Concordia Series 1 Episode 6 Finale Recap

Christiane Paul Concordia SkyShowtime

The episode begins with several of Concordia’s first residents reflecting on the hurdles they had to overcome to turn the city into the success that it is today.

When Noah Ericksen (Steven Sowah) wakes alone and is unable to reach Isabelle Larsson (Nanna Blondell) by phone, he visits Thea Ryan (Ruth Bradley). Noah arrives just as they are about to sit down for breakfast and upon realizing the intrusion the meeting is very brief. Thea asks him to return the drive on his way to HQ which leads to him learning that Isabelle was looking at it yesterday.

While Noah stops briefly on the outskirts of Concordia to view the drive’s contents, Isabelle shares them with Oskar Eklund (Set Sjostrand). Although Oskar is just as outraged as Isabelle, he cleverly points out how Juliane Ericksen’s (Christiane Paul) and Dr. Peter Blom’s (Duncan Green) conversation could fall under doctor/patient confidentiality. The way in which Isabelle came to be in possession of the drive further throws things into question. Oskar does mention that Juliane had more of a motive for killing Oliver Miller (Louis Landau) than Faceless.

Already outraged with the contents of the remote drive, Noah only grows more irate when AJ Oba (Kento Nakajima) refuses to reveal who ordered him to restrict Oliver’s files. AJ’s defense is that he is capable enough to make his own decisions but his attitude changes when Noah shares the secret that Isabelle was looking at the files.

A very brief scene shows that Adrian Grant (Peter Seaton-Clark) has tracked down Tessa Vogel (Maeve Metelka) and Elodie Cailleux’s (Alba Gaia Bellugi) escape vehicle. Despite being unlocked, it doesn’t appear to contain anything remotely usable. Elsewhere, Tessa confronts Leon (Jonas Nay) about hearing that he’s put a hit out on Hanna Bremer (Karoline Eichhorn). He practically admits to it and justifies the order with the old adage, ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’ He also tells her about a safe house across the border and suggests she go there with Elodie. Elodie apparently has other plans in mind and is right in the process of fleeing the compound as Tessa and Leon return. Leon forcefully grabs her and takes her back inside.

Over a phone call, Marco Vieri (Niccolo Senni) tells Thea that most of the known profiles have now gone offline but the chatter is more active. Thea suspects that this is merely a diversionary tactic to scare Hanna into backing out of the Kopwitz deal. She later shares her suspicion with Juliane and Fatemah Amin (Ahd). When Hanna is finally apprised of the news, she takes Thea’s advice to scale back the launch party as well as have Ulf Schrader (Christopher Nell) arrange a security detail.

Before confronting Juliane about restricting Oliver’s files, Noah calls AJ and tells him to ignore all emotional alerts. Juliane immediately admits to restricting Oliver’s files which ultimately leads to Noah admitting that Oliver had not only shared his discovery with Noah but he asked for his protection. Instead, Noah had him killed. Peter’s death was a different story. Juliane appears more hurt that Noah didn’t seek her help than the murder. Noah concludes the discussion by practically saying what’s done is done there is no going back.

Thea takes Alexandre (Hugo Becker) to a vacant home in Concordia to unveil to new job offer and excitedly pitches relocating the family. She claims that the move will not only give Talon (Edward Wray) more freedom but without Veronica Ryan (Cara Kelly) needing around-the-clock watching, he’ll be free for his work. Once again, he reluctantly agrees.

Noah returns home cautiously returns home and finds Isabelle right in the middle of packing. With a single look, she deduces that Juliane has told him the truth. He admits she did and goes on to add that somewhere deep inside himself, he always suspected he knew. Noah attempts to downplay the incident by pointing out that the shooting happened 20 years ago and revealing the truth now would ruin the chance to turn that negative into a positive. His lackadaisical attitude only enrages her and leads to her voicing her suspicions that Juliane had something to do with Oliver’s death as well. He apologizes and leaves.

Hanna responds to the suspected threats on her life by releasing a video, disavowing people/groups that have used violence to in the past air their grievances heard. After a bit more of the same, she assures the people that Kopwitz will go on as scheduled. Although Tessa appears to be more angered by Hanna’s response, she soon turns all her attention to helping Eloide escape after learning that Leon plans on killing her.

At her first opportunity, Tessa steals her phone from Leon’s office and activates it which instantly notifies Marco who then calls Adrian. The conversation suggests that it was Adrian who killed Oliver on Noah’s orders and plans to do the same to Tessa. At nearly the same time, Leon is getting ready to kill Elodie but Tessa intervenes. In the struggle for the gun, Tessa ends up shot and Leon ultimately leaves with the gun. By this time Adrian is on site and a shootout ensues. Leon ends up wounded but kills Adrian just as Swat raids the compound. It appears that Tessa, Leon, and Elodie will survive, although Tessa and Leon will leave in police custody. Elodie remains at large.

Isabelle appears to be going back over Oliver’s video confessional when she receives a call from Oskar with the report that Peter didn’t do any further than the lake the day he died, at least he wasn’t picked up on any traffic cameras in the area. As it turns out, Juliane was nowhere in the area either, according to her phone pings. There was, however, another ping near the tower where Peter’s phone registered, Noahs. The next several scenes suggest that Isabelle thinks long and hard about the decision she has to make, even going as far as to discuss the matter with Thea.

When Thea later visits Noah, it appears that Isabelle not only shared the news about the phone ping but left the decision of prosecution in Thea’s hands. Thea tells Noah that she is more interested in the future.

The finale ends with Juliane giving a rousing dedication speech, speaking about the school shooting and the dedication to furthering their agenda with Concordia. The finale scene, although cryptic, suggests that Noah is about to be arrested.


Concordia Review

I enjoyed the series but certainly was not impressed with the finale. As far as I know, this was only slated as a miniseries. I’m not sure if they were going for a season two or just wanted to end on a bit of a cliffhanger. If the show ends, I would be satisfied. If it got another season, that would be okay too. Some parts are a bit confusing and poor editing, but for a multinational series, I felt that it worked. And, although the school shooting theme is a bit trite, I felt that it was spun in the most intriguing way possible. I’d give this episode a 5 out of 10.

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