Sherwood Series 2 Episode 3 Recap

Julie s02e03 tv show sherwood

As this episode of Sherwood begins, the Chief Constable (Jennifer Hennessy) talks to Ian St Clair (David Morrissey) about Harry Summers (Michael Balogun) about the murders of Dennis and Pam Bottomley. Sandy Waters (Aisling Loftus) arrives to check on Stephie (Bethany Asher). Samuel Warner (Robert Emms) watches the news with his father. Franklin (Robert Lindsay) suggests the outlaws are back and thriving. The Chief Constable wants this to end before it begins. Police find the van containing the body of Kyre Branson (Conor Deane) and a phone. Stephie is fingerprinted. Mickey (Philip Jackson) asks Daphne Sparrow (Lorraine Ashbourne) if their part in all of this is finished. Daphne goes outside where Ronan (Bill Jones) asks her what happened yesterday.

Daphne insists he should’ve talked to her about Rachel first. She claims she was keeping a secret and didn’t lie about it. Daphne says she was a police officer in a former life but only briefly. Ronan suspects she was the one telling on everyone. Daphne admits she doesn’t regret a bit of it. The Chief Constable says she can delegate emergency powers to Ian as a review officer. It’s part of the scheme to bring back officers they lost during the exodus. Ian insists he’s out again once this is resolved. Lisa Waters (Ria Zmitrowicz) calls Ian to tell him that the news is horrifying. People will want a statement from her. Lisa learns Ian has gone back for this one case. Franklin tells Samuel that he can’t control what happens, but he can control what people think about it. Samuel learns Lisa wants to meet for a chat.

Ian and Harry interview Ann Branson (Monica Dolan) and Roy Branson (Stephen Dillane). Roy claims they had a family gathering for Kyre’s 18th birthday. Ann doesn’t want to hear the name of her killer’s son. Ian asks them about the deaths of Dennis and Pam. Roy insists they didn’t have anything to do with it. Marcus Clarke (Jorden Myrie) interrupts to tell Harry about Kyre’s death. Harry and Ian talk about whether that means Roy and Ann were there too. They return to the interview room and Ann says Kyre was at the party. Ian tells them that they’ve found Kyre’s body. Ann demands some privacy now. When they’re alone, Roy smashes a chair. Roy believes this is what is going to lead to charges. Ann tells the detectives that they’re going to need protection. She suggests Kyre did this on his own and people will be out for their blood.

Ian tells the Chief Constable that the whole family wants protection. Julie Jackson (Lesley Manville) tries to pick out an outfit at home. Ian calls to say he has to cancel because something has come up. He tells her he’s stepped back into the force briefly. He still wants to do something tonight though. Then, Julie gets a call confirming someone has made an offer on the house. Ryan Bottomley (Oliver Huntingdon) gets a visit from Stephie and Ian. Stephie tells him that Dennis and Pam are dead. He suspects the Branson family was after him because of Nicky. Ryan questions where Stephie is going to stay. Sandy suggests a residential care home for a short time. Ryan asks to speak to Stephie alone briefly. Samuel greets Lisa outside and takes her inside. In private, Ryan apologizes to Stephie who admits to killing Kyre.

Lisa is introduced to Franklin. They talk about the proposed development. Franklin suggests the new crime wave is tied into a lack of work in the area. Lisa isn’t sure this is the way to provide jobs though. Franklin argues they need to build. Building requires steel which requires coal. Lisa claims it feels like a gimmick. Stephie tells Sandy that she wants to go back home. Ryan thinks he can arrange it since they have cousins who can come and stay. Lisa tells Samuel and Franklin that she was sent information suggesting Franklin was an insider. She suggests Franklin got rewarded by government contracts for his work. He thinks they should keep it between them for the time being. Sandy and Ian talk about how the prison is understaffed. She also mentions Scott Rowley. Later, Ian meets Julie at a pub. Julie says she has thought about doing a course.

After what happened to her, it forced her to imagine something different. They talk about Ian’s visit to the prison. Ian says it was put to him that he might go see Scott. Julie alleges Ian is going to pat him on the arm like he’s the victim. Ian insists that’s not the case. Julie gets up and decides to leave because she has a lot of stuff rattling around her head. The next day, Harry and Ian talk about the two phones found in the back of the van. They find the message from Daphne telling them to run. They don’t know who the message was sent to through. Only Dennis and Stephie’s prints were found on the garden sheers used to kill Kyre. The phone pings close to the Sparrow farm. Next, Ian tells Harry they should check the spot where Dennis used his card. Harry and Marcus speak to the neighbor who admits a lot of people were coming and coming.

The neighbor says Dennis asked for a phone charger after being given a new phone. Harry calls Ian to tell him just before Ian speaks to the Sparrows. The gun found on Kyre’s body matches the one used to kill Dennis but not his sister. Ian goes inside to ask whether the Branson family has visited. Mickey says no. Ian says they believe someone tried to warn Pam and Dennis. Rory (Perry Fitzpatrick) argues they wouldn’t do that. Ian threatens to get a warrant to find the phone which is likely with Daphne. Ian tells them that Kyre was found dead. He asks them to come in, talk, and help themselves. Harry and Marcus visit the pub. Marcus says the noisy neighbor has come through with registration plates and everything. Marcus asks if he should send it, but Harry wants to speak to Rachel Crossley (Christine Bottomley) first.

They go inside and speak to Jamie (Andrew Gower) and Rachel. Marcus asks for her bank card because the victims were in the pub when she used her card. Rachel breaks down and says she doesn’t know what to do. Rachel says she was there with another person. She wants to speak to her fiancé privately. Rachel denies having any contact with the Bottomleys or Bransons. The detectives leave. Rachel tells Jamie she’s scared. Harry tells Marcus one of the cards is his. He checked in with the Bottomleys and stayed until the morning they died. Harry admits this has opened up a lot within him because of what happened. Marcus says the Bottomleys called him at the station on the day they died and he thought they were just checking in.

Harry says they should help each other out. Jamie tells Rachel he’s not sure what to say. Rachel was trying to do the right thing. Jamie knows the police will find out that Rachel was at the killing. He tells her she better call the policeman. Daphne pours drinks because the family has stuff to talk about. She tells them about Rachel who was with Ronan when Nicky was killed. Daphne says the police know they’re involved and it’s getting out of hand. She believes they’re going to have to work with them because they’re in danger. They need to put the Bransons away somehow. Ryan manages to get a phone that he uses to call Jordan (Tyrese Eaton-Dyce). Ryan asks Jordan to look after his sister. He says it’ll be new customers and new opportunities. Jordan tells him they’re going to need cash before the call ends. Ian is interrupted by a call.

He tells Harry they need to speak somewhere private. Ian meets Mickey Sparrow and his family. Daphne tells him she was there although she didn’t see it happen. She lets him listen to a voicemail from Roy. Ian warns her she’s not the most trustworthy witness so they’re going to need more. Daphne is worried it’s over for them if the Bransons find out what they’re doing. Rachel arrives as well. Ryan visits Scott Rowley (Adam Hugill) who is working out in his cell. Roy and Ann identify Kyre’s body. Lisa writes down what Franklin said about things growing there. She gets an email threatening her death. Marcus seems to be up to no good. Ann gets a message and shows it to Roy who curses the Sparrows. Ann says they know what they have to do. Roy asks which one. Ann says all of them.


Sherwood Review

Despite some strong performances, the cast of Sherwood is let down by a fairly weak script and possibly bad editing. The script has been too implausible this season with outlandish moments popping up multiple times in each episode. For starters, it’s too farfetched to believe Kyre’s death would’ve gone unnoticed for so long by his family and the police.

It’s also odd that Harry and Marcus needed to physically visit Rachel to ask about her bank card. Surely, the team could’ve checked the records and CCTV video to corroborate that evidence. Not to mention, the detectives just casually left following Rachel’s odd behavior. In checking the CCTV video, they would’ve noticed Daphne and Rachel right there with the Bransons and the Bottomleys.

It’s like the writers are grasping at straws and just trying to shock to keep people interested. They’re also desperate to make Lisa Waters and the whole proposed mine storyline interesting, but it’s easily the least compelling aspect of the series so far. It’s also so over-the-top and biased in that way. The constant thumping in the background noise needs to stop.

We also don’t need to see Lisa puffing a vape every few minutes. Is the series watchable? Probably, but it’d be best to huff Elmer’s Glue first. That way, all brain functions will be numbed and picking apart the shoddy plot will be impossible. The episode scores a 4.5 out of 10. Recaps of Sherwood can be found on Reel Mockery here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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