City Of God: The Fight Rages On Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

Buscape City of God: The Fight Rages On HBO

In 2004 Rio De Janeiro, the City of God: The Fight Rages On “Cidade De Deus” begins with a brief scene of a police raid while Buscape/Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) introduces himself. Despite his determination to stay out of the slums and crime, the footage suggests that Buscape’s passion for journalism has put him in the middle of both. Buscape promises to tell viewers how he became one of the most sought-after journalists in all of Rio, beginning with the day that his life changed forever.

No matter how much Rocket wants to stop chasing crime, a visit with his editor, Matheus, reveals that this won’t be so easily accomplished. Although he’s given an assistant, Pierre, his request to transfer to the sports department is brushed off with the promise of another front-page story. He and Pierre make a brief stop in Blue Gardenia to photograph two strung-up charred bodies before he visits his mother for dinner.

Rocket’s time with his money is pleasant and he gives her what little money he has to spare, but things instantly become uncomfortable when he is ordered to go see his daughter, Leka. To Rocket’s credit, he attempts to make the approach but seeing her twerking with her friends appears too much for him to bear and he leaves without so as much as a word. Things only get worse when his mother insists on reading his destiny. The footage abruptly switches to shots of riots and protests before Rocket claims that he might have been able to avoid future tragedies if only he listened to her.

Rocket tells viewers that before they can truly grasp these tragedies, he must first introduce them to a few people. He begins with Stringy/Barbantinho (Edson Olivera) who not only chose to stay in Rio after Rocket left but chose to do something to better the area. According to Rocket and the brief footage that ensues, Stringy’s days are spent tending to the needs of others, which is why he’s decided to run for City Councilman.

Professor/Delano (Dhonata Augusto) and Cinthia (Sabrina Rosa) are the next to be introduced as good people living in Rio. In addition to running a successful Jiu-Jitsu Academy, Delano shares similar values and beliefs to that of Stingy. This can likely be attributed to Cinthia, who practically raised both of them. The deaths of Lil’ Ze and Knockout Ned were just the beginning of Cinthia’s problems but instead of letting the unexpected pregnancy destroy her, she used it to fuel her fight for what’s right. Today, she runs the Homeowner’s Association alongside Stringy.

Berenice (Roberta Rodrigues) is introduced as the exception due to the fact that she got out of the slums after Shaggy’s death but returned of her own accord because she actually missed the place. Much like Cinthia, Berenice has taken on a material role to many in the slums. The role she is shown taking with the planning of Dayane’s birthday party shows that she isn’t opposed to getting stern when needed.

Dayane’s father, Genivaldo Curio (Marcos Palmiera), was the man who stepped in to fill the hole that was left by the deaths of Ze and Ned. Although he isn’t opposed to stern action when needed either, Rocket attributes a huge part of COD’s calmness and organization to him. Briefly before Curio, it was Waldemar Bradock (Thiago Martins) who ran the Runts but still being just a child, he practically had no option but to bend to Curio. Despite that, he would go on to become Curio’s right-hand man, which unfortunately led to him being to where he is today, prison. That doesn’t appear to be the case anymore, as his brief introduction shows him being unexpectedly released. Crazy is there to pick him up. His first visit is to the beach and later shows up at Dayane’s birthday party.

Melonhead/Reginaldo Cavani (Kiko Marques) has gone from a lowly corrupt street cop to the Secretary of Public Safety of Rio. A brief scene with his son shows that is she just as corrupt as ever, only now, his reach has practically been tripled.

Everyone, including Rocket, shows out for Dayane’s party and appears to have a good time. There are a lot of emotions astir and Rocket documents most of it. Things really start kicking off when MC Leka takes the stage. Rocket doesn’t appear to enjoy or appreciate the vulgarity of his daughter’s dancing and lyrics. He later expresses his outrage in a conversation with Cinthia who jokingly refers to him as the fun police now that he’s relocated to the South Zone.

The party takes on an even unexpectedly happy twist when Braddock shows up. After briefly reuniting with Curio and his old contacts, he asks to speak with Curio in private where he expresses his desire to return to the lead of the Apartment Corners. Curio appears hesitant to turn control back over to him, especially since his son, Genivaldo Jr. has done such a good job at filling Braddock’s shoes. Braddock is not at all happy with this but accepts Curio’s claims that he will find a place for him. This continues to weigh heavily on him through the night and Crazy’s outrage over the rebuke doesn’t help matters any.

The following day, the entire city, including Braddock and PQD (Demetrio Nascimento Alves) turn out for a soccer match. Braddock confronts Curio again about getting control of his corner but this confrontation is nowhere as near as calm as the initial. It only ends with Braddock feeling even more like he has been pushed aside. At dinner with Crazy later that evening, Braddock receives word from one of Curio’s men that he and Genivaldo Jr. will now be splitting the Apartment Corner, all he has to do is show up ready to work the following morning.

The splitting of the corner is like a slap in the face to Crazy and she wastes little time telling Curio’s messenger what he can do with it. Braddock apparently feels the same but approaches this in a much calmer manner. The encounter eventually leads to the messenger pulling out his gun and sitting it on the table as an intimidation tactic. This move, however, leads to his downfall as Crazy grabs it and shoots him in the head. The episode ends with Braddock having a time grasping what he just witnessed.


City Of God: The Fight Rages On Review

As a huge fan of the original movie, this is very cool. It was incredibly nostalgic and rewarding to see these stories continue. I am very much looking forward to the war between Braddock and Curio, but I do not like the stance Crazy is taking in it. Her stepping up and taking the reins is too much of a feministic approach. I am all for equal rights but this just feels too politically correct for me. Other than that, I enjoyed the episode very much.

The content was nowhere near as gritty as the original but this is probably largely in part due to the original being released so long ago. Rocket’s daughter, Leka, becoming a rap star is a very intriguing take that I was not at all expecting. The stage is set for what should be a violent and bloody ending for someone and for that, I’d give the premiere a 6 out of 10.

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