Hotel Portofino Series 3 Episode 3 Recap

s02e01 hotel portofino recap lucian

Realizations – The story opens with Frank Carter (Ludovic Hughes) voicing concern about the bustling crowd. Randall Gibson-White (Corey Johnson) reminds him that they had a similar crowd last Friday before instructing him to wait for the right moment to make a move. Randall receives a call from someone representing an investor concerned about the stock prices. Randall assures him that it is a minor correction.

Lucian Ainsworth (Oliver Dench) tells Bella Ainsworth (Natascha McElhone) about Virat Sengupta’s (Gurjeet Singh) search for Nish. George Livesey (David Schofield) greets his grandson, Lucian, and pulls Bella away to express his disappointment in her and Cecil Ainsworth’s (Mark Umbers) divorce. He demands repayment for his investment in her hotel within a month of their divorce decrement. In the kitchen, Betty Scanlon (Elizabeth Carling) and Lucian are discussing Virat when Salvatore (Bruno Nacinovich) arrives with a crate of tomatoes. Salvatore leaves without addressing Lucian. Later, Lucian tells George that Virat’s brother served with him in the war. George asks if Virat’s brother fought for the Empire. Virat says his brother’s beliefs banned him from taking up arms but was a medic. When Virat’s meal is served, it must be replaced because it contains forbidden pork. Cecil informs Bella that he going to Genoa. She scolds him for putting his self-interests above Lucian. He claims his business in Genoa has to do with selling shares to pay her. She reminds him that she hasn’t agreed to his terms. He urges her to just sign the dissolution before walking away. Betty agrees to prepare eggs for Virat. Bella asks Constance March (Louisa Binder) to assist Paola (Carolina Gonnelli). Constance reluctantly agrees. Billy Scanlon (Louis Healy) offers to take Cecil to the train station. Betty argues that is Salvatore’s job. Billy disagrees.

Amelia Jackson (Camilla Rutherford) questions why Lucian is hanging out with a “dreary” Virat. While Lucian complains about his former boss, Constance interrupts to ask about Billy. Alice Mays-Smith (Olivia Morris) looks at her confused. Lucian continues talking about his former boss and watches Constance as she walks away. In the kitchen, Betty gives Salvatore a fresh pastry. Billy asks what is going on between them. After telling him about their engagement, she demands he accept or leave. Angry, he walks away. Later, Lucian tells Bella that Nish hasn’t contacted his parents in two years and fears he may be in jail in Italy. She urges him to do something to honor Rose and insists Constance cut his hair. Constance reluctantly trims Lucian’s hair.

Bella voices concern about the sudden disappearance of the Fascists. Marco Bonacini (Giorgio Marchesi) says it is suspicious if the Turin bombing is true. She claims Vincenzo Danioni (Pasquale Esposito) had an arrest warrant for them. He reminds her that Fascists are always serving arrest warrants. She says Lucian said Nish confessed. He agrees to help her with the translation. Back at the hotel, Constance intentionally spills coffee on Lucian’s suit. She demands to know why he is treating her like a stranger after he professed to love her. He claims to regret their “fling” and demands she let it stay buried. Later, Bella questions Virat why he skipped breakfast and supper. He says his clothes are suitable. She assures him that they think no differently of him than they do of Nish. He tells her that he is a carpet vendor apprentice. She says George worked in a draper’s shop. He likes sharing a room with Lucian because he makes him feel safe. She assures him that they will find Nish.

Claudine Pascal (Lily Frazer) compliments Bella on her remarkable lotion. Bella questions if consumers would buy it. Bella claims it is worth every cent. Claudine offers her a business proposal. Bella insists she comes with her to Genoa. Elsewhere, Lucian briefly visits Rose’s memorial. He tells Virat that he wants to be cremated when he dies. Virat asks how he felt about Rose. Lucian says his marriage to Rose was arranged and he was in love with someone else. Outside the hotel, Bella informs Claudine of George’s threat. Seeing them leave, Cecil calls Danioni to insist he come now if he must. Elsewhere, Marco plays an interpreter for Virat and Lucian. A man who took over Gianluca’s father’s practice says Pastorino wrote to his family in Piacenza with his condolences. With Signor Bruzzone deceased, Lucian is beginning to believe they will never find Nish.

Danioni and Letizia Danioni (Petra Vukelic) visit the hotel in Bella’s absence. Cecil warns that Bella could return at any moment. Danioni insists on lunch for himself and Letizia. Salvatore invites Billy to ride to town with him, so they can get to know each other. Billy declines his offer. Danioni overhears Amelia and George discussing Bella and Cecil’s divorce. She assures him that Bella will have to sell the hotel. He says they should wake her up. Cecil catches Danioni lingering on the balcony.

Bella has Claudine sample several lotion brands which she believes were never tested by their male maker. She suggests they pitch her lotion to the head of cosmetics and market it under her name. After a bit of negotiating, they settle on  60/40 in Bella’s favor. Back at the hotel, Danioni claims Detroit investors are interested in investing $1 million into Wall Street. Cecil assures him that it is a solid investment. Danioni admits to not trusting Cecil or Wall Street before demanding 40% of his whiskey profit. Cecil argues it would leave him a mere 10%. Danioni says as middlemen, one of them could be dispensed.

Alice is still upset over her failed relationship with The Count. Amelia suggests the horse’s reaction is a sign that Alice couldn’t handle life on a farm. She says when she takes over George’s business, the men will flock to Alice. Later, Bella returns to the hotel to find Cecil entertaining Danioni and Letizia. Danioni asks if the rumors of Hotel Portofino being put on the market are true. Once alone, Bella tells Cecil about George’s threat if they go through with the divorce. She refuses to sell the hotel to Danioni. Cecil offers her 100,000 up front for the divorce settlement in exchange for the affidavit, so she can pay off the loan. She asks what is the catch. A short time later, Cecil sees Bella’s mother’s ring on Letizia’s finger. Letizia demands an explanation. Bella says it is her mother’s ring. Letizia returns the ring and apologizes before leaving with Danioni. Bella refuses to tell Cecil how the ring came into Letizia’s possession.

Bella tells Claudine that her ingredients are running low. Constance is pressured into asking Vito (Leonardo Pazzagli) for the ingredients. A short time later, Vito agrees to replenish Bella’s supply. At the hotel, Alice and Billy strike up a deal. He will teach her to ride a horse for cash and a potential bonus. Amelia asks Bella if it would be so terrible to stay married to Cecil to keep the hotel. Bella says yes. Amelia assures her that George will not change his mind. A short time later, Bella signs the divorce settlement. Cecil demands she tell him about her mother’s ring. She claims Danioni threatened to expose her letters to Bowater. She bribed him with cash and her mother’s ring. He blames Danioni for their divorce. Bella leaves to address a disturbance outside. Zelda (Emma Stansfield) and Nellie Gibson-White (Shannon Tarbet) demand accommodations. Cecil asks what she is doing there. Nellie hands him a newspaper headlining the Wall Street crash. Cecil tells George that they have dropped a bundle. George collapses to the floor as the episode ends.


Hotel Portofino Review

Lucian returns from India with Nish’s brother, Virat. No one has heard from Nish in two years. Lucian fears he is imprisoned somewhere. Constance is disappointed when Lucian gets her the cold shoulder after their brief affair. She dumps a cup of tea on his suit. He claims to regret their “fling.”

Alice asks Billy to teach her to ride a horse. Billy is none too thrilled with Betty and Salvatore’s engagement. Salvatore opens himself up for a relationship but Billy wants no part of him.

George tries to force Bella to stay married to Cecil by threatening to make her repay his investment in the hotel within 30 days of the decrement. Bella proposes a 60/40 deal to Claudine if they can convince the fashion house to mass-market her lotion.

Cecil invites Danioni to the hotel while Bella is away. Danioni demands 40% of the whiskey profit which would leave Cecil the other 10%. He overhears George and Naomi talking about his threat. She is sure Bella will be forced to sell the hotel. Bella returns as Danioni and his wife, Letizia, are leaving. Danioni asks her if the hotel is going on the market. Bella refuses to sell it to him. Cecil recognizes Bella’s mother’s ring on Letizia’s finger. Bella confirms it is her ring. Letizia returns it to her.

Bella signs the divorce settlement after Cecil offers her 100,000 upfront. Before Cecil can give her the money, Nellie arrives with a newspaper headlining the Wall Street crash. George appears to have a heart attack as the episode ends.

The episode dedicated too much screen time to portraying white people in an unfavorable light. For which, I must give it a 5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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