Kaos Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

Caeneus Kaos Netflix

As the episode opens, an armed Zeus (Jeff Goldblum) interrogates his ballboys about his missing watch. Seeing ball boy three (Elander Moore) looking nervous, Zeus suspects he is guilty.  The ball boy denies taking his watch. Zeus shoots him and turns his attention to ball boy two (Bob Langley) who also denies taking it and immediately blames another ball boy. Zeus shoots him. Hera (Janet McTeer) calls Poseidon (Cliff Curtis) to see if he has Zeus’ watch. Poseidon denies taking it. She stresses the need to locate the watch because Zeus has declared war. She grimaces when another ball boy is shot. She suggests he talk to Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan). Zeus’s dead ball boys pile up on the lawn. Elsewhere, Prometheus (Stephan Dillane) recalls when he was free and loved Charon (Ramon Tikaram). Charon warns against leaving him again because he may die. Prometheus kisses him. A short time later, they are lying in bed when Prometheus professes to love him and warns that Zeus will come for him. Prometheus tells Charon that he will meet someone with a unique mark in a few years and to please help them. Charon swears he will do it. Prometheus fatally stabs him in the neck. Atropos (Sam Buttery) enters the room.

Orpheus (Killian Scott) reminisces about Riddy (Aurora Perrineau) and asks if it is through the trash bins. Lachesis “Latchy” (Eddie Izzard) orders him to shut up. Anatole (Robert Emms) promises Klara (Gabby Wong) that he will bring him back. He enters the trash bin. Orpheus thanks Dionysus. They embrace. Klara urges Orpheus to stick with Anatole. Before entering the trash bin, Orpheus asks Dionysus to take care of his kitten, Dennis. Dionysus reluctantly agrees. Orpheus is telling him where the cat food is stored when Polyphemus (Joe McGann) shoves him into the trash bin. Dionysus asks Latchy to take good care of Zeus’ watch. Clotho (Che) and Atropos tease Dionysus about not telling Zeus. In the underworld, Riddy returns a pair of boots to the laundry mistress (Jenny Howe) because they do not fit her. The laundry mistress refuses to exchange them and warns her against disobeying the rules. Retrieving the boots, Riddy curses Orpheus. Orpheus makes a brutal landing and removes the bandage to find his hand healed. Anatole accuses him of taking Riddy’s coin. Orpheus says it’s the only way he and Riddy can be together again. They agree to stick together before setting out across the Styx. Caeneus (Misia Butler) scans a list of names before accessing Asphodel where he finds Fotis locked in a cage. Fotis is excited to see him. While out for a walk, Fotis whines until Caeneus removes his leash. He takes off running with Caeneus in toll.

Zeus is still killing off his ball boys.  Persephone  (Rakie Ayola) leaves him a voicemail about a soul escaping from the Nothing. Hades (David Thewlis) catches her and deletes the message. He assures her that the soul will be located and there is no need to involve Zeus. She questions how the soul escaped. He blames himself but she disagrees. Caeneus is looking for Fotis when he comes across a distraught Nax (Daniel Monks). Caeneus offers to help him through the Frame. Nax claims to have already been through it. Charon scolds Caeneus for releasing Fotis. Caeneus is going to tell Charon about Nax but he disappeared. Charon orders him to return to work. Later, Riddy joins Prue (Rosie Cavaliero), Adrian (Kurt Egyiawan), and Caeneus. She tells them that they made her a diver which she knows nothing about. Adrian says they have routines to make them feel normal. Team Brinks’ New Drivers Party is scheduled for tonight at Bar Asphodel.

Dionysus goes to Orpheus’ house to feed Dennis. Upon leaving, he decides to take the kitten with him.  A short time later, he receives a call from Poseidon asking if he took Zeus’ watch. Dionysus denies any knowledge of a watch. Poseidon meets him at the aquarium. Dionysus boasts of forcing the Fates to let a mortal into the underworld. Poseidon warns him that Zeus will destroy him and possibly all of them if a mortal helps someone escape from the underworld.  He urges him to return Zeus’ watch. Dionysus admits to giving it away. In the underworld, Hades is unable to reach Zeus, so he leaves him a voicemail about the new divers. He assures Zeus that the underworld is prepared for anything. Medusa (Debi Mazar) has the divers lined up along the beach. Caeneus tells Riddy that divers guide people through the Frame. She questions why rush to train new divers.  Pious Agatha (Susan Wooldridge) complains about not being able to swim. Riddy tells her that she is lucky and urges her to go through the Frame. Agatha sarcastically says Riddy is paying for defying the gods.  Orpheus and Anatole are preparing to jump into the water when they spot a boat. Charon reluctantly agrees to take them to the other side.  Caeneus gets anxious when he sees Hippolyta II (Selina Jones) from the bar. She suggests he couldn’t cross the Frame because he is a blasphemer. He asks if she tortured his mother. She claims his mother gave him up without a fight.

The shopkeeper (Tomi Ogunjobi) refuses Dionysus service as long as he has Dennis. He claims the cat is Dionysus. She orders him to leave when her lips become sealed. He breaks the case and retrieves a watch before leaving the shopkeeper with her lips sealed. Later, Dionysus arrives home to find the lawn covered in dead ball boys. Zeus continues to question the remaining ball boys about his watch. Holding up the watch, Dionysus claims it was lying near the gate. Zeus has no remorse for killing his ball boys. He puts the watch on. Dionysus introduces him to Dennis. Zeus suggests calling him Oedipuss. Dionysus is confused. Zeus orders some Meander water and milk and a teat for Dennis. Hera tells Zeus that she has a meeting with Perseus.

Caeneus, Adrian, and Prue attend the new divers party. Riddy joins them. Adrian puts four dashes of salt in Riddy’s beer. Taking a sip, Riddy says it still doesn’t have any taste. Prue suggests a telling game. She tells them about her beloved pony, Cressida, that fractured her leg and had to be euthanized. Refusing to talk about his mother, Caeneus leaves. Riddy catches up with him and asks for a cigarette. Elsewhere, Anatole vomits over the side of the boat. The Scylla appears to ingest the vomitus. Charon claims only one can cross to the other side and orders them to fight to see who gets to go. Anatole tells him about their pact. Charon offers to drop them off where he picked them up. He asks Anatole what will happen if he takes his son home and he dies again. He asks Orpheus if he believes his wife can love him again. Orpheus says yes before hitting Anatole. He hits him again and apologizes. While smoking a cigarette, Riddy denies living her life without a purpose and now, she is dead. Caeneus tells her that he was an Amazon until they forced him out at 15. She asks what a kiss is like in the underworld. He hasn’t kissed anyone there. They hear Nax pleading for help.

Charon watches Orpheus and Anatole fight it out to see who goes to the other side. Anatole holds his head down in the water. Charon sees the mark on Orpheus’ hand. He is reminded of his promise to Prometheus. After cursing Prometheus, he tosses Anatole into the water and whistles. The  Scylla pulls Anatole down into the water. Orpheus asks why he saved him. Charon asks about the mark on his hand. Orpheus claims Fate gave it to him. Charon says it means the truth and offers him some food. Orpheus passes out. Charon asks Prometheus if he is serious.

Zeus explains his disaster plan to urge people to worship more. Dionysus rolls his eyes. Zeus takes him somewhere because he wants to increase Dionysus’ power. In Phase I, they will create natural disasters. In Phase II, they will cause chaos among families, countries, and continents. Dionysus assures him that humans are fun and nice. Zeus urges him to never forget that he is a god, not human. Later, Zeus calls Hades to alert him of an influx of deceased people coming to the underworld. Hades learns Nax has been captured. Charon pulls an unconscious Orpheus to the shore where a large bird is sitting next to a message – “Thank you, P” – written in the sand. Caeneus and Riddy watch two people put Nax into an underground hatch.  Caeneus and Riddy enter the hatch which leads to the Nothing where  Agatha and dozens of other souls are being housed. The episode ends.


Kaos Review

Dionysus gives Lachy Zeus’ watch in exchange for Orpheus and Anatole’s access to the underworld. Upset about his missing watch, Zeus declares war on the people. He kills over half of his ball boys because they deny taking his watch. Poseidon confronts Dionysus and demands he return the watch. Dionysus tells him about helping a mortal, Orpheus access the underworld. Poseidon warns him that Zeus will kill him if he finds out. With little effort, Dionysus finds a watch similar to Zeus’ at a shop. He returns it and Zeus agrees to let him help execute his disaster plan that will tear people and countries apart.

Prometheus tells his lover, Caron, that he will meet someone with a unique mark in several years. Caron promises to help them. Prometheus kills him. Years later, Caron is in the underworld when he encounters Orpheus who has a mark on the palm of his hand like that of Prometheus’.

Hades, the overseer of the underworld, learns a soul, Nax, has escaped the Nothing which has never happened before. Caeneus encounters Nax while looking for Fotis. Later, he and Riddy see Nax being put into an underground hatch. They enter the hatch and discover the Nothing where souls are being housed.

The episode deserves a 5.2 out of 10. Get more Kaos recaps here. Join our newly established forum to see what others are saying. Support our site by donating. Learn about our advertising packages here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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