Billy The Kid Season 2 Episode 6 Recap

William H Bonney Billy the Kid Amazon Prime Video

The Plea – The episode begins with a meeting between Jesse Evans (Daniel Webber) and Pat Garrett (Alex Roe). Pat not only asks Jesse’s advice about William H. Bonney /Billy The Kid (Tom Blyth), but he offers him some men to aid in his search. Jesse says that Billy will likely do the opposite of what’s expected and accepts Garrett’s offer. Jesse makes certain to mention Garret’s wayward history before leaving. Garrett admits there was a time when he was a lost soul.

At the Regulator’s Camp Billy discusses his strategy for taking over the town with his men. It appears the plan is to ride in hard to Main Street, where they will then split into three smaller groups. From there, the Wortley Hotel along with the Tunstall Store and downtown areas will be their staging positions. When George Coe (Brendan Fletcher) shares the news that Garrett has loaned Jesse some of his deputies, Juan Patron (Javier Lacroix) says that’s more of a reason to get moving immediately. As the meeting breaks up, Billy wishes Juan luck while warning him that the Town Square could be a possible chokepoint.

Upon arriving in town, George and his men are ordered to the roof of the Tunstall Store while Fred Waite (Josh Cruddas) apologizes to Sam Wortley (Jason Burkart) for taking over his hotel for the next few hours. Juan and his men stage at the downtown area. As soon as Billy has the opportunity, he questions Alexander McSween (Luke Camilleri) about the letter Judge Wilson (David LeReaney) was supposed to send to the congressman. Alexander responds by saying that Warren Angel (Alexis Sides) is yet to conclude his investigation.

Billy and several of his men ride with a white flag to LG Murphy & CO where he offers several of John Riley’s (Shaun Daulby) men the opportunity to leave peacefully. When the men say they need to consort with Riley, Billy tells them to apprise Major Lawrence G. Murphy (Vincent Walsh) of the takeover as well. Unknowingly, Riley has overheard the entire conversation and erupts in a fit of rage when his men return to him inside. This eventually leads to a shootout, with both Billy and Riley sustaining casualties.

Billy and his men eventually retreat but Riley sends several shooters to follow (Travis Friesen/Kevin Moriarity). Billy gives them every opportunity to walk away when they discover his position in town. They refuse which practically leads to their slaughter. This time Billy doesn’t sustain any losses and nearly all of Riley’s men are slaughtered.

As soon as Garrett learns of Billy’s takeover, he joins Riley and attempts to assure him that they still have the advantage. He tells him that as soon as his deputies return, he’ll be sending them to the Tunstall store. As this happens a quick scene shows that Jesse and his men have discovered tracks leading to the Regulator’s Camp at the old South Spring Ranch. It is only later when they ride into the camp that they learn of Billy’s Lincoln takeover.

Billy and his men are in the process of helping the townsfolk get out of Lincoln safely when Sue McSween (Lisa Chandler) unexpectedly shows up to help with the wounded. While this takes place, Garrett deputizes several men and delivers a brief yet rousing speech about justice, fortitude, and upholding the law. He then orders the best shooters of the group to take up position on the edge of town, leaving the remainder of the group to surround Billy’s men positioned downtown.

Later that evening Billy and his men enjoy their brief respite with laughs and several stiff drinks but it isn’t long before Billy begins to talk strategy. Learning that Herrera is Juan’s best sharpshooter, he tells him to take four men of his choosing at first light and set up a rooftop position to watch the perimeter. Charlie Bowdre (Horatio James) is given the first night watch, as the others settle down for the evening.

Elsewhere, Manuela Bowdre (Veronica Long) attempts to ease Dulcinea Del Tobosco (Nuria Vega) the suffering from the loss of her entire family, but knowing that Billy is in such danger troubles her further.

It isn’t very long after the first light that the action picks up in downtown Lincoln. This time around the Regulators sustain several injuries but Herrera proves to be as good a shot as promised. The rest of Billy’s men are just as fierce and easily fend off the attack.

Later that evening, as Jesse and his men return to Lincoln, Billy makes plans to go on the offensive by ordering Juan and his men to join him at the Tunstall Store. It appears the plan is to storm the Murphy Store from there at first light. Once Garrett reunites with the others at the Murphy Store, he doesn’t waste any time telling them Billy will not only raid the store but will take it over. After a very heated debate, it appears that Garrett has a plan, although it isn’t revealed at the time.

Billy the Kid season 2 episode 1 recap

Garrett is shown later riding into the Fort Stanton Army Outpost where he meets Colonel Nathan Dudley (Ty Olsson). Given that Dudley is well apprised of everything, it’s not long before Garrett asks for the military’s help with the Regulators. Dudley responds just as quickly by telling Garrett that the military’s presence is to control the Indian population, not get involved in civil matters. Garrett doesn’t handle the news so well and warns Dudley that there will be a massacre unless he and his men get involved.

The following morning, Jesse and John Beckwith (Dakota Daulby) are in the process of fortifying the Murphy Store when Dudley along with Lieutenant George Smith (Kurtis Sanheim) and his troops ride into town. It doesn’t take Billy and his men to notice their presence as well. Although Garrett is immediately by Dudley’s side to express his gratitude, he’s surprised to learn that Dudley is only there to protect the men and women. He practically tells everyone within hearing range that his troops will not be getting involved in other matters unless they are fired upon.

Acting as attorney for the Regulators, Alexander McSween quickly introduces himself to Dudley and tells him that several that he has warrants for several men now under his command for the arrest of John Tunstall (Linus Roache). Garrett tells Dudley that he also has similar warrants for several men accused of the killing of the former Sheriff Brady (Bill MacDonald). This only leads to Dudley reminding everyone that he is only there to keep the peace and orders everyone to return home as his men take up positions throughout the town.

Jesse and his men waste little time celebrating their victory later that night while Billy disavows himself for not seeing this move. This eventually leads to him later secretly meeting with Garrett. Despite the celebrations, Riley appears anxious and wants to talk strategy with Jesse. The problem is he can’t find Jesse because he’s snuck off with Ana Baca (Jasmine Vega).

The episode ends by showing Garrett in deep thought after a visit with Billy. Although brief, the meeting was very cordial, with Garrett even claiming at one point that they want the same thing. Billy practically tells him that he wants to fight government corruption and needs Garrett’s help in doing so.


Billy The Kid Review

I can’t say the episode was horrible, but there were many times throughout when I became bored. Although the episode was not over-congested with what I would call ‘filler’ content, I just had a hard time focusing. It appears that the creative staff tried to do a decent job of telling the story in the most exciting, action-packed style but it just didn’t work for me. This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy the episode because it was certainly worth watching.

It is probably the acting and old-school approach to the action sequences that keep bringing me back to the series. Other than that, the story feels slightly unappealing. Despite what probably sounds like a negative review, I’d give the episode a 5.5 out of 10.

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