months. Crystal gives him the man’s ID that identifies him as 41-year-old Kyle Hebert. She is told to keep it with the effects for the family. Chopper tells Hayley it is crazy to think how many times they’ve been up here and didn’t notice this. She argues it is impressive that he found it at all.

Chopper finds the man’s cellphone. Once Emma arrives at the hotel, she is surprised by Devon who decided to come see her. He knows he hasn’t always been supportive of her being up here, but it was harder than he thought to be apart. He offers to get a placement up here after he finishes med school if it is important to help to stay up here. Devon asks what she wanted to say. Bodie goes home with Madison who asks if she needs to change his bandages. She gives him a gift. He opens the bag and finds a pair of little moccasins for the baby. Madison says that stuff the other night doesn’t matter. Bodie asks if that means she is okay with him being indigenous, but she quickly says no. He decides to go lay down. At the Windy Lake Clinic, Doc tells Crystal that the patient is a 55-year-old man with recurrent kidney stones. It is the man from the restaurant before.

The wife suggests she drive him to the hospital. When Doc says it would take too long, the couple asks about getting another nurse. Then, they accuse Bodie of threatening them. The wife worries that Crystal might’ve been drinking. Crystal tells her that they can be racist or they can go to the hospital, but they can’t do both. Once they reach the hospital, Bodie tells Crystal about seeing them at the restaurant and how they tried to make an indigenous couple pay upfront. He goes on to tell her how Madison gave him these fake moccasins. She says people like that can only take our power if we let them. The important thing is how you see yourself. She recommends he come to North House to feast sometime. Ted talks to someone on the phone about the job. He hears someone calling for help before finding a man with a screwdriver in his chest. Another man tells him to get help.

When Nowak and others reach the victim, they are told that Delmont stabbed him. The cop believes RJ hit him with a tire iron and Delmont stabbed his cousin. Tristan believes he might’ve pierces his pericardium. They also believe he got knocked out. Tristan says they have to secure the screwdriver. By the time they secure the screwdriver, the other patient is gone. Bird calls for backup while Nowak suggests he is too hurt to have run far. They go looking for him while Tristan stays to work on the other victim. Tristan finishes with RJ and checks on the others. He goes outside where he learns that Delmont is planning to jump from the tower. Tristan meets him at the top to say both need to get to a hospital and RJ isn’t dead yet. Delmont admits they fight regularly. RJ has a bad temper and that is why his uncle left the business to him instead of RJ.

He told RJ that he was done losing money up here so he wanted to sell and start over. Delmont knew RJ would come at him and the screwdriver was already in his hand. Tristan tells him it was self-defense and RJ needs to get on the plane to Thompson. Delmont promised his uncle he’d look out for RJ, but believes he killed him instead. Tristan believes RJ made a choice, his uncle made a choice, and neither of those was his fault. Delmont thanks him before nearly falling, but Tristan grabs him and saves him.

Nowak tries to check on Tristan who ignores him as the men are placed in the ambulance. Tristan breaks down so Nowak has to take care of him. As he comforts him in bed, Tristan reveals Darius was his 10-year-old brother. During March break when Tristan was 13, he was skateboarding with his friends by the ravine. He brought his brother with him to the old rail bridge and there were bats up there that Darius liked to see. He didn’t know his brother had climbed up there nor did he see him fall, but he found him on the ground. Tristan couldn’t save him. Hayley gets up in the middle of the night and finds Chopper working on the tent guy’s phone. He meant to give the phone back to Crystal but forgot. Chopper admits he wondered who the guy was. They play the voice memo of Kyle talking to Joan.

He tells her he loves her before apologizing for everything. Crystal meets Jeremy at the hospital to tell him she doesn’t think he should go home when they release him. Whoever he ticked off is going to send someone else to try to hurt him again. Jeremy says no because he isn’t the one who leaves. Chopper and Hayley let Joan listen to the voice memo. They fought a lot before the separation so she had no idea Kyle still felt this way. She wishes she knew they still had a chance. Chopper goes to the motel to talk to Emma who says it isn’t a good time. He says she doesn’t have to be with him, but she shouldn’t go through with the wedding. He knows what it is like to marry the wrong person. Devin thinks it is room service so he comes out and is introduced to Chopper. After a brief chat, Chopper leaves.


SkyMed Review

The fifth episode of SkyMed had some good moments even though it was bloated. There were too many things going on during the episode making it difficult to care about any particular thing. Some of the things just felt a bit forced to be honest. In particular, the couple at the restaurant just didn’t seem all that realistic. The show is just getting to the point where some of the characters have to be in some type of drama regardless of if it seems legit.

It’d be better if they’d just let Bodie be happy and content with his relationship with Madison. Some of the other storylines worked well though. The guy in the tent and the stabbing incident were good additions to the episode. The episode was a bit all over the place though since I had already forgotten about Brad’s arrest and the survival training scenes. The episode scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of SkyMed can be found on Reel Mockery here. Learn how to support our site at this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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