Nautilus Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Dreadnought Nautilus AMC

As the episode opens, Humility Lucas (Georgia Flood) suggests pumping the air inside the Nautilus into the ballistic tanks to drain them. She helps Nemo (Shazad Latif), Jiacomo (Andrew Shaw), and Benoit (Thierry Fremont) crank the lever. The depth gradually increases, so her technique isn’t working. As the oxygen level drops, the crew begins to have shortness of breath. The ballistic tanks are empty but the Nautilus continues to sink. Turan (Arlo Green) alerts the others of a strange noise. Loti (Celine Menville) says the pipe is leaking. Humility tears pieces from her petticoat, soaks it in grease, and wraps it around the leaky pipe. Nemo fastens a clamp around the pipe to stop the leak. The crew works frantically to drive air into the ballistic tank. Suyin (Ling Cooper Tang) alerts Boniface (Richard Mzembe) that it is working. He informs the others. Nemo credits their success to Humility. The Nautilus surfaces. The crew and passengers go to the deck for fresh air. Benoit stresses the need to repair the engines to avoid an encounter with the Company.

Captain Youngblood (Jacob Collins-Levy) asks Director Crawley (Damien Garvey) about the luggage being loaded onto the Dreadnought. Crawley says they belong to Lord Algernon Pitt (Cameron Cuffe), a major East India Company shareholder. Lieutenant Punch (Darren Gilshenan) orders the Dreadnought prepared to sail before checking to ensure Pitt is comfortable. Pitt complains about the size of his cabin and asks for an upgrade with a bathroom. Aboard the Nautilus, Humility tells Loti (Celine Menville) that she assured Nemo that she has all intentions of staying with the Nautilus. While repairing the engine, Nemo tells Benoit about Humility’s promise. Blaster (Kayden Price) finds Humility and Loti dressed in their finest on the deck. Loti warns Humility against trying to swim to the shore in her dress. Humility jumps into the water. Loti and Blaster join her. Archie barks from the deck. Blaster urges the dog to stay clear of Kai (Tyrone Ngatai). Ranbir (Ashan Kumar) tells Jagadish (Chum Ehelepola) that they should go to. Jagadish admits he cannot swim. Nemo and Benoit encounter an obstacle while working on the engine. Boniface alerts them of Humility and Loti’s departure. Ranbir jerks Jagadish into the water. Nemo, Benoit, and Boniface arrive in time to see Company soldiers flood the beach. Sergeant Tharoor (Shanky Singh) and his men race to capture the Nautilus.

Humility, Ranbir, Humility, and Loti come under fire as they swim back toward the Nautilus. Blaster arrives safely. Nemo and Benoit struggle with the broken engine. Blaster helps Humility onto the deck. The soldiers race their boats toward the Nautilus while continuing to fire their weapons. When Humility reaches safety, she turns on the power with little effort. Nemo scolds her for disconnecting the components. Blaster helps Ranbir and Jagadish onto the deck as the soldiers are fast approaching. They race toward the hatch. A soldier grabs Blaster’s leg. Boniface begins to lower the Nautilus into the water. Archie bites the soldier’s arm. Blaster gets free and jumps into the hatch, with Archie right behind him. Before he can shut the hatch, a soldier threatens to shoot him. Jiacomo grabs the gun and causes it to misfire. He slams the soldier’s head into the rail and hurriedly closes the hatch door. The soldiers on the deck become submerged in water. Nemo takes the helm. On the beach, the Jeune officer (Zachary Boulton) angrily throws his helmet into the sand. Nemo holds a meeting to warn the crew against trying to escape and vows to stop anyone who tries to put the Nautilus in danger.

Youngblood informs Crawley a sighting of the Nautilus was reported in the Gulf of Kutch. Crawley says the Dreadnought can go faster. Crawley warns against it. Crawley agrees to let him try to intercept the Nautilus before it reaches the open sea. Pitt refuses to leave his cabin. Captain Billy Millais (Luke Arnold) stares at a school photo of boys dressed in white uniforms. Aboard the Nautilus, Nemo scolds Humility for going back on her promise to stay. She nonchalantly reminds him of her saving his life before asking if Benoit knows his plan for the Nautilus. She vows to succeed the next time. He vows to toss her into the sea if she puts the Nautilus in danger. She refuses to explain why she didn’t stay with her own people.

Over dinner, Pitt tells Youngblood and Crawley about his fiancé, Humility. Youngblood says she was on board his ship when he came under fire and sank. Pitt accuses him of allowing the escaped prisoners to take Humility. Youngblood admits to failing her. Millais asks Youngblood’s opinion of Nemo. Youngblood describes him as a ruthless, savage, and reckless but brave. Pitt says regardless, he will kill him. Aboard the Nautilus, Humility refuses to remain at the dining table while Jagadish and Ranbir eat with their hands. Kai claims someone is stealing the biscuits. Benoit claims the Company lied about how the Nautilus would be put to use. Blaster is intrigued with the weapon system that utilizes compressed air to fire torpedoes.

Benoit tells Humility that the Nautilus is just as much his work. She questions why they picked that name. Benoit believes that’s for Nemo to tell. When Benoit discovered the company’s true intentions, Nemo convinced him to finish the ship and escape with it. Humility says Nemo betrayed him after that. Benoit believes Nemo has reasons for being the way he is. Loti returns. Blaster talks to Boniface about Jiacomo. Kai interrupts to accuse Blaster of stealing from the galley. After Blaster denies it, Kai blames Archie and threatens the dog. He winks at Boniface who realizes he won’t eat the dog. In private, Blaster tells Archie they need to stay up and find out who stole the biscuits.

Benoit spots a whaler nearby. He argues that they should do something, but the others are worried about being caught by the company. Humility thinks they should help them as well. Nemo agrees and orders them to bring the submarine to the surface. Once they reach the surface, Nemo jumps on top of the whale and tries to cut the rope. One of the whalers fires a rifle at him. Jiacomo fires back at the man. Nemo successfully cuts the rope and pulls out the harpoon. He returns to the submarine only to learn the whalers have the calf. They confront the whalers are tell them to release the calf. Nemo asks how much they’ll take for the whale. He gives them Humility’s bracelet and the whalers agree to let the whale go. Back inside, Humility complains about Nemo’s actions.

She says the bracelet was a gift from her father who is dead. Nemo apologizes. When Blaster falls asleep, Archie chases a mouse. Blaster wakes up in the morning and finds out that something made it past him. Boniface spots the dreadnought. Ranbir worries that they’ll be destroyed. Jagadish complains that they saved the whales while the crew should be the priority. Nemo arrives and finds out what’s going on. He believes they can escape if they work together. Once they get the treasure, they can buy power and anonymity to protect themselves. Everyone returns to their stations. Benoit and Humility head to the engine room. Youngblood and Billy see the waves and realize the submarine dove. Haris tries to listen for the submarine but he hears nothing.

Nemo orders the crew to shut up the dog. Haris hears it barking. Crawley tells his men to use the underwater bombs. He’d rather destroy it than let them have it. Pitt doesn’t want to take that risk. He threatens to end Crawley’s career. A soldier pulls a gun on Pitt to stop him. Youngblood tells the crew to ready the bombs. Blaster tries to find Archie so he can keep him quiet. One bomb is dropped into the water. Once Blaster finds Archie, the bomb explodes nearby causing the submarine to sway. Billy knows Nemo will dive deeper. They set the next fuses to 65 fathoms. Nemo tells the crew to go all the way down. More bombs are dropped. The submarine is impacted before it touches the bottom at 98 fathoms. Youngblood asks for 100 fathoms.

Another bomb is dropped. Haris says they exploded at approximately 90 fathoms. They either hit the Nautilus or imploded. Nemo’s crew realizes they’re too far away from them. Blaster checks on Archie who leads him to Cuff. He immediately grabs Blaster and tells him to stay quiet.


Nautilus Review

The episode has much to do about nothing and adds little to the story. Too many implausible scenes to make the show look genuine. It’s understandable why Disney chose to utilize AI but for the 1800s setting, the attempt was a complete failure.

The direction of Nemo and Humility’s relationship is obvious. The one-liners are few and far between but corny and flat, nonetheless. Pitt’s reflection in the mirror looks ridiculously fake.

Although Nautilus isn’t another yet detective drama, it is still fairly formulaic. The series is becoming repetitive with the crew constantly running into one more problem and finding one more solution. The encounter with the whalers wasn’t as thrilling as it could’ve been possibly because it didn’t make sense.

Due to the formulaic nature of the writing, there’s a sense of predictability in each scene. The crew is never in any real danger because there is yet another episode. One of the minor characters may die at some point because that’s the safest option. Otherwise, it’s easy to know exactly what to expect.

While the cast is normally reliable, many of the performances aren’t compelling. A few are better than others, including Jacob Collins-Levy, Luke Arnold, and Thierry Fremont. Besides an occasional moment, Nemo is usually overshadowed by one of his crew members. Even then, there isn’t a single character to cheer for.

The crew has escaped another perilous situation just so they can encounter another in the next. The episode scores a 4.5 out of 10. Get more Nautilus recaps here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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