Lost Boys & Fairies Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

Andy Lost Boys & Fairies BBC1

We’re All Just Children – As the episode opens, Gabriel “Gabe” (Sion Daniel Young) and Andy (Fra Free) prepare for Jackie’s (Elizabeth Berrington) arrival. With everything done, they kiss when the doorbell rings. A short time later, they are explaining why they are interested in adoption. Andy, an accountant, says eight years into their relationship, it is the natural thing to do. Gabe is not keen on the idea of marriage. Believing boys are problematic, they prefer a girl. Jackie urges them to wait before making their final decision. While Gabe doesn’t classify as a drag queen, he sings in drag at Neverland. Jackie provides tips on how to babyproof their home and suggests upsizing their vehicle. Gabe claims to have had a happy childhood. His mother was loving and his father, Emrys (William Thomas) was big into religion. He says his mother died when he was very young but he has little memory of it.

Gabe feels Jackie is judging him. Andy assures him that she is just doing her job. They are not telling her everything. In a flashback, young Gabe (Arthur Sion Evans) puts on his mother’s dress. Emrys spanks him when he finds out. Gabe found refuge in music. Back to the present, Gabe tells Jackie that Emrys doesn’t know yet but he will surely be delighted. In a flashback, teenage Gabriel (Dylan Malyn) masturbates to a guy on TV. During a bus ride, he gives a handjob to the boy sitting next to him. He prays to not be gay and imagines a visit from the devil. Back to the present, Gabe says Emrys struggled with him being gay. He lies to Jackie about being bullied. He was a promiscuous teenager, experimented with drugs, and dropped out of music school. Neverland drew him back to Cardiff.

In a flashback, Andy asks Gabe if he can kiss him. Gabe is taken aback because it was the first time for him. In the present, he says the kiss saved him. He believes a child will break up the monotony of his life and make him a better person. Later, Gabe tells Andy that a special needs child could complicate their life. Jackie urges them to meet with the birth parents. Gabe is hesitant but he goes along with it. Sandra (Maria Doyle Kennedy) praises Gabe for what he has done for Andy.

Gabe calls Emrys to tell him about their decision to adopt. Stunned, Emrys says it is not a good idea. Andy believes Emrys would see things differently if he was educated. When Gabe disagrees, Jackie suggests he is projecting his anxieties onto Emrys because it is what he was taught when he was young. Gabe vows to make sure their child is proud of what they become. He tells her about his past drug problem. Later, Andy fears the revelation will disqualify them from adopting. Gabe attributes his recovery to Andy’s paying for his therapy. Andy pressures Gabe into adopting.

Jackie reassures Gabe and Andy that they still have a chance. Gabe’s therapist, Sharon says Gabe controls his compulsions and believes he will make a great parent. Jackie asks if they want to continue forward. Andy breaks down weeping. Their next step is to meet with the children.

Andy and Gabe try to convince Emrys to see their adoption differently. From Gabe’s behavior, Emrys assumed he had cancer. Gabe pleads with him. Emrys assures them that he won’t say no but believes it is important for a child to have a mother. Andy disagrees. Upon returning home, Andy and Gabe have sex.

Gabe and Andy chose a Superman t-shirt for Adoption Activity Day. A lesbian couple wears the same t-shirt. Hazel is dressed as Fairy Godmother (Shelley Rees) and her husband as Prince Charming (Richard Nichols). Daniel (Chris Hoskins) urges the couples to consider all the children, not just one. At 10:30am, Andy and Gabe remain in their seats while the other couples fight to see who will meet the children first. Andy greets Ezmie (Nell Sutton) who is visually impaired. Gabe immediately begins a conversation with her. They hit it off without a hitch. A short time later, Andy tells Gabe that he is impressed. Gabe says there is no pressure because he knew they would never adopt her. Later, Andy and Gabe try to get to know Tasmin but she refuses to talk to them. They are having an intimate conversation when Jake (Leo Harris) emerges from under the bench. Jake asks if they are gay and describes their kiss as “disgusting.” Discovering they don’t have any sweets, he suggests bringing some the next time. He calls Hazel a “massive twat” before leaving. Gabe and Andy are terrified Jake will tell someone about their discussion. Jackie laughs it off and insists they meet him.

Claire (Sharon D. Clarke) jokes to make Gabe and Andy feel comfortable. She boasts of Jake’s accomplishments. She claims he was terrified of men but eventually warmed up to her husband, Malcolm (Huw Davies). She says he needs love. Andy apologizes about earlier. Claire stresses the need for children to see what real love looks like. As Gabe and Andy are pulling out of the parking lot, Jake gives them a thumbs-up.

Gabe and Andy read Jake’s case file. Claire has helped him work through his fears, trust issues, and anger. His parents have a volatile relationship. Social services eventually removes him from the home. Andy weeps while Gabe holds his hand. He wants to adopt Jake but Gabe isn’t ready to commit. The episode ends.


Lost Boys & Fairies Synopsis

Gabe who had a troubled childhood finds solace in Andy. Eight years into their relationship, Andy is ready to move forward with adoption. Gabe is not sold on the idea but in fear of losing Andy, he is willing to go along with it. Their idea of the “perfect child” is much different in reality.

Gabe is tasked with convincing his stickler father, Emrys, that gay couples make good adoptive parents.


Lost Boys & Fairies Review

The premise is interesting but the execution falls short. The constant time jumps and scene changes are intrusive. Flow is a crucial element of storytelling which is lacking here. Time restraints are always at the forefront of any production projection. Since the show focuses predominantly on Gabe, it may have been more effective to start with his mother’s death and move forward at a moderate pace. Scenes could have been omitted to eliminate time restraints. A brief mention of Gabe’s promiscuous adolescence would have been sufficient. The scenes with him having sex with random boys and men went too far.

There are no hidden agendas like in most modern shows. The show has no qualms in making the audience sympathetic to homosexuality.

The dialogue is at times cringeworthy and over-the-top. The story is heartbreaking but could have been told many ways better. The episode deserves a 6.5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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