“The Couple Next Door,” an Eagle Eye Drama production, follows Evie and Pete on their move to an upscale neighborhood. The transition is initially difficult until the couple begins to settle in and meet an alpha traffic cop and his dazzling yoga instructor wife.
Couple, Evie (Eleanor Tomlinson) and Pete (Alfred Enoch) relocate to an upscale neighborhood which causes social anxiety. A newfound friendship with next-door neighbors, Danny (Sam Heughan) and Becka (Jessica De Gouw), helps them feel at home. The friendship progresses until it gets dangerously close.
Everything changes one night when the relationship turns sexual. That one fateful night will change their lives forever.
The Couple Next Door, directed by Dries Vos and written by David Allison, is commissioned by Channel 4 Drama Commissioning Editor Rebecca Holdsworth.
The six-episode drama series is a recreation of the 2014 Dutch series, “Nieuwe Buren”. The series will debut on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom and STARZ in Canada and the United States in 2024.
Filming locations were in Belgium and Leeds.
The Couple Next Door Cast
- Sophie (Joanna Kimbook)
- Evie (Eleanor Tomlinson)
- Pete (Alfred Enoch)
- Danny (Sam Heughan)
- Becka (Jessica De Gouw)
- Jean (Kate Robbins)
- Alan (Hugh Dennis)
- Rachel (Katie Clarkson-Hill)
- Susan (Anastasia Hille)
- Noddy (Robert Whitelock)
Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.