Nautilus Series 1 Episode 10 Finale Recap

Bruce Spence Nautilus AMC

The episode opens with Nemo Dakkar (Shazad Latif) warning his crew that Director Crawley (Damien Garvey) is expecting an attack and the Company’s troops are on guard. The Dreadnought, along with Lord Algernon Pitt (Cameron Cuffe), has returned to London. Nemo sends his crew to the docks to start a rumor about the Company facing trouble. Ranbir (Ashan Kumar) tells a group of people about the Karajaan revolt. A shoeshine man informs Mr. Aise (Rob Horton) of the troubled Company. Elsewhere, Hopkins (Wayne Bassett) shows Crawley the Company’s falling stock price. Crawley stresses the need to stop the media from finding out. Ranbir continues to spread rumors. The shoeshine man urges Aise to dump his shares and leave London. Company President (Bruce Spence) drops a newspaper on Crawley’s desk and says fortunes are being lost. He demands answers. Crawley claims Nemo is trying to cause chaos. Irate, the President says it’s working.

Humility Lucas (Georgia Flood) emerges from the London Library of Public Records with an armload of documents. She hands them to Nemo before climbing aboard a candle wagon. Nemo stresses the need to obtain shares from the Company’s three main shareholders – Jericho Baker (Don Bridges, Dr. Ambrose Skin (Nicholas Hope), and Lord Pitt. Loti (Celine Menville), Suyin (Ling Cooper Tang), Blaster (Kayden Price), and Turan (Arlo Green) steal clothes that will be utilized as part of their disguise.

Frantic, The Company President demands Crawley to stop Nemo. Crawley suggests calling the shareholders together to debunk the rumors and convince them that the Company is too big to fail. Elsewhere, Nemo tells his crew that a shareholders meeting is scheduled for 7pm. They have three hours to recover Pitt, Bridges, and Skin’s shares. He wants everyone at the meeting place by 6:45pm. Everyone leaves to set their plan in action.

Crawley informs Captain Billy Millais (Luke Arnold) of Nemo causing chaos among the shareholders. Billy reminds him that he warned him. Crawley claims it was part of his plan to have Nemo bring the Nautilus to London. Billy calls him stupid and a fool. Irate, Crawley says he is supposed to be protecting the Company, not keeping Nemo from learning his “dirty little secrets.” Crawley plays down Nemo’s threat. Billy plans to stop Nemo from finishing what he started. Elsewhere, Humility surprises her mother, Jaqueline Lucas (Caroline Goodall), with a visit. She asks for her help. At the Reform Club, Nemo, utilizing the alias, Nawab, meets with Cornelius Fogg (Alexander England).

EIMC Asylum – Jiacomo (Andrew Shaw) and Boniface (Pacharo Mzembe) take down two guards. Back at the Reform Club, Nemo shows Cornelius a deed for a mine that he claims produces large, clear diamonds. At a nearby table, Baker sees Nemo give Cornelius a large diamond. Cornelius asks why he wants to sell the mind. Nemo claims to have plans to return to India but first, he needs to make good on his debt. Elsewhere, Jaqueline tells Pitt that Humility is ready to marry him now. Pitt sarcastically asks if she has learned some humility. Back at the Reform Club, Nemo tells Cornelius that the diamond mind is valued at 500,000 pounds. After a bit of back and forth, Cornelius offers him 75,000 pounds for the diamond mine.

EIMC Asylum, Skin finds Boniface and Jiacomo in his office. Utilizing a foreign language, Skin and Jiacomo have a conversation. Boniface pulls him out of the room and they flee with Skin’s shares. Back at the Reform Club, Baker intrudes to offer Nemo 300,000 pounds for his diamond mine. Cornelius offers him 200,000 pounds. Nemo accepts Baker’s offer. Irate, Cornelius races out of the room. Baker offers to pay Nemo in Company shares. They shake hands on it. Elsewhere, Humility and Jaqueline haggle with Pitt. Back at the asylum, Jiacomo and Boniface find Edward Cuff (Benedict Hardie) has left them. Jiacomo agrees to give himself up. Boniface reluctantly agrees before scaling over a wall. Jiacomo fights with several guards until he allows them to restrain him.

Cornelius is waiting for Nemo when he emerges from the Reform Club. Nemo embraces and thanks him for his help. Cornelius says he traded a worthless diamond mine for worthless Company shares. Nemo rejoins the others. Boniface arrives with Skin’s shares. Kai (Tyrone Ngatai) insists on rescuing Jiacomo. Boniface says Dr. Skin and Jiacomo spoke in the same language. Elsewhere, Pitt demands Loti to be released from her duties. Humility agrees. He starts to endorse the marriage contract.

Billy asks forces an Indian man to tell him where to find Ranbir. The place is deserted with only the East India Company asset map, sketches of the main shareholders, and newspaper clippings left. Elsewhere, Captain Youngblood (Jacob Collins-Levy) watches a disruption outside the shareholders meeting. Nemo and his crew join the meeting. Irate shareholders protest loudly as the meeting is called to order. The President’s voice is drowned out by all the noise. Crawley gets the shareholders’ attention and assures them that the stock market is not in decline. He says their money is secure. Nemo steps forward. The President orders his arrest but Crawley intervenes. Nemo claims to be a shareholder. The room fills with laughs. Nemo presents Crawley with a bundle of shares. One by one, the Nautilus crew presents their shares to the Company. Nemo announces they own the biggest stake in the Company. Pitt argues that the main shareholders own 50% of the Company shares. Humility and Loti arrive and remove their disguises. Pitt identifies her as his wife. Nemo stares at him. Holding up a document, Humility says Pitt signed his shares over to her. Pitt claims to have believed he was signing a marriage contract. Crawley calls him an imbecile and insists the prisoners have poisoned her mind. Major shareholders vote to have the Chairman of the board removed and Nemo to replace him. Crawley orders them all killed. Youngblood warns Crawley that he will be executed for their murder. Crawley demands to know what he is doing. Youngblood says protecting the President and major shareholders.

Nemo accuses the President and Crawley of risking its own troops to steal kingdoms all over the world. He calls for the Company’s dissolution and releases the soldiers from their duty. Youngblood places his gun on the table. Humility tells him that he is a good man. One by one, the soldiers render their weapons. Grabbing Youngblood’s gun, Crawley points it at Nemo. Humility warns him. Nemo and Crawley fire at each other simultaneously. Kai and Boniface apprehend Crawley. Pitt fights through the crowd toward the exit. Nemo and Humility kiss before forcing Crawley to sign an Order of Discharge to release all the Kalpani prisoners, employees, and future taxation. Suyin sends a telegraph to Kalpani.

Nemo and his crew prepare to burn all the documents in the Company vault. He discovers a stone like the one Benoit (Thierry Freemont) had. Before burning the documents, Nemo dedicates their success to Benoit and Jagadish (Chum Ehelepola). Boniface gives Nemo an intelligence file with his father’s name on it. Nemo tosses it into the fire before warning Humility against going with them. She wants to go with him but he refuses to take her. Seeing a photo of Renouka (Shabana Azeez) and Mya (Samara Wheeler), he snatches the burning file out of the fire. Billy’s signature is on the order. Billy enters the burning vault. Irate, Nemo accuses him of killing his family. A duel ensues and ends with Nemo deciding against killing Billy. He says Dakkar is dead, he is Nemo. The crew boards a wagon. Loti goes back to look for Humility who has been abducted by Pitt. Nemo informs Ranbir that Humility will not join them. Kai refuses to leave Loti. Nemo says she will meet them at the bridge. Pitt takes Humility back to his house and sends for the vicar. When Humility arrives, Pitt fires a shot at her but misses. A fight ensues.

Youngblood informs the troops of his plan to return the Dreadnought to the Royal Navy in Greenwich. They toast their freedom. Crawley arrives and orders them to stop the prisoners from leaving London. Elsewhere, Pitt gets stabbed in the foot. Humility punches him in the face. Holding hands, Loti and Humility race toward the Nautilus. Aboard the Dreadnought, Crawley and Youngblood are alerted of a sea monster which turns out to be the Nautilus. Crawley threatens to shoot Mr. Haris (Socratis Otto) if Youngblood doesn’t stop the Nautilus from leaving. Youngblood gives the order. Aboard the Nautilus, Nemo yells full speed ahead. Boniface veers away from the Dreadnought but some contact is made. They come under fire. Nemo and his crew work to collapse the bridge. Youngblood grabs Crawley’s gun to keep him from shooting Blaster. The gun misfires and hits Youngblood in the stomach. Crawley orders a soldier to fire. A shot causes Blaster to lose his balance, leaving him dangling from a tether. As the fuse burns, Ranbir works to rescue Blaster. Haris smiles as the Nautilus reaches the bridge. Youngblood dies. Ranbir and Blaster drop from the bridge before it explodes. Crawley stares in awe.

Nemo and his crew celebrate their success. The crew isn’t keen on leaving Humility and Loti. Boniface says now that the Company has been dissolved, the entire British empire will come after them. Loti and Humility arrive too late and decide to do whatever they want together. Elsewhere, Cuff stabs Crawley to death and confiscates the Nautilus’ blueprints. Aboard the Nautilus, Nemo places the stone from the Company vault and Benoit’s stone together. They light up. Holding one of the stones, he has a flashback of Benoit. Elsewhere, Lord Parmoor (Lukas Whiting) is holding one of the lighted stones and insists it is a sign that the Atlantis is real. He tells Cuff that they need to find it before anyone else. A servant informs them that the Nautilus is nowhere to be found. Parmoor says they can utilize the blueprints to build another submarine.

Nemo tells his crew that Benoit may be alive and they need to find him. The episode ends.


Nautilus Review

Throughout the series, screen time was dedicated to futile feats only to result in a rushed, unfulfilling finale. By this point, most viewers will be glad to see the Nautilus and its crew put to rest once and for all.

Disney obviously planned a second season, dedicated to finding the Atlantis and Benoit. While the odds are low, it is possible AMC will commission a season two. AMC failed to promote the series to ensure its success. If anyone remembers, AMC pushed The Walking Dead well past its prime.

It’s impossible to think less than a dozen people could conquer a powerful corporation like the East India Company. Nemo’s scheme would have resulted in hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths. Not to mention, it would have surely failed. The finale deserves a 4.5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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