City Of God: The Fight Rages On Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Buscape City of God: The Fight Rages On HBO

Episode 2 begins with the very memory of Lamp/Waldemar Bradock (Thiago Martins) being accepted into Genivaldo Curio’s (Marcos Palmiera) family as one of his own. This sentiment is ended the moment Crazy shows up. They argue briefly over how she killed Curio’s currier and the repercussions that will follow. Although Crazy/Jerusa (Andreia Horta) appears to be more than willing to accept blame, it’s clear that Bradock will not let things play out that way.

Elsewhere, Stringy/Barbantinho (Edson Olivera) is introduced to a journalist by the name of Ligia (Eli Pereira) who wants to do a piece on the local police and death squads. It’s ultimately revealed that she came to him because she wants to be put in touch with Rocket/Wilson/Buscape (Alexandre Rodrigues).  Stringy is apprehensive but ultimately agrees to arrange a meeting. When he does, Rocket is even more apprehensive due to the fact that the squads are not only super effective assassins but they are practically revered as heroes. They were apparently so effective that they killed themselves out of a profession, which eventually led to them expanding into everything from local water distribution to cable TV. Much to Rocket and Stringy’s dismay, this is the story Ligia wants to tell.

The festive mood from Dayanes’s birthday still lingers in the air at Curio’s house as his family and Rocket arrange for an album to be made. This mood shifts when Curio learns of Valderrama’s death. Curio is initially so stunned that he thinks the news is a mere rumor. This was the moment Rocket realized there was going to be a gang war, he just didn’t know how involved Bradock was. As Curio and his men race to confirm the story, Bradock reaches out to Curio’s biggest rival, Ocimar. Despite their distaste for one another, Curio and Ocimar seem to have a treaty of sorts which makes him hesitant to even hear Bradock out. It is apparently Bradocks’s impressive arsenal of militarized grenades and assault rifles that changes his mind. Stringy will also later visit Ocimar and ask for help arranging a sit down between Bradock and Curio. Ocimar initially refuses but out of respect ends up agreeing. He does warn Stringy that it will fall back on him if things go wrong.

As determined as ever to get her story, Ligia goes to Blue Gardenia and asks a street vendor where to find the President of the Homeowner’s Association, Bull/Touro (Wayne LeGette). Using the illusion of opening up an NGO to teach the local children about computers, she gets him to agree to find her a suitable rental.

An hour into the meeting, Curio is on the verge of losing his patience when there’s a knock at the door. It’s a small child with what appears to be a covered pie tin for Curio. After a bit of hesitation and confusion, the contents are revealed to be a dead bird along with the picture from Bradock’s memory at the opening of the episode. Curio immediately puts Rio on lockdown and institutes a 7 pm curfew while arming his men at the same time.

As the warring erupts on the streets of Rio that very first night, it also spreads into many households, including that of Berenice (Roberta Rodrigues) and PQD/Clayton Machado (Demetrio Nascimento Alves). Rocket briefly introduces PQD as a former military man who earned a medal of honor while defending his country bravely. The war obviously had an impact on him, but he vowed to never turn to gang life. Part of not doing so was because he knew it would cost him the relationship with Berenice. At the moment, PQD appears to fear that if Bradock wins the war, they will no longer have a home.

Rocket’s mother and daughter, Leka, are amongst those affected as well. Rocket tries to convince them to temporarily relocate but Leka practically mocks about only caring for their safety now. When he points out that he’s been sending money, it only makes matters worse due to her mocking how he earns that money with his ‘black market photos’ of Rio miseries. Despite this, Rocket will find himself right back in the center of the battle, snapping photos.

The situation only becomes more strained in Rio and as news reaches the outside it becomes clear that Melonhead/Reginaldo Cavani (Kiko Marques) and his son have completely different solutions. Melonhead ends up overriding anything he has to say, pointing out that he’s been dealing with similar situations before he was in diapers.

When Bull learns that Ligia has secured support from a local priest to use his church for her NGO efforts, he immediately steps in. He not only tells her that the priest is all bolster but tells her how serious he is about continuing the transformation of the area that his uncle never got to finish. At the same time, Professor/Delano (Dhonata Augusto) is called before a superior at work who expresses his fears of him becoming a livewire. This is as far as the discussion goes for the moment. Despite this, he will make his feelings about Rio known later that day in a meeting with his coworkers.

Dayane will also share her feelings with Curio later that evening when he briefly stops by her room to check on her. Although he tries to rationalize his actions with the story of the time she defended Genivaldo Jr. from a bully, she quickly points out that the stronger party always has the option of ending the dispute. Even later that evening, a small team headed by Bradock will push into Curio’s compound. Bradock will have a clean shot on Curio and he takes it, but not before slightly hesitating.

As Bradock takes control of the Apartment Corner, PQD debates picking up arms. Berenice wastes little time letting him know the repercussions of doing so. He attempts to rationalize the decision by claiming that he is defending the community. This is as far as the debate goes for the moment.

Rocket’s internal struggle over Leka’s mocking words about his ‘black market photos’ leads to a dispute with his editor, Israel. It soon becomes clear how futile his objections are and the photo that Israel ultimately chooses for the front page sparks an outrage amongst the political parties. In speeches, several key members will openly attack the governor’s reluctance to act. After being ridiculed by Stringy, Rocket offers to help Ligia.

Despite the win, Bradock doesn’t appear satisfied and claims he’s only taken back what was rightfully his. Against the advice of Crazy and Ocimar, he has Stringy arrange a sit down with Curio. It is also at this time that Bradock will not lose his temper with Crazy but he will admit to not sending the dead bird. Curio agrees to the meeting but the ensuing discussion with Genivaldo Jr. indicates that he’s just buying time until he can strike back.

For the moment, life returns to normal in Rio. Leka even puts on a live event that PQD attends. While trying to defend one of Berenice’s coworkers he nearly gets into a lethal confrontation with several of Bradock’s goons. This later leads to him throwing his full support and resources into Curio’s corner.

The episode will end with Curio buying militarized arms to match that of Bradock’s men.


City of God: The Fight Rages On Review

I have to start by saying that I enjoyed the episode but it felt needlessly long. Don’t get me wrong, a lot happened and the stage is clearly and properly set for even more to happen, but the narrative slogged along. All in all, this is the same old tale of life in the slums with a slightly different take. Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying it. Probably not as much as I should be but I’m getting there.

I do appreciate how the story is moving along but what I do not like is the feministic touch. At least this is how I feel. I have nothing against equal rights and women can be just as lethal, if not more so and capable than some men, but Crazy and Ligia’s characters feel as if they are filling an agenda. I’d give the episode a 5.5 out of 10.

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