Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

episode 5 kidnapped chloe alying

As the fifth episode of Kidnapped begins, the media learns about Chloe’s ordeal. Chloe (Nadia Parkes) and Bea (Christine Tremarco) remain inside with the media surrounding their residence outside. Chloe doesn’t think the media will leave unless she says something to them. She goes outside and reads a statement to the media. Chloe calls Phil (Adrian Edmondson) to question how the media got her name. Phil promises he hasn’t said anything. He admits he’s still in shock because Lukasz was so convincing. Phil reveals she could make a lot of money out of this since there are thousands of pounds worth of interview fees. Phil argues she needs to speak at some point and she’ll be rewarded well.

Chloe promises to call him in the morning. Then, she speaks to a Met detective (Jonathan Slinger) about Lukasz and his brother, Michal Herba. The detective admits Michal was questioned in the UK when she was released but he wasn’t arrested. He explains that Lukasz and Michal lived in England for several years. The international arrest warrant should be issued soon and he’ll be detained. The detective urges Chloe to call him if she sees anyone suspicious. Amber (Olive Gray) visits and learns Chloe has spoken to a new agency about handling the press for her. Amber believes she can make life-changing money from this although Chloe doesn’t want her life to change. Chloe admits she never wants to be dependent on anyone again.

Later, she watches a news report about her kidnapping. The media criticizes her and says she didn’t look too traumatized. Chloe speaks to Adrian (Nigel Lindsay) who calls them vultures and scumbags. Until there’s a trial, the press can use the word “allegedly” as much as they want. Chloe is adamant she’s telling the truth. Adrian says she doesn’t need to convince him, but the rest of the country needs a little massaging. He suggests pivoting her glamor career towards philanthropy as campaigning against sex trafficking. That won’t be instantly lucrative. Alternatively, Chloe can sell her story. Adrian expects offers from America. The Mail on Sunday is offering an exclusive. He thinks that’s the best way to set the record straight. Chloe asks about Phil. Adrian agrees to handle that for her when he calls.

Chloe hangs out in a nice motel room, gets her nails done, and takes a selfie. She reads the stories about her in the newspaper. Chloe tells her story to the reporters. She insists she doesn’t know why Lukasz took her, freed her, or lied about Black Death. She also doesn’t know why he didn’t kill her. Bea and Chloe find the story in The Mail. The detective returns and tells Chloe that they’ve arrested the brother. She asks if he believes her. The detective admits he does because he’s seen the evidence. That night, Bea tells her daughter she thought she was going to die. Chloe says it’s over and everything is going to be okay. Phil and Chloe are interviewed on television. Amber complains about Phil’s statements when she goes out to eat with Chloe. She asks what she’s going to do with Phil. Chloe admits she hasn’t been answering his calls.

She likes Adrian although she doesn’t like how his agency advises her what to wear. Amber assures her that nothing will happen like that again. Chloe claims she never thinks about Lukasz (Julian Swiezewski). During an interview, Chloe says she saw an empty suitcase and thought she was going to die. She was just hoping for a pain-free death. Few people have sympathy for Chloe. At a club, Amber urges Chloe to dance with her. Chloe notices that a woman is filming her. Someone claiming to be a friend admits the story sounds strange to her. In the club, someone calls her a liar. After that, Amber asks her how she slept next to Lukasz. Chloe says she thought there were more people worse than him. Amber suggests stopping the interviews if they become too much. Chloe argues something good has to come from this.

The next day, Chloe tells Adrian she’s getting messages telling her to kill herself. Adrian offers to cancel the interview with Piers Morgan next week. Chloe refuses because that would look like she had something to hide. Soon, Chloe learns that Amber spoke to the media and said she always wanted to be famous. Francesco Pesce (Lorenzo Richelmy) calls Chloe to say he has some bad news. He received documents from Lukasz and Michal’s lawyers. They’re claiming she was involved and planned it with them so she could get rich. They’re going to present articles from the tabloids as part of their defense. The prosecution has a strong case so nothing will change. Chloe was hoping the trial would clear her name. Francesco promises it will. During the interview, Chloe says she believes the newspaper headlines will change after the trial.

Piers Morgan (Robert Glenister) asks her about doing a book. He asks about the money she’s being paid. Chloe says she can’t be a model after this and it was due to her agent’s negligence that this happened. It wasn’t because of the pictures she was posting. She has to do something to make money in the meantime. Susanna Reid (Louise Delamere) says Phil has been supportive of her and said he did all the diligence. Chloe claims the media coverage doesn’t impact her because of how bad the experience was. Piers questions her about lying although she says she just brushed it off. Chloe continues receiving hurtful messages following the interview. She contemplates blocking Phil’s number and does. Amber visits and explains that a journalist wouldn’t leave her alone. Amber insists she wasn’t being critical although the headline made it look that way.

Amber believes she needs to turn her smile on if she wants people to believe her. She knows Chloe wants more than this. Amber questions why she’d punish her for wanting the same. Chloe tells her that the brothers claim she planned it with them and the world believes it. She was hoping the trial would prove she was telling the truth. Now, they can use Amber’s article to tear her character apart. Amber knows she messed up. Chloe tells her she should go.


Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story Review

The fifth episode of Kidnapped was decent although it’s hard to match the intensity of the first three. Amber’s betrayal was pretty easy to predict, but it’s pretty sad that she really expected it to be forgiven and forgotten. It’s still baffling that someone on the casting team thought Robert Glenister was a good choice to portray Piers Morgan.

The episode did a great job of showing how the media and people in general immediately jump to conclusions. Then, these people lash out on social media refusing to look at the whole picture. This really happens far too often, but it won’t change because it fuels media revenues and usually only hurts one individual.

As expected, the series has slowed towards the end. Nevertheless, the journey has been worthwhile and I’m actually eager to see how it ends. The fifth episode scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of Kidnapped can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent work at this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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