Hotel Cocaine Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Agent Zulio Hotel Cocaine Netflix

Estela – Episode 7 opens with everyone on edge over the death of Congressman Landon (Nick Barkla). The aftermath of the incident not only causes Roman Compte (Danny Pino) to have recurring nightmares about Estela’s (Anel Perdomo) death but that leads to a major confrontation with Marisol (Tania Watson). Andrew Landon (Cale Ambrozic) takes out his frustration on Valeria (Corina Bradley) and even hints about Nestor Cabal (Yul Vazquez) being behind the bombing. It isn’t long before the hysteria leaks into Roman and Nestor’s relationship as well. This is momentarily ended when Nestor tells him that he can either get on board or leave.

Yolanda (Mayra Hermosillo) and Gilberto ‘La Cobra’ Henao (Juan Pablo Raba) call a meeting with Ray Dorado (Erniel Baez) to demand to know who killed Landon. Ray plays dumb and continues to rely on the claim that politicians have many enemies. After several minutes of heated debate, they give Ray 24 hours to come up with an alternative plan to get their product to Miami.

Things don’t any better for Agent Dominic Zulio (Michael Chiklis) when Washington’s Department of Justice Peter Cunningham (Geoffrey Blake) swoops in and takes control of the Landon investigation. Peter does show some interest and gives Zulio 24 hours when he mentions the 6 tons of cocaine expected to arrive in Miami. When Zulio later learns that the deal is now off the table because of Landon’s death, he leverages Roman with the recording to get the deal back on.

Alejandra (Camila Valero) overhears Marisol telling Valeria that Roman is working with law enforcement when she tells her that she and Roman as separating. Valeria appears grateful when Marisol asks her to come with her to her parent’s house in New Jersey but claims she can never leave her father.

With The Mutiny being closed until the investigation concludes, things aren’t going much better for Burton Greenburg (Mark Feuerstein). They only get worse when Ray shows up, demanding that he immediately repay the $2.7 million loan or he will seize the club. Burton jokes about not taking out the loan if he had that kind of money, but he and Janice Nichols (Laura Gordon) later learn from Roman that Ray would be within his legal right to seize control of the club.

The discovery of the loan contract causes Roman to remember that Burton’s family owns several hundred acres in the Everglades. He tells Burton that his brother is Nestor Cabal and proposes using the land for the delivery. While Roman gives Burton time to seriously consider the deal, Zulio visits Ray at the Mutiny to learn about the Colombian’s plans now that Landon is off the table. This is when Zulio discovers that Ray is only alive because he promised the Colombians he could replace Landon. This gives Zulio the idea of posing as a dirty cop to help get the deal back on the table.

Roman introduces Nestor to Burton who gives him a brief background on his Everglades property and why it would make the perfect drop zone for their product. Much to Nestor’s surprise, the property is even better than Landon’s but he is still hesitant about being involved in anything that will enrich Castro. This is when Roman suggests they steal the product. It is also that very same evening that Alejandra tells Nestor about Marisol’s conversation with Valeria.

While Yolanda and La Cobra meet to discuss Ray’s proposed meeting with Agent Zulio, Roman continues to have nightmares. This time they become real when he wakes with a gun to his head. Roman doesn’t even attempt to hide his deceit and even acts as if he has done Nestor a favor by putting the cops on the Colombians. Although an answer is not provided at the time, Roman suggests they continue with their plan.

Zulio appears a bit too confident for Ray’s likening when he lays out his plan to convince Yolanda and La Cobra that he is dirty. Ray refuses to cooperate, regardless of being threatened with jail time. This all completely changes the instant Zulio mentions his involvement in the death of Constance Greenburg (Maggie Lacey).

Despite meeting Nestor, Burton apparently is having second thoughts about the deal and meets with Janice to discuss them. Much to his surprise, she tells him that she doesn’t even know if he can trust Roman because he is changing. Zulio finds himself in an even worse situation when La Cobra orders him to kill Ray to prove his loyalty. Zulio initially refuses but when Ray begins boasting about his irreplaceability, he shoots him in the head.

Andrew calls and not only apologizes to Valeria but asks to meet her. She agrees to the meeting while Roman and Nestor meet with Zulio. If Nestor’s presence wasn’t a surprise, the fact that Roman has told Nestor everything certainly takes the bill. Zulio is even more dumbfounded when they lay out the new conditions for their cooperation against the Colombians. This along with the fact that his meeting with the Colombians went awry, Zulio has no option but to agree.

Janice and Roman are discussing past loves and trust when Yolanda arrives for their scheduled meeting. They end up in his office, where she gives Valeria’s photograph a bit too much attention. Roman immediately becomes uncomfortable and redirects the topic of discussion to the new landing zone. She says that she was hoping this was a different type of meeting and much to her surprise it is. It’s not long before things turn intimate and Janice sees them.

The following day, Yolanda meets with La Cobra to tell him about the meeting. Much to his displeasure, she doesn’t leave out a single detail. At the same time, Zulio not only learns that Miami PD found Ray Dorado’s body in a dumpster but Agents Warren and Lash (Claudina Marra Bachhi) will be taking over the case.

Andrew shares his plans to travel the world and extends an invitation to Valeria while Roman and Nestor meet with the Colombians to discuss the new landing zone. The episode ends with the Colombians agreeing to the new plan but adding Valeria as their insurance policy. A brief flash to the restaurant shows a trio of Colombians arriving to take her.


Hotel Cocaine Review

I wouldn’t say this episode was horrible, in fact, thanks to the shorter run time, it could have easily been one of the better of the series thus far. I was surprised there wasn’t much more of a focus on Landon’s death. I mean it was obvious that everything in the episode was impacted by his death, but there weren’t any long speeches, dedications, or lavish funerals. That might still be to come, but I am thankful there weren’t any in this episode.

I could have done without all the Valeria/Andrew drama as well as her ending up, once again, the helpless damsel. I also didn’t enjoy all the Castro bashing but it was nice to get a better understanding of why Roman is so anti-Fidel. All in all, there are some interesting things happening. I’d give this episode a 5.4 out of 10.

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