Poldark S2 Episode 5 Recap

demelza angry poldark season 2

At the beginning of the 5th episode, we see a flashback of Ross and Francis running along the beach as boys. We jump to the present and see Ross (Aidan Turner) join his brother at Wheal Grace. Francis (Kyle Soller) and Ross briefly discuss their father, before turning their attention to the mine. They observe the progress of the pumping engine, while the guards haul another smugger to Truro jail. Demelza (Eleanor Tomlinson) watches as Ted (Lewis Peek) is led away and immediately becomes concerned for her husband. She speaks with the others and learns he was caught at Tregunna Cove. The others allude to the fact that someone must be betraying their trust. Ross and Francis speaks with Captain Henshawe (John Hollingworth) about their current predicament. Before they can head into the mine, a letter is delivered making the group aware of Ted’s arrest.


Francis heads for the courthouse, while Dwight (Luke Norris) examines a patient’s leg. He instructs Rosina Hoblyn (Amelia Clarkson) to keep the leg bound for a leg, until he returns. He then learns that Jim Vercoe (Marc Danbury) is to blame for all of the arrests, as he refuses to turn a blind eye. He is made aware of the presence of a possible informer. Francis returns home and gets prepared to carry out his duties as magistrate. Meanwhile, Demelza attempts to convince Ross to stay out it. He expresses concern that his involvement could very well bring attention to his own wrongdoing. Caroline (Gabriella Wilde) arrives back in town after a year in London. Once she exits, Ray (John Nettles) asks Unwin (Hugh Skinner) if she has accepted the marriage proposal. He halfheartedly insists she somewhat has. Ray also confirms his intention to make the announcement at tonight’s dinner.

We jump to the courthouse, where the lawyers finish presenting their evidence. Francis speaks with his colleague and manages to convince him to avoid the death sentence. Ted is sentenced to three months hard labor. Demelza and Ross thank and congratulate Francis outside. Next, George Warleggan (Jack Farthing) runs into Dwight. He just cannot keep his mouth shut about Caroline’s engagement to Unwin. Nonetheless, Dwight keeps his calm, while admitting it has nothing to do with him. Dwight then runs into Caroline, who is visibly happy to see the doctor. They chat briefly, but Dwight remains standoffish, due to the engagement. Verity (Ruby Bentall) arrives at Francis and Elizabeth’s home to care for Aunt Agatha (Caroline Blakiston). Francis invites her in with a big smile. George returns home and chats with his uncle Cary (Pip Torrens). During their conversation, George learns about the 1,000 pound promissory note from Ross. Ross and Demelza join the party that night.


During the party, George speaks to Unwin, who congratulates himself for curbing the lawlessness of the land. Then, George asks Unwin about bringing a bank to Truro. At this time, Demelza and Ross make their entrance. The dinner begins and Ross is conveniently seated next to Elizabeth (Heida Reed). Although Caroline despises the arrangement, she is seated next to Unwin. And, Demelza sits next to Captain McNeil (Henry Garrett). Demelza and the Captain make jokes about the smugglers, while Elizabeth and Ross have a heart to heart. Elizabeth tells Ross that they’ll always share a piece of each other’s heart. Ross heads outside for peace and quiet, but is soon disturbed by Unwin. As Unwin passes by, he complains about Caroline. Ross is soon joined by Caroline, who asks about Dwight. Ross and Caroline speak about the doctor briefly. Meanwhile, Verity ushers Dwight inside to see Aunt Agatha. Caroline returns to the party and Ray quickly learns the engagement has been called off.


Dwight finishes examining Agatha. He tells Verity to give her honey and juniper, with a little warm milk. Meanwhile, the others dance at the party. George and Caroline speak about Ross and Demelza’s relationship. Next, Ross chats with George. Ross asks George if he must be envious about his current venture with George. He returns home and tells his uncle to do whatever he must to obtain that promissory note. That night, Ross and Demelza spend time together and Francis and Elizabeth do the same. In the morning, Ross returns to the mine. Captain Henshawe tells him that Francis has become a valuable asset to their team. Ross witnesses the other miners picking on Nick Vigus (Sean Pogmore) and accusing him of being the informant. Ross intervenes and bashes Nick himself. George finally manages to get the promissory note. Then, he pays a visit to Elizabeth and attempts to assert his authority once more. George tells Elizabeth he has never seen eye to eye with Ross, while also insisting Ross blames him for all of his misfortunes. George makes Elizabeth aware of the promissory note and offers to give it to Ross as a gift.


Of course, George isn’t willing to give up his control over Ross for free. George reveals he wants Elizabeth’s friendship in return. She agrees to see what she can do. On his way out, George runs into Aunt Agatha. They argue briefly. George exits, after telling the old woman he hopes she is 6 feet under the next time they meet. Captain McNeil observes Nick as he exits the mine. He visits Demelza and speaks with her about Ross and his anger. Dwight visits Rosina and learns more about the informant. He also discovers that Charlie’s health has mended. Dwight’s marital status is mentioned and he insists he is wed to nobody, but his work. After he leaves, he runs into Caroline, who apologizes for her earlier behavior. Dwight finally admits he couldn’t stop thinking about her once she left. Caroline tells him to meet her at a later time, before rushing off. Ross returns home and gets an ear full from Demelza. Francis learns about George’s visit and Elizabeth encourages him to rekindle their friendship. Francis agrees to do so and heads for George’s place.

Francis tells George to leave his family alone and never visit his house ever again. Ross and Demelza speak about Francis and the attributes he has that Ross lacks. Demelza kindly admits Ross also has a few traits Francis does not. In the morning, Ross gets up early and heads to the mine. He meets with Ross and announces he will be lighting the fuse for the final blast. Meanwhile, Demelza encounters Dwight, before he meets up with Caroline. She gives him a confidence boost and sends him on his way. Demelza receives a letter and rushes to the mine to pass it along to her husband. Ross and Francis inspect the stones, before Ross is forced to leave due to the letter. During this time, Dwight meets up with Caroline and learns about her broken relationship with Unwin. He finally tells her the truth about his feelings. They embrace and share a kiss. Caroline reveals she will be leaving town, until she is old enough to wed. Dwight admits nothing will change.


Francis scours through the stone and immediately believes he has found something of value. He attempts to get in contact with Henshawe, but instead heads for Ross’s home. He leaves the stone on the table and prepares to leave. Before he exits, he finally tells Demelza the truth about the previous shareholders and his betrayal of Ross. Demelza breaks down and tells Francis she thinks Ross still has feelings for Elizabeth. Francis tells her she needs to give herself more credit, before returning to the mine. Dwight returns to Verity and tells her she holds the cure to Aunt Agatha’s ailment. Francis ventures into the mine alone and finds what appears to be copper on the wall. He slips and falls into a pool of water. He struggles to stay above the water’s surface and barely hangs on by a limb. Francis calls for help, but the mine is completely empty. Ross learns about George obtaining the note, before discovering Francis as gone missing. He enters the mine with Henshawe and they begin searching for Francis.


Francis has a flashback of Ross saving him from sea as a child. He envisions Ross approaching and offering him a hand. Unfortunately, Ross and the others arrive too late. Francis’s lifeless body is pulled from the water. Ross alerts Elizabeth, before we jump forward to the funeral. The episode ends with everyone mourning the loss.


Poldark Review

Oh boy. Poldark’s 5th episode was very eventful and incredibly bleak. It was fairly obvious things were going too good for the Poldark family. This made it clear something bad was lingering around the corner. However, I didn’t expect it to get this bad. Poor Francis is ripped away from us just as he was starting to redeem himself. And matters are further complicated by George once again gaining leverage over Ross. Elizabeth will now become a pawn for George or she may drive a wedge between Ross and Demelza.

On the flipside, at least Dwight Enys and Caroline seem to be doing well. A great, but very sad, episode of Poldark. A 9 out of 10 is deserved. Catch up with our previous recaps of Poldark now!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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