Bodkin Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

Gilbert Bodkin Netflix

Peace In Our Time – Episode 5 begins with Seamus Gallagher (David Wilmot) and Gilbert Power (Will Forte) visiting the King/Ed (Alan Devine) at the Graceland Diner to arrange a meeting with the McArdles. While he pleads his case, Gilbert secretively sends a text to someone about Fiona’s mistaken identity. After some careful persuasion and the offer of free adverting on his podcast, Gilbert and Seamus convince Ed to arrange the meet.

Seamus passes the time during their drive by telling Gilbert how he and Malachy arranged for the McArdles to be arrested. While they rotted away behind bars, the two of them not only helped themselves to their wares, but they took over their territory as well. Everything was going good until the Good Friday Agreement was signed and subsequently led to the release of many prisoners, including several of the McArdles. Fresh out of prison, Oisin would be the first to pay Seamus a visit which ended in his death. Although Seamus did manage to get word to Fiona and Malachy, he would never see them again.

After spending several minutes strategizing and staking out Bronagh McArdle’s (Pauline McLynn) small crafts store, Seamus decides it would be best for Gilbert to make the approach. He soon learns just how deceiving appearances can be after an inadvertent slip of the tongue suggests that he knew who she was before stepping foot in her small shop. It’s not long after this that Seamus walks through the door with his revolver drawn. The ensuing confrontation is short and Seamus appears to believe Bronagh’s claims that she doesn’t know Fiona or where Bodkin is. When they leave, she reports the call to someone over the phone.

Gilbert and Seamus are nearly back in Bodkin when Gilbert claims to see someone in a tree up ahead. At nearly the same time Dove Maloney (Siobhan Cullen) falls to the ground. She and Gilbert spend several minutes arguing before Seamus joins. When Dove inadvertently reveals that it was Sergeant Power’s (Denis Conway) car pulled from the bog, Seamus returns to the vehicle alone and races off. After Dove sarcastically points out that Seamus will have to find him first, she reveals that Power is currently at Killamore General, recovering from a heart attack.

It doesn’t take Seamus long to find and question Power. Gilbert joins them just as Power is telling his version of what happened that night. According to him, Malachy did visit him, asking for help eluding the McArdles. Power agreed to help him but was unable to locate Fiona. When he returned, Malachy was gone with his car. His excuse for keeping this to himself for over 20 years is that he didn’t want anything to happen to Teddy (Ger Kelly). Seamus leaves peacefully but threatens to harm Teddy is he later discovers otherwise. Seamus also threatens Gilbert seconds later in the hallway when he realizes he’s been misleading him as well. This not only leads to Gilbert admitting to his deception but he also tells Seamus about Charles (Peter Bankole) and Annika (Sabine Timoteo) being Interpol agents. Seamus ends up leaving after Gilbert receives a call from Amber (Ahna O’Reilly), announcing her plans to visit him in Bodkin. Merely seconds after that, he receives a text from Emmy Sizergh (Robyn Cara) with the request to meet at the new age hippie commune.

Elsewhere the story appears to go back a bit in time as Dove is just now learning about the extradition from Damien (Charlie Kemp). Mary (Clodagh Mooney Duggan) immediately senses something is wrong when he returns to Dove in the funeral parlor. This eventually leads them to Fagan’s (Amy Conroy) Pub, tossing back shots. Dove works up the drunken courage do a karaoke number and kiss Mary, but seemingly regrets it because she excuses herself immediately after. Outside, Sergeant Power mockingly chides on her his way in the pub. She later confronts him inside the news about knowing that it was his car pulled from the bog. This is what brought on the heart attack.

Dove wakes the next morning to find Jo (Mae Higgins) standing over top of her and Mary in the kitchen, making pancakes. Despite the festive mood, Dove quickly turns it sour by expressing his disapproval of how Mary handles Jo’s questions about their night out. Shortly after this Dove finds herself walking home when she finds her cell phone in the road and her coat in the tree. This explains why she was in the tree when Gilbert drove by.

After finding Teddy’s knife in her coat, Dove becomes inspired to explain her actions at the pub. It takes a bit of persuasion but he agrees to speak with her. She attempts to use her experiences with her mother to relate to him, which appears to work because he confesses that he suspects he killed Malachy and Fiona. Teddy claims he can’t be sure but has faint memories of blood and holding a brick. She attempts to convince him that he’s mistaken because it wasn’t Fiona’s body that was discovered in the car, more to the point, the car belong to Power.

Dove is surprised to learn just how wrong she was when she confronts Power in the hospital. After making her promise to protect Teddy from Seamus, he basically tells her an extended version of the story he told Seamus earlier. When he returned home after looking for Fiona, Malachy was not gone, he was dead, Teddy was holding a brick, and the room was covered in blood. Apparently, the other body belonged to one of the new age hippie girls.

The story seemingly goes back in time once again to Fagan’s Pub. While Dove was doing her karaoke number, Emmy was seducing Fintan (Charlie Kelly) in the bathroom. When Emmy returns to the bar to discover Dove singing, she spends several minutes spewing about what a bully Dove his. Much to her surprise, Fintan tells her that she is only Dove’s victim because she wants to be. She lets herself be manipulated by Dove because she wants the power Dove has. This only makes her more attracted to him but before she can act on her feelings again, Power has his heart attack.

When Emmy and Fintan leave the bar together later that night, she makes him stop the car, gets out, and throws her backpack in the woods while screaming about her displeasure with Dove. Emmy wakes the next morning to find Claire (Liadh Ho) lingering over her, wanting to know if she wants coffee. Fintan encourages her to start going after her dreams as she tells him goodbye. She later takes his advice by convincing Jo to let her examine the unidentified body at the morgue where she discovers a bracelet with the name Greta. The name causes Emmy to remember Maeve (Kerri McLean) mentioning a Greta during her earlier interrogation. Emmy later confirms this by going back over the previously recorded audio files.

After making the confirmation, Gilbert, Dove, and Emmy meet at the new age commune where Emmy and Dove share their discoveries. They soon find themselves searching through Maeve’s caravan where a photo reveals that she not only lied about attending the Samhain Festival but she was helping Fiona hid her pregnancy.

The episode ends with Seamus checking the oil on his boat. While doing so, he simultaneously places a call to Sean O’Shea (Chris Walley), ordering him to back out of their deal with Charles and Annika. By the time he smells the smoke, it’s too late, he’s locked below deck to burn alive.

Bodkin Review

The podcasters are one step closure to solving the disappearances. Seamus’s smuggling scheme stretches far and wide. Eels are in demand but their origin complicates things.

Gilbert learns Fiona was pregnant when she went missing. Malachi’s disappearance is now a murder case. Greta and Malachi’s bodies are discovered in the boot of Power’s car. Power tells Dove that Teddy murdered Malachy.

The episode deserves a 5.6 out of 10. Get more Bodkin recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Learn how advertising with our independent site can help build brand awareness. Join our newly established forum to discuss upcoming TV shows and movies.

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