Killing It Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

What You Sow – The episode begins with a photographer leading Craig Foster (Craig Robinson) through various poses. Craig pauses when he’s encouraged to use the memory of killing snakes as inspiration for a smile pose. He tells the photographer killing snakes was a horrifying experience. He was broke and needed the contest money to build his empire. While swapping lenses, the photographer adds that Craig’s snake origin story is the wildest he’s ever read. Craig says that was nothing compared to what came next.

2017 Flashback – Craig and Jillian Glopp (Claudia O’Doherty) pitch their new Saw Palmetto farm (Henry’s Farm) to a Green Bounty Organic Rep (Brendan Jennings). The rep is eager to sign. The Organics rep tells them that Saw Palmetto is huge and the men’s health market is exploding. His firm is ready to pre-purchase their entire crop. The rep hands them the contract and offers the hood of his car to write on. Craig suggests using their new office that’s hanging from a crane. As he turns to indicate the office, it crashes to the ground on its side. Using Jillian’s back as a desk he signs the contract.

Eight Months Later – In a voicemail to Isaiah Foster (Rell Battle), Craig expresses excitement to show off in front of his daughter Vanessa Foster (Jet Miller). As Craig climbs a ladder, it is revealed that the trailer is still sitting on its side. At the farm’s entrance, he watches Jillian get out of her new Kia. She compares parking the car next to the billboard to bringing a new boyfriend around an ex. He assures her that it isn’t that special. She mumbles an insult about his Tacoma before switching the subject to Vanessa. Overhearing Craig tell Jillian that Vanessa has never seen him succeed at anything before, Shayla (Melanie Field) suggests emptying the port-a-potty. He tells her it was emptied last week before claiming weekly emptying should be sufficient for 5 employees. She complains about the mixture of the smell and heat after 20 minutes. When he asks what anyone could do in a port-a-potty for that length of time, she reveals that she’s been recording the conversation. Threatening to sue for sexual harassment, Jillian promises to get it figured out. Alone, Craig questions why Jillian puts up with Shayla. She says their friends. He warns against befriending employees. He says he doesn’t want to discuss it anymore for fear that it will ruin his good mood.

Craig is headed to the office when he is approached by Natalie Ray Boone (Katie Kershaw), whose family owns Carpets Strip Club. She claims tax issues forced the club to close. After proposing a business offer, he blows her off until she reveals a handgun in her waistband.

Carpets – Entering Carpets, Craig sees Ray-Nathan Boone (Joe Massingill) standing behind a beaten and battered man. Ray complains about her bringing Craig there. She claims to have mentioned it. Craig suggests he come back later, but Ray says it’s good for him to see who he’s dealing with. Ray tells Craig that the man on center stage botched a delivery job. Pulling back a curtain, Ray reveals “Buttercup” the alligator that the family uses when drugs go missing. When the alligator fails to respond to attack commands, he blames Natalie. She admits to giving the alligator treats. The dispute ends with Jackie Boone’s (Dot-Marie Jones) arrival. Jackie explains her family used to grow saw palmetto berries on private land and sold them to supplement companies. When the government enforced growers to own the land on which the berries were grown, they were cut out of the business. She offers him a 20% cut to sell Everglades-grown berries under his Farm’s name. He informs her that he doesn’t want to risk what he’s worked so hard for and is shocked when she orders Natalie to drive him back to the farm.

Henry’s Farm – Jillian updates Craig on Vanessa’s arrival while also asking where he’s been. She claims to have tried to keep Vanessa occupied with the Kia’s Bluetooth, but she’s a tough nut to crack. Before he can respond, he has Vanessa in his arms. He confirms her question about naming the farm after Grandpa Henry. She says that’s sweet, but ‘Nessa Farms’ would have been even sweeter. Asking about Camilla (Stephanie Nogueras), he learns that she’s sitting in her air-conditioned car. Approaching the vehicle as Camilla steps out, he learns why she’s been relining in the AC. He’s shocked further when he learns that she’s receiving a $60,000 payout for acting as a surrogate. Growing frustrated, Craig asks why Camille needs money, isn’t that why she moved his daughter 3,000 miles away to Oakland? When he begins boasting about using the farm to take care of them, a Department of Agricultural agent, Johnny (Beck Bennett) shows up and updates them on the Large African Sail sightings.

He adds that this specific species not only carry a deadly strain of Meningitis, but they can destroy an entire ecosystem in 10 days. Jillian vows there are no snails on their farm but the inspector needs to verify that for himself. His announcement of the 10-mile quarantine causes a stir amongst the employees, and Jillian mistakenly promises everyone will continue to get paid no matter what. Johnny assures them the process will be expedient.

17 Days Later – Johnny reappears at Henry’s Farm and apologizes for his partner’s suicide delaying the schedule. He introduces Craig and Jillian to his new partner, Sally a snail-detecting Retriever that should speed to search along. He claims he can do the inspection right now, as long as Sally can pick up the scent. When he puts a live snail in front of Sally, she eats it and forces him to rush her to seek medical attention.

5 Days Later – His next visit comes with the news of Sally’s death. Craig wants to move the inspection forward, but Johnny tells them he’ll be taking some time off. Jillian says that healing takes time while Craig attempts to push the inspection forward, with reminders that their farm is at stake. He tells them he’ll definitely be back in a day or two.

10 Days Later – Determined to uncover the presence of snails on the farm, Craig reminds Johnny that the goal is to prove there are no snails. An impatient Craig asks to know how long the inspection will take. With a dog, Johnny says it’ll only take 3 hours. Since he accidentally killed his dog, he suspects it will take 10 hours. Although they receive the all-clear 27 hours later, they learn that the quarantine will not be lifted until all the farms in the area are cleared. Johnny tells them that Henry’s Farm was the first.

The Following Day – While pleading with the bank for a loan extension, Jillian and Craig are shocked to run into Mr. Franks (Tim Bagley), who management has recently transferred based on reports of sexual harassment. Their attempts to talk about the loan are continually interrupted by Franks’ justifications for being too nice to female co-workers. Franks denies Craig’s requests for a two-month extension, although he declares he’s been treated unfairly. Franks claims he is already on thin ice with the bank and foreclosure will begin next week.

Henry’s Farm – Craig leaves another voicemail for Isaiah, asking if he might have any idea on how to smuggle 10 pounds of berries past a military checkpoint. Before ending the message, Craig tells his brother that it would mean a lot if he just responded to his calls, even if he doesn’t have any suggestions for the berries. As Shayla once again attacks him over the smell of the port-a-potty, he comes up with a plan for smuggling the berries.

Sometime later, Craig meets with Steve Jr. (Anthony M. Bertram) and gives him two thousand dollars for the use of his sanitization truck. While giving him a basic rundown of the truck’s controls, Steve confirms that the truck’s paperwork is in order and with the triple-walled steel, dogs won’t smell a thing. Jillian assures Steve that their berries are Meningitis-free. He lets her know he doesn’t care what they do with the truck for the next for hours, as long as he’s getting his pay.

After a brief conversation with checkpoint guard Hardwick (Garrett Bales), Jillian and Craig are waved through. An upset Shayla ruins everything when she shows up at the checkpoint, wanting to know why the port-a-potty wasn’t emptied. Hardwick stops the truck and a search reveals the berries. Johnny informs them that breaking quarantine will result in the harshest penalty the state of Florida can impose, which only turns out to be $50. The berries, however, will be burned.

Carpets – Craig introduces Jillian to Jackie Boone and agrees to launder her berries while she hacks away at a pile of alligator meat. Jillian asks her if she just killed an alligator. Jackie says that she was tired of her kids fighting over it.


Killing It Review

This is not a bad series. Some of the humor could be called a bit sophomoric. It’s incredible what the producers can jam into this 28-minute window. Maybe it was because it was the premiere, but it seems like an awful lot happens within this short window. It doesn’t help that nearly every line is a joke. As far as season premieres go, it would be hard to find one that set things up more clearly. The story felt incredibly smooth with the transition from the snake hunting theme to the smuggling and farm theme. The addition of the Boone Family was enjoyable, while Shayla and Johnny already played out their welcome. All in all, I would give this episode a 5 out of 10.

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