Bad Monkey Season 1 Episode 8 Recap

Andrew Bad Monkey Apple TV

The Russian Mob Is Very Active In Key West – The episode opens with a hysterical volley of gunfire as Andrew Yancy’s (Vince Vaughn) house is shredded by bullets. He’ll quickly send Jim Yancy (Scott Glenn) and Cody (Alex MacNicoll) out the front while he and Doctor Rosa Campesino (Natalie Martinez) remain inside. It’s only seconds later when they are joined by a lone gunman that Yancy immediately takes advantage of. A struggle will ensue, and several more men and Rosa will get involved, but things eventually conclude when Pestov (Anthony Belevtsov) realizes he’s at Yancy’s house. When the confusion is cleared, Evan Shook (Alex Moffat) will be identified as the responsible hit. Yancy takes one of the gunmen’s automatics and sends his own volley of gunfire into Evan’s house.

As surprised as Bonnie Witt (Michelle Monaghan) is to learn that neither the State of Oklahoma nor Cody’s parents are interested in pursuing charges against her, she’s even more stunned to learn that Johnna Russell (Ashley Nicole Black) took it up on herself to go after her. After being released without so as much a slap on the wrist, Russell is forced to drive Bonnie back to Florida.

Jim attempts to leave Yancy with some advice while also telling him that he’ll be going home tomorrow. There will be a bit of brief joking and teasing but Jim will ultimately offer the advice of – don’t waste something good for something that you think you need.

Now that the adrenaline from her brief encounter with Egg (David St. Louis) has settled, the Dragon Queen/Gracie (Jodie Turner-Smith) can’t help but feel depressed again. So much so that when Egg attempts to leave, she practically asks him to stay. Several minutes later, they’ll be meeting with Christopher/Nick (Rob Delaney) and Eve Stripling (Meredith Hagner) on their new yacht. When the two ladies are left alone, it’ll be revealed that they are waiting on another guest before their trip out to the sea. Little do they know, Neville Stafford (Ronald Peet) is nearby providing Yancy with a play-by-play. As he does so, he Neville can’t help but feel that Yancy no longer cares about the case. A later trip to Miami and an impromptu meeting with Director Rhodes (Lauren O’Quinn) will reveal that not to be the case.

While Rhodes practically tells Yancy she can’t go after the Striplings as long as they are on foreign land, the Stripling’s other guest is revealed to be Mr. Knowles (Terry Allen Jones). It only takes an afternoon full of champagne and a thousand dollars to convince him to push a rush on the soon-to-be-resort’s paperwork. Before Gracie and Egg leave, Eve mentions Asia’s (Lauren F. Walker) reluctance to sell and outspoken responses to being asked to do so. Gracie assures her that won’t be the case at all.

Much later that night, Yancy and Rosa’s discussion about bringing down the Striplings nearly leads to a visit to the ice parlor, but upon stepping outside, Evan’s house explodes. Bonnie emerges from the wreckage and introduces herself to Rosa. It appears that she wants to be arrested and she gets her wish. Yancy will later admit that he’s never seen someone look so happy to get arrested. Something about this inspires a trip to Andros.

Gracie confronts Egg after discovering that Asia’s shop has been vandalized. His openly admitting to doing it and lack of remorse send her into a blind rage. At nearly the same time, an unexpected call from Caitlin (Charlotte Lawrence) makes Eve equally upset. The conversation is later revealed to be staged by Yancy and Rosa, but Caitlin will claim to be calling on behalf of the parents of one of Simon’s (Tyler Picchi) parishioners, interested in making a land investment in Andros.

Yancy and Rosa arrive in Andros the next day around the same time that Gracie reaches out to Ya-Ya (L. Scott Campbell). Gracie is clearly seeking comfort more than advice from the talk but gets neither. While at lunch, Rosa receives a confirmation text from Christopher with the location for their meeting tomorrow. Surprisingly enough, Rosa’s fear about not being ready for the meeting leads to a bit of an improv skit with a patron at the restaurant. It’ll take all night, several plates of conch fritters, and some alcoholic beverages before Yancy realizes they’ve been getting to know Christopher’s pilot, K.J. Claspers (Bob Clendenin).

The next morning, Neville and Lulu (Amina Massai) rise early for a fishing trip while Yancy tries to sleep in but is unable to do so thanks to Rosa’s anxiousness over the meeting. Being that all their cash is tied up in their investment scheme, Christopher and Eve are equally anxious. Christopher is up early as well preparing for the meeting when he notices his missing watch.

As it turns out, Gracie stole the watch during their meeting and is now inspecting it over breakfast. Yancy not only happens to be there, but he recognizes the watch. After brief introductions, Gracie will surprisingly admit to stealing the watch from what she claims to be a very bad man. Rather than surprise, Yancy’s response is that he plans on making that bad man and his wife pay for their sins. Yancy will eventually excuse himself to get another coffee and Gracie will practically vanish, leaving him to turn his attention to returning Rosa’s earlier text.

By the time Rosa receives Yancy’s text she’s viewed the property and is in the process of convincing Christopher and Eve to come to Miami to get the cash down payment. It turns out it doesn’t take much convincing and several minutes later she and Yancy are celebrating the victory with Neville and Dawnie (Reese Antoinette) over dinner.

While Evan tries to bribe Sheriff Sonny Summers (Todd Allen Durkin), Eve and Christopher arrive at the same restaurant Yancy and Rosa had frequented the night before. The episode ends by showing Yancy, Rosa, and KJ’s photo on the wall. Although they haven’t seen the photo, it’s likely only a matter of time.


Bad Monkey Review

Despite the hysterical opening salvo, the episode turned out to be rather lackluster, nothing more than a typical episode. I was afraid that 10 episodes would be a bit much and that certainly seems to be the case. Things haven’t gone completely stale just yet but they are headed in that direction. It’s a good thing there are only 2 episodes, but I don’t know if that’s good or bad because it could result in a disappointing finale. I did enjoy the episode and would give it an easy 5.6 out of 10.

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