KIN Series 2 Episode 5 Recap

The episode picks up immediately with Eric “Vikings Kinsella and Isaac “Kem” Kemela (Ryan Lincoln) en route to surveil the compound where Glen Wright (Ben Carolan) is hiding out. On the way, Kem talks Viking into stopping at a food truck and treating them to a snack. The stop doesn’t take long, but it gives Kem enough time to say he respects Anthony Kinsella’s (Mark McKenna Jr.) desire to learn more about the family business. He even offers to provide advice when and where he can. The trip takes another detour when Vikining stops under the guise of retrieving a weapon. Once they stop Viking does retrieve a pistol from the boot of the vehicle, but uses it to force Kem into the woods and execute him. Viking does give Kem a chance to explain his betrayal but it doesn’t change the outcome. After retrieving Kem’s phone and SIM card, he returns to the vehicle to find Anthony readying it to be burnt.

Michael Kinsella (Charlie Cox) phones the pharmacy to ask Molly (Danielle Galligan) out under the guise of thanking her for offering the yoga/meditation class to help combat his stress. She agrees to a drink after her shift. Jimmy Kinsella (Emmett J. Scanlan) still can’t reach Anthony and leaves another voice message before he returns home to be accosted by Amanda Kinsella (Clare Dunne) over him sharing Kem’s betrayal with Bren Kinsella (Francis Magee). The dispute ends with Amanda claiming she can’t share a home with someone she doesn’t trust and demands he move out.

Elsewhere, Viking and Anthony dispose of the last of Kem’s belongings in a public dumpster. While doing so Viking also counsels Anthony on what to say if the cops question him.

Amanda meets with Rory Hayes’ (Cathal Pendred) nephew, Shane, during his shift at the bowling alley. She pays him for the intel and surveillance photos he shares on Nuray Batuk (Oyku KKarayel) and Hazim Aktas (Haydar Koyel).

Once Viking reports his and Anthony’s success, Bren praises his work and tells him to spend the next few days with Nikita “Nikki” Murphy (Yasmin Seky).

Michael’s date with Molly doesn’t start as expected but ends with them returning to his apartment to make out.

Amanda returns home to wish Anthony a good night while Jimmy shares a drink with Bren at the Furry Bog.

Later that night Viking appears to struggle with killing Kem but wakes the next morning like an entirely different person. He even manages to comfort Nikki’s concerns over the hit and talks her into a shopping trip.

A frantic Jess Duggan (Shauna Higgins) shows up at the crime scene looking for answers from Paul Breslin (David Herlihy). He hesitantly shares the truth with her before trying to find out what he knows.

Dan Murphy (Donncha Tynan) arrives with a small shaving kit to pick up Frank Kinsella (Aidan Gillen) but he comes outside in his bathrobe and appears to only be interested in the shaving bag Dan has brought alone. After dismissing Dan, the bag is revealed to contain several bottles of prescription pills.

Amanda visits Michael to share the intel and surveillance photos she got from Shane. As he scrolls through the photos, he provides a short bio but stops when he arrives at a shot of Nellie Wright (Deidre Molloy). He eventually reveals her to be the mother of Jamie Kinsella (Cian Fitzsimons) murderer. Amanda says she hates to admit it but claims that Bren’s assumptions about the Batuk bleeding then dry are likely accurate. Michael encourages her to make any rash decisions and promises to look into it further.

While shopping with Nikki and using his phone, Viking attempts to learn what the cops know about Kem. Nikki quickly points out that if he’s arrested his search history is the first thing they’ll check. He claims he always looks at the local cases but puts his phone away.

Detective Breslin questions Jess in a  more formal setting at the police station, while occasionally ensuring she is made aware of her rights. Michael visits Gary Mahor (Eddie Jackson) at the reptile shop and scares him into luring Eddie Lucas (Aaron Katambay) to the shop.

Birdy is surprised to return home after grocery shopping to find Bren and Jimmy in the kitchen. Bren immediately bombards her with questions about where she’s been before revealing that Jimmy and Amanda are having problems. She tells Bren that she’s been grocery shopping and offers Jimmy a hot shower, which he accepts. In Jimmy’s absence, Dan arrives to express his concerns for Frank. Both Birdy and Bren thank him and assure him they’ll speak with him without revealing Dan’s betrayal. Bren immediately begins demeaning Frank and making veiled threats while Birdy does her best to plead a case for him.

It doesn’t take Eddie long to realize Gary’s betrayal when he finds Michael waiting for him at the reptile shop. Gary is forced to go outside for a smoke while Michael negotiates with Eddie to share his meeting with the Turks.

Elsewhere, Nellie shares the details of Eddie’s meeting with several other members of the Wright Family. Once Glen questions whether or not they can trust the Turks, Nellie says that it is no longer about trust. It’s just a matter of time before the Kinsella retaliate for killing Jamie and this is a prime opportunity to not only strike first but get paid for doing so.

Amanda is right in the middle of a news report on Kem’s death when Bren arrives to pick up clothes for Jimmy. When he fails to bait her into an argument by asking about Rory, he uses Anthony’s involvement in Kem’s murder.

As soon as Viking and Nikki return shopping trip, several marked and unmarked police vehicles speed into the driveway with their lights blaring. Viking immediately recognizes the fear on Nikki’s face and tries to calm her while also directing her to reach out to family attorney, Donal Crehan (Paul Tylak). They are both surprised, however, when it is Nikki who gets arrested for soliciting murder.


KIN Review

Very interesting ending! I certainly cannot say that I was expecting the police to go after Nikki, although now that I think about it, I should have seen it. It’ll also be equally interesting to see if and how Viking breaks down. In my opinion, Viking is one of the far better characters, and it’s his hothead and attitude that I feel like I’m drawn to.

Kem’s death was really awesome, despite the crappy camera work. I don’t know why directors or filmmakers these days feel the need to make scenes so dark. It seems like that’s becoming and more and more common occurrence, like they are teaching it in film school or something. I like to see what I’m watching. I’d give the episode a 6.6 out of 10, but could do without the Jimmy and Amanda quarrel as well as the moping Frank. That said, Frank’s moping does open the door for what could be an incredible tale of redemption.

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  1. Hanx for the recap it was consise and accurate. However, I was not only surprised that it was Niki who was arrested but also as to the reason(s) why she was arrested. What evidence can the Garda possibly have that she was complicit in Kem’s execution?

  2. Hey Davie,

    The Garda didn’t arrest Nicki for Kem’s murder but In connection to the murder of the guy in the supermarket who was a witness which could have put Viking away for murder in series 1. Kem’s fiance was goaded by the chief inspector into remembering that Kem received payment from Nicki on behalf of Viking while he was being held awaiting trial. It’s al legit and will be made clearer as the series progresses from here.

    1. Hi James,

      Thanks for the explanation which makes perfect sense now. Because I was expecting Viking to be arrested for Kems execution and they arrested Niki I automatically thought it was for the same crime. Cheers again 👍

    2. Absolutely. The series does a good job of covering all its bases without leaving any plot holes. Thanks for adding this by the way. I’ve been out of sorts the last few days and just getting back into it.

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