Indian Summers Recap S2 E3 White Gods

indian summers season 2 ian

When the 3rd episode begins, we see Naresh dispose of Kaira’s body, while on horseback. Aafrin (Nikesh Patel) types a note and gives it to a young boy to deliver to the Private Secretary. We next see that Sirene (Rachel Griffiths) and the Maharajah of Patiana (Art Malik) have arrived in town. Sirene questions, whether or not the locals will remember her. Back at the mansion, Lord Willingdon (Patrick Malahide) and Ralph (Henry Lloyd-Hughes) discuss the Maharajah’s arrival and the fact he’ll be staying for 2 days. Willingdon admits he has influence and they need to win him over, so he’ll support the bill. Meanwhile, Aafrin’s errand boy delivers the note, which quickly makes it to Ralph. However, he passes it along and doesn’t even look at it. Back at the Dalal house, Aafrin shares breakfast with the family, before giving Sooni (Aysha Kala) his shoes to take to the cobblers for repairs. Aafrin heads to the mansion and witnesses the arrival of the Maharajah.

During the dinner, Ralph and Willingdon face a lot of backlash from Patel (Siddharth Kumar). After taking their lashing, they regroup with Lord Hawthorne (James Fleet) and attempts to formulate a new plan of action. Ralph brings up the Maharajah’s love for cricket and contemplates putting together a friendly game. Next, Sooni runs into Naseem Ali Khan (Tanmay Dhanania) on the streets. They quickly argue about the death of Kaira and Khan’s lack of coverage. Their argument continues for a brief period of time, before they agree to investigate together. Back at the mansion, Madeleine (Olivia Grant) tells Ralph that there may be a price for his fondness of Adam (Dillon Mitra). During this time, Alice (Jemima West) manages to escape the watchful eye of her husband longer enough to warn Aafrin that they’ve been caught by Cynthia (Julie Walters).

Ralph interrupts and escorts Aafrin to his private room. There, Ralph questions Aafrin about the note and contemplates his options. Aafrin insists it might be a joke, but they should check it out regardless. Aafrin is also enlisted to be the umpire for the upcoming cricket game. Sooni and Khan meet up with Ian McLeod (Alexander Cobb). Ian thanks Sooni for giving him hope in the past. Ian also admits he allowed Naresh to spend time at his place and also admits to knowing Kaira. He reveals that Naresh stole his horse and disappeared. Ian and Sooni immediately agree that something fishy is going on behind the scenes and they both point the finger at the British.

They also discuss Jaya’s murder and the execution of Ramu Sood. Afterwards, they return to Ian’s place and enjoy some of his tea. Khan is forced to depart, while Ian and Sooni continue the investigation on their own. Next, Douglas (Craig Parkinson) bids farewell to his wife, Sarah (Fiona Glascott), who refuses to leave the school to attend the cricket game. Instead, she insists she needs to remain behind and wait for her doctor. Back at the mansion, Ralph and Willingdon agree to allow the Maharajah and Patel to be on the same team. Next, Sarah gets a visit from Naresh, who pretends to be a colleague of the doctor. Despite briefly denying him the opportunity, Sarah eventually allows Naresh to inspect her. She heads inside into her room and Naresh leaves her waiting.

Ian and Sooni chat with one of Ian’s employees. They learn about her hearing a shot nearby. Meanwhile, Sirene and Madeleine chat at the cricket game. Madeleine convinces Sirene to help them swing Maharajah into Ralph’s favor. Meanwhile, the authorities begin searching the cave for the bomb. Ian and Sooni investigate Kaira’s murder scene, while Aafrin helps the Maharajah’s team, by making a wrong call. Ralph thanks him for his assistance. Ian and Sooni are unable to find anything, aside from the heel of a shoe. Cynthia and the other girls chat about Sirene at the club. They chat about her old squeaking accent. Moments into the conversation, Aafrin enters and pulls Cynthia aside. He tells her he isn’t afraid of her and explains that Alice would be killed, if Charlie (Blake Ritson) found out about the affair.

On the ride back home, Sooni discovers that the heel from the murder scene matches that of Aafrin’s shoe. Next, we jump back to the mansion and witness Charlie belittling Alice relentless. Aafrin eventually interrupts and makes small talk, before rushing off. Cynthia notices the conversation and seems to turn on Charlie. Aafrin speaks with his father, Darius (Roshan Seth) outside. Darius almost convinces Aafrin to tell him what is wrong, but his son doesn’t fully commit and admits he cannot talk about it. Next, Cynthia chats with Alice in private. She admits she now sympathizes with her. Cynthia promises to take care of the situation. Ralph joins them moments later and comforts his sister. He also praises Aafrin for his loyalty.

Ralph learns that the search team were unable to find a bomb. Doug returns home and learns about Sarah’s strange visit. The cricket game resumes and Ralph takes matters into his own hands. He goes against Willingdon’s desires and wins the game for his team. Surprisingly, the decision seems to win him respect from the Maharajah. He tells Aafrin about the false bomb alert. Next, the Maharajah tells his wife to get close to the Whelan family, but promise them nothing. Next, Alice speaks with Cynthia, who reminiscences about her abuse husband. She also provides Alice with a key to her private room, so she can meet Aafrin in private. Back at the school, Sarah and Doug speak about the future and Sarah admits she will miss the place. We’re taken into the school and see the box full of explosives sitting inside. At the end of the episode, Alice and Aafrin meet up in the private room and console one another.


Indian Summers Review

The 3rd episode of Indian Summers was excellent. The return of Ian McLeod was well received and it appears he will undoubtedly become a major factor in the season. Charlie continues to be an a-hole, yet he manages to keep things interesting with his devious behavior. Now that Sooni has a hunch about Aafrin’s knowledge of Kaira’s murder, Aafrin will be forced to confess to someone instead of holding it in like he has all season.

How will his sister handle the news? She’s never been one to sit idly by and do nothing. All in all, a great episode, which deserves an 8.5 out of 10. Be sure to catch up with previous recaps of Indian Summers right now!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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