South Of Heaven – As the episode begins Officers Traci Harmon (Troian Bellisario) and Alex Diaz (Brandon Larracuente) are in pursuit of a suspect. Harmon is pursuing by vehicle while Diaz is in foot pursuit. He leads Diaz into a multi-level parking garage where he nearly knocks a bystander off the ledge. When Diaz stops to help the man back up, he loses his gun in the process. Diaz briefly loses the suspect but catches back up with him on the top floor where he tries to leap off the ledge and catch the American flag. Unfortunately for him, he is a bit short and falls. He does not die but he has a bone sticking out of his upper leg. Luckily for Diaz, Officer Holt (Robert Bailey Jr) recovers his weapon and gives it back to him before anyone notices. He also tells Diaz not to mention it to Harmon because she cannot be trusted and has got people fired in the past.
After the call, Harmon uses a story about another trainee to comfort Diaz about the jumper. Rather than focus on this, Diaz tells her that he feels like he knows nothing about her and she knows everything about him. While laughing about this, she tells him that she surfs, works, and takes care of her dogs. He comes right out and asks her what she meant when she said she had people gunning after her. She pulls over when he asks if she got someone fired. The discussion doesn’t get much further at the moment thanks to an interruption from a call from Harmon’s mother. This is then interrupted by dispatch about a code 459.
Diaz and Harmon arrive at what initially looks like a home invasion that was fumbled when the wife, Judith (Julie Claire) came home early. This turns out not to be the case at all when Diaz is ordered outside and happens to run into the supposed invader. As it turns out the husband and the supposed intruder had been corresponding all week on a BDSM site. The husband disputes this until Diaz uses the invader’s phone to call the husband’s phone. At the end of the call, Harmon receives a call from Sergeant Tyson Koyama (Rich Ring), who tells her that he is recommending her for a spot on his team due to one of his guys getting pulled onto HIDTA next month. She also asks him about Eddie ‘Maniac’ Watson (Ian Down). Koyama tells her that the detectives think he’s in Mexico by now. When Harmon returns to the car, she relays the news about Maniac to Diaz and tells him that she has to go see a guy.
When Harmon pulls in at the back entrance to a bar, she tells Diaz to stay in the car and start his paperwork. Inside, the bartender says that no one called the cops. She asks to see Smokey (Lobo Sebastian), who is no happier to see her than the bartender. Smokey practically tells her to stop looking for Maniac because he is untouchable due to his father being a big-shot caller in San Quentin. Much to Diaz’s surprise, Harmon shares this information with him and says if Maniac really was in Mexico, there would be nothing to look for. The discussion goes no further at the moment due to a call about a female suspect setting cars on fire.
By the time Diaz and Harmon get to the scene, the firemen and Sergeant Lasman (Eriq La Salle) are already on the scene. Lasman is interviewing a homeowner who describes the suspect as a homeless woman from across the street. When Diaz and the others go to search for the suspect, Lasman asks Harmon to hang back. He tells her that the department is being sued by a shop owner because his shop was destroyed after they pulled out from the takeover. He practically blames the situation on her.
While Holt and Diaz are searching the homeless encampment they hear a loud screech. After going to investigate Holt is tackled by a homeless man. Diaz manages to beat the man off but when he does, he notices that Holt has a needle in his neck. It’s only seconds later when he starts to seize. Diaz immediately calls for help and administers Narcan. Even though Diaz saves Holt’s life, he begins to panic when backup arrives. Harmon manages to talk him down and this is where the episode ends.
On Call Review
I am sure peace officers see some of the wildest things but this opening seemed a bit much. Still, I cannot fault the creators for getting a bit creative. I really enjoyed the call with the fake home intruder. I thought that one was extremely creative as well, but I could tell something wasn’t right from the get-go. My biggest question from this episode is whether or not Holt is going to end up with an STD. If so, how will this affect Diaz? Either way, another good episode and I’d have to give it a 5.4 out of 10.
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