Land Of Women Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

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Land of Women season1 episode 1 recap

Chapter 1 – The episode opens inside a boutique in New York City. Gala Scott (Eva Longoria) straps bundles of $100 bills around her waist before putting on a dress. She blames her husband, Fred Scott for turning her life upside down. She complains about ordering a new dress that turned out to be made of leather. Gala believes she is having a midlife crisis. A woman (Diana Maria Riva) disagrees because she isn’t tripping over her nipples. She tells Gala about her impending date with Roberto who is actually Ronaldo. A short time later, Gala and Fred are en route to their house when he remembers leaving something at his office. He promises to be at the opening of her new wine shop around 8:15pm.

Gala Scott’s Fine Wine Shop – Gala becomes concerned when Fred is late. Kevin (Amaury Nolasco) and Hank (Jim Kitson) claim Fred owes them $15m. She denies any knowledge of the debt. They threaten to pay Kate Scott (Victoria Bazua) a visit if Fred’s debt isn’t paid in 24 hours. Gala later returns home to find the safe open and Fred’s clothes gone. Within minutes, Fred arrives home and confirms Kevin’s story. He says they will kill him if he stays and urges her to leave New York with Kate and her mother. He promises to find them later before leaving.

Gala learns her bank account has been closed. She has a diamond necklace appraised to learn it is worthless. The appraiser offers her $50k for her jewelry. She refuses to sell her wedding ring. After strapping the cash to her waist, Gala calls Kate to tell her that they are going on a girl’s trip. Seeing Kevin outside, she grabs her luggage and rushes to the parking garage. He sees her speeding away and reaches out to grab her vehicle. She hits him but doesn’t stop until she reaches Calm Lake senior care facility. Julia (Carmen Maura) and a male resident are trading drugs when Gala approaches. A short time later, Gala stuffs Julia’s clothes into a bag. Julia boasts of being the prettiest girl in La Muga, a small town with few visitors. She still owns a house there. Gala decides it would be a great place to hide out. Julia bargains for alcoholic beverages that she can have on the plane.

Kate and Maggie (Layna Sheppard) are kissing when Gala pulls up in front of the school. Gala admits Maggie isn’t her choice of a girlfriend for Kate. She tells Kate that Julia wants them to see where she grew up. Kate asks if the trip can be delayed. Gala claims Julia is unwell. Kate looks out the window to see her grandmother talking to a guy. Desperate to convince Kate to go on the trip, Gala says it is Julia’s dying wish.

Gala, Kate, and Julia pass security at the airport. Later, they are on the plane. After ensuring Julia is comfortable, Kate assures her that she is there for her and loves her. When the flight attendant delivers Julia a whiskey, Gala reminds her of their deal. Kate intervenes because she only wants her to be happy.

Barcelona – At the car rental, Gala’s credit cards are declined and cash is not accepted. She tries to bribe Manuel (Aimar Vega) with a $100 bill but he declines. She acquires a vehicle with a manual transmission from a man. Struggling to get accustomed to the stick shift, she pulls up in front of the airport. Kate and her mother reluctantly get into the vehicle. By the time they reach Girona, Gala has mastered the stick shift. Kate sends Fred a text to update him on their location but his phone is off. Gala insists she stays off her phone during their girl’s trip. Kate refuses. Gala grabs for the phone and veers off the road. She retrieves the phone and tosses it out the window. Kate complains that the phone is new and demands she turn around. Gala promises to replace it.

After some convincing, Gala gets Julia the directions to La Muga from Julia. Kate is arguing about her phone when Gala rams into a trailer filled with grapes that fall into a ravine. The driver, Amat (Santiago Cabrera) is irate and demands compensation for the damage. She claims to have no cash. He asks to see her insurance papers. She gets in the car and starts to drive away when she sees Julia is gone. Julia takes a dip in a familiar river. In a flashback, young Mariona warns her against skinny-dipping in the river. Julia casually invites Mariona to join her. Young Andreu pops up out of the water. Julia exposes her breasts to a group of locals. Back to the present, she believes Gala is Mariona. She pulls Kate and Gala in when they try to help her out. Gala laughs until she sees her money floating in the water. She hurriedly retrieves the money and conceals it in Kate’s jacket. Amat claims to have thought they fled. Inside the car, Gala stuffs the money into a bag and tries the engine to no avail. He informs them that La Muga is in the opposite direction. Gala gives Julia a stern look. Julia attributes it to jet lag.

Amet, Kate, Julia, and Gala cram into the tractor. En route to town, Gala says they spent nine years in Mexico and now live in New York. Looking at a 1978 photo of Julia and Mariona standing in front of the Xatart House, Amet claims to have acquired the house from Mariona a few years ago. Gala says Julia and Mariona owned the house together. He drops them off at the road. They walk to Mariona’s place in the pouring rain. Mariona opens the door, sees Julia, and slams the door in their faces. Gala bangs on the door. In town, Amet informs Nalda and a group of women that Americans hit the trailer and ruined the grapes. The women demand the Americans pay for the damage. He tells them that one of the women is Marona’s sister. The women are shocked and angry.

Julia, Kate, and Gala find the town deserted. Julia is shocked when she learns Gala told Kate that she was dying. Gala says they are broke because of Fred’s bad investments. She assures Kate that Fred is fine. Julia and Kate promise everything will be all right. Catalina is working outside the guest house when they approach. Julia calls her a “witch” and says she dislikes her. The woman identifies herself as Montse and says her mother, Catalina died last year. A short time later, they arrive at the Xatart House to find Amet gone. They have showers and are eating when Amet arrives. They lock him out. Gala says he purchased the house illegally. He calls the police. Seeing Julia, Andreu (Pep Anton Munoz) suggests resolving the issue peacefully. Gala demands Amet leave. Quintanilla (Artur Busquets) says they will need to come to the police station. Julia is thrilled and goes in to retrieve her bag when she recalls a place where she used to hide her money.

Kate, Gala, and Julia are behind bars. Julia tells Gala that she hid her money in a safe place. Kate sarcastically says she is having a great time. Gala promises to find a way to get them out of jail. Kate utilizes her one phone call to update Maggie on their situation. Maggie receives a visit from Kevin and Hank. The episode ends.


Land Of Women Synopsis

Gala is on top of the world as she prepares to celebrate the opening of her own wine shop. Her world falls apart when Kevin and Hank show up demanding the $15m that Fred owes them. Fred skips town and suggests Gala do the same. Gala sells her jewelry for $50k and flees to La Muga where her mother, Julia grew up. Kate and Julia believe they are on a girl’s trip until Gala’s $50k surfaces.

Julia has quite a reputation in La Muga. Their plan to stay at Julia and Mariona’s house is foiled when they discover it was sold to Amet. Gala insists he acquired the house illegally because Julia never signed the deed. Her refusal to leave peacefully lands them behind bars.


Land Of Women Review

The writing is weak and cliché. Without character development, it is difficult to build chemistry with the characters. The pace is too fast to absorb everything that is going on. There is no backstory. It is easy to become disengaged from the story.

Viewers are given no reason to care about any of the characters or stick around to finish the season. As the dialogue switches quite frequently from English to Spanish, it may be necessary to read the subtitles.

The acting is not always believable. The camerawork is decent. The pilot deserves a 4.5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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