Citadel: Diana Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

Matilda De Angelis Citadel Amazon MGM Studios

Together – The episode opens eight years earlier at the OKYS Jet Airline Headquarters. Young Diana removes her name tag and tosses it in a nearby waste bin before getting in a car. As she prepares to start the engine, Matteo (Daniele Paoloni) puts a gun to her neck and says she now knows it wasn’t an accident. She asks what he wants. He claims the files she stole cannot be decrypted without this device, holding it up for her to see. He tells her that she will find a man’s name and who he really works for. He denies being Secret Service but claims they blew up Flight OT9732. As a tear runs down her cheek, she vows to not stop. He assures her that the justice she seeks will never come. Upon arriving at the provided address, she and several other potential recruits meet with Matteo. He explains how Manticore exists to fight injustices and orders them to not talk to or trust anyone. Later, she informs Gabriele (Filippo Nigro) of Manticore and Matteo. He asks if Matteo mentioned the Zanis. She says no.

2030 – Sara Cavalieri (Giordana Faggiano) asks Diana (Matilda De Angelis) why she never mentioned Edo Zani (Lorenzo Cervasio) before. Diana says there are some things that she cannot tell her. Sara assures her that she only wants to help. Diana says she can’t. Later, a deceased man is placed in a body bag and removed from the residence. Giada (Jun Ichikawa) asks if she is going to continue drugging Sara. Diana promises to deal with Sara. Elsewhere, Ettore Zani (Maurizio Lombardi) that 12 agents were killed but he took his advice and blamed Germany. He says Edo was right about a German Agent Rainer Weber (Maxim Mehmet) being in their territory. Cecile Martin (Julia Piaton) demanded Klein confess and give up Weber’s location. Julia Zani (Thekla Reuten) claims Klein cut all communication off with Cecile. Edo says if Germany and France are turning against each other, it is their opportunity. Julia agrees but Ettore insists they reconcile with Cecile because she is the most dangerous one. Edo warns that Weber may half the German half of the weapon but if they could both. Cutting him off, Ettore insists they find and return the French half to Cecile. He wants Weber alive, so he can be questioned about Lugano. The Magnanos mafia reported a sighting of Weber near Trapani which is under Tringalis mafia control. Edo suggests the Magnanos are trying to get on their good side after they cut ties with Tringalis. Ettore orders Edo to meet with the Magnanos in person. Julia argues that the Magnanos are in no position to make demands and if it must be done, he can do it. Edo agrees to go with an agent. Ettore wants to beat Klein to get Weber.

Sara asks Diana how she got in the bed. Diana claims she was drunk and exhausted. Sara refutes the claim and asks who she has become before leaving. Diana must get going to the airport.

8 Years Earlier – Young Diana informs Gabriele that she was promoted to operative. She voices concern about her first mission led by Enrico Zani (Carlo Sciaccaluga). He tells her to send him the location, so they can mobilize an attack. Later, Enrico tells Diana and Luca that they are going to make a drop. As they round a corner, they see an armored vehicle blocking the road. Enrico alerts Matteo. Two of their vehicles are blown up. Enrico orders them to evacuate their vehicles. A shootout ensues. A drone rains bullets on them. An alert showing Diana as an unauthorized target pops up on the screen. The shooting continues. Armed, Diana, Enrico, Luca, and several agents slowly approach the armored vehicle to find a Citadel agent dying. The agent says they will stop them. Enrico shoots the agent, reports back to Matteo, and orders Diana to wait for the cleaners. Back in the present, Edo tells Diana that he is going to meet the Magnanos to find out where Weber is hiding. She says Weber must be kept alive. He assures her that every mission has a margin of error.

Trapani, Sicily – Enzo Magnano (Pietro Pace) boasts of his surveillance abilities that allow nothing to get past them. Edo reminds him that Sicily is Tringali territory. Enzo says it is Magnano territory and they would like the Zanis to start working with them. Edo sends a text to open a line of communication with the Magnanos. While Enzo leaves to get them drinks, Edo does a data transfer from his phone. Enzo claims Weber is hiding out in Gibelina, an abandoned ghost town. Diana takes a motorbike to the location. Weber sees her approaching and flees to the rooftop. She finds his hideout empty, turns to leave, and comes under fire. As they both zipline down the mountain, she shoots his line in half. He falls onto a rooftop and shoots at her but his gun malfunctions. She lands on the rooftop. He speeds away on a motorbike. She fires several shots in his direction before jumping on her motorbike and pursuing him. The pursuit continues and ends with her hitting him with a stick. He falls from his motorbike. A struggle ensues. She loses her balance and falls onto the floor below. He retrieves a gun, replaces the magazine, and gradually makes his way through the building. She jumps from an upper floor and lands on him. A struggle ensues and ends when he gets caught in a rope, falls several floors below, and dies. She scans his body but finds nothing. She sends Edo proof of his death. They move to Plan B.

Diana enters the Villa Igea, makes her way to an upper floor, kicks in the door, and fires a shot above Edo’s head. He asks if that was necessary and continues to create a video that replaces Diana with Weber. Ettore questions who told Weber where Edo was staying. Matteo suggests the Tringalis wanted revenge for the failed deal. Edo says Diana saved his life. Ettore and Matteo look at each other. Diana warns Edo that Matteo will see it as a failed mission because Weber was killed. She assures him that her mind has changed about wanting out of Manticore. He insists they stay in Sicily overnight.

8 Years Earlier – Young Diana calls to check on Sara who is nearing the end of her pregnancy. She urges Sara to wait at the hospital until she gets there. Looking out the window, she sees an explosion in the distance. Sara asks what is going on. Diana breaks down sobbing. Later at the Citadel training center, Diana says she knew they would retaliate but not blow up Duomo of Milano. Gabriele assures her that she did all she could. Weeping, she asks how can she go back to Manticore after what they did. He says they will soon have a device that could reveal the location of all Manticore agents, which would allow them to be killed in a single blow. Back in Sicily, Edo tells Diana that he envies her because once it is over, she will be free to do whatever she wants. She plans to make up with Sara first. He recalls his last words to Enrico before he died in the Duomo attack. He says Sara adores her. They watch the fireworks. While dancing, she has a Meniere attack and returns to her room. He stops in front of her before going to his room. The next morning, the Villa Igea receptionist (Valentina Barrile) informs Edo that Diana checked out earlier.

Diana tells Paolo Marini (Massimo Rigo) that nothing triggered her last attack. He assures her that there is always a trigger. Elsewhere, Ettore tells Edo that they have regained Cecile’s trust. Edo says it wouldn’t have been possible with Diana. Ettore confronts him about the fake video and claims to have known he wouldn’t let Weber live. He reveals the German half of the weapon. Diana is walking to her vehicle when Giada injects her with a sedative. The episode ends.


Citadel: Diana Review

The fight and chase scenes are full of plot holes that are too implausible to be coincidental. One example is when Weber’s gun discharges when he tries to shoot Diana. In another scene, Weber retrieves Diana’s gun but doesn’t utilize it when the opportunity arises. It’s unfortunate but the story is less believable than before.

The episode deserves a 5.3 out of 10. Get more Citadel: Diana recaps here. Join our newly established forum to see what others are saying. Support our site by donating. Learn about our advertising packages here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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