Madam Series 1 Episode 7 Recap

Mack Madam ThreeNow Three

Episode 7 begins with Mack/McKenzie Leigh (Rachel Griffiths) and Lima (Robbie Magasiva) trying to tell Toby (Quinn Ashton) and Noam Leigh (Angus Stevens) about their recent hanging out. The meeting is just as brief as it is awkward and ends with Toby and Noam simply walking out. Mack’s similar meeting with the Sweetheart’s staff doesn’t go much better but is also sidelined when Mack realizes both Tui (Ariana Osborne) and Lolly (Florence Hartigan) are missing. Lolly appears to be on bereavement leave due to her failed relationship while no one has heard from Tui.

Mack’s search for Tui eventually leads her to Tui’s mother, Helz where things only get stranger. As Mack learns about Helz’s affinity for younger men, some of the girls at Sweethearts debate the probabilities of period syncing. Cherry (Gemma-Jayde Naidoo) appears to believe it is nothing more than a myth while Deziyah (Danielle Cormack) and Jaz (Johanna Cosgrove) appear to be more believing. A later encounter with one of Fiyah (Eden Hart) and Jaz’s clients suggests that period syncing might be more than a myth. Despite this, Cherry and Jules Varma (Rima Te Waita) continue to have their doubts.

Once Amethyst (Moana Johnson) realizes she’s a week behind her regular cycle, she begins to seek other explanations. She soon begins to suspect she might be pregnant and discusses this with Goldie (Carmel McGlone), who turns out to be incredibly insightful and maternal. Things don’t appear to be going much better for Mack when she receives a mysterious phone call that leads to her picking up Noam at a local pub. He doesn’t appear to be drunk, but he has phoned Rob Leigh (Martin Henderson) for a ride. He shows up seconds after Mack arrives.

Despite their predicament and Rob’s use of irony, the ensuing discussion is fairly cordial. He even appears genuine when he later apologizes. Things take an unexpected turn for Deziyah when she experiences an emotional break during a session with a repeat customer. He isn’t so polite about the lapse. By this time, Mack has not only managed to track Tui to a hotel but she’s convinced her to return home with her.

With the emotions now spiraling out of control back at Sweethearts base things aren’t going go. Jaz is feeling sorry for herself, Deziyah has transformed into an even harsher bi*ch than normal, and Amethyst has undertaken some kind of purification spell with sage and the works. Although Mack eventually shows up, it only leads to a bit more bickering about who’s responsible for buying tampons and sponges. There is one major plus during this brief encounter: Amethyst gets her period.

With everything seemingly settled at Sweethearts, Mack returns home to seek out Lima. This conversation goes much better and less awkward when she says the only way for them to find out what they are is by going inside and pursuing it.

The episode ends with Deziyah taking her ailing cat to a doctor friend, Doctor Henley (Keporah Torrance), who doesn’t actually appear to be a vet. All she can tell her about the cat is that it has asthma. As for Deziyah, she wasn’t on her period at all, she was pregnant. It appears that she couldn’t be happier with the discovery. This is practically where the episode ends.


Madam Review

I’ve always found the period syncing incredibly interesting. Being of the male persuasion, I can’t say how true it is, but it does make sense. Either way, this was a pretty decent episode. I liked all the emotional spatting and Mack’s vindication with Tui and the other girls. It was also nice once again to get to see a bit of Martin Henderson, even as brief as his and Mack’s encounter was. Some interesting things are happening now that Sharon has been backed away and I for one cannot wait to see where the series goes from here. Episode 7 gets a solid 5.2 out of 10.

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