Adult Material Episode 1 Recap

tv series adult material jolene

As the episode begins, Hayley Burrows, aka Jolene Dollar, shoots a new video in an automatic car wash. She posts a message about it before receiving a call from Dave (Phil Daniels). She ignores the call and begins shopping for shoes online. She purchases a pair of expensive shoes before leaving the car wash. After that, she heads to the studio where Lee (Ross Harland) is shooting a film but he is unable to perform. Jolene is greeted as she walks through the door. Before too long, she is introduced to the new girl Amy (Siena Kelly). She chats with her briefly before turning her attention to Sabelle (Timmika Ramsay) who she gives medication and instructions. Jolene learns that Amy will be shooting with her and she has never shot with Bang Cherry before.

Amy hasn’t shot with anyone before. Dave interrupts and tells Sabelle that she’ll need to help Lee so they can get the shoot wrapped up before the night is through. When they’re alone, Amy tells Jolene that her boyfriend worships her. Amy is a dancer who was in a Spice Girls tribute band and she played Scary. She is interested in getting into choreography because a dancer’s career usually ends at 35. Then, she reveals that she can’t kneel but she loves sex. Then, Mark (Luke Cinque-White) says they got the planning permission and they had to take the whole Velux out and move it again. We watch as Jolene works with Mark and gets taken from behind while doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen.

She finds out that the money shot is going to be a facial before we see her cleaning her face. She cleans herself up before talking to Dave about Amy and not being able to kneel. She tells Dave not to force her to kneel because she can’t. Then, he asks her if she is coming to Carroll’s on Sunday. She can’t make it because Sunday is a big family day but Dave wants her to be there because Tom Pain is coming. She has met Tom but she doesn’t know him. Carroll is friends with him since they both work with Hazewire which wants them to shoot content together. Jolene reminds him that Tom vomits in girls’ mouths and he makes them look young.

Jolene tells Dave that she has put Tom on her no list. Nadia interrupts and lets Dave know they’re ready for him. Jolene helps Amy prepare for her upcoming shoot. Jolene notices marks that appear to be cuts on Amy’s leg. Amy leaves to shoot the softcore stills while Jolene shows off her strap-on. After the shoot, they complete a questionnaire and take pictures together. Later, Jolene removes all of her make-up and finds a message from Amy, aka Hayley Hazell, who tells everyone about her first shoot with Jolene Dollar. Jolene inspects her breasts before leaving with Sabelle and the others. Dave tells them about another shoot and suggests Amy might want a go. Dave gives them more information about the scene and Jolene questions whether it would be right for Amy since it is her first day.

Dave tells her that she doesn’t have to do it before Jolene chats with Amy in private to let her know that nobody will be cross with her if she doesn’t do it. Amy wants to know how much she’ll get for it so Jolene tells her. As for Jolene, she says that she’ll do it but she doesn’t do it on camera. She explains that things were different when she started out and you don’t have to do it now but it will limit your career. She encourages Amy to get as much money as she can if she does do it. Before she does it, she will need an enema and a little drink to relax her. Amy asks Jolene to stay with her but Jolene says she’ll be okay. She finds out that Hairy Simon will be shooting the scene and Jolene believes he will take care of Amy.

She says he is big but not that big so it’ll be like doing it with her boyfriend. The only problem is that Amy hasn’t done that with her boyfriend. Jolene tells Dave that Amy doesn’t want to do it and that worries him. Simon arrives with his doctor. Jolene pleads with Dave not to talk Amy into doing it before she gets into the vehicle with Sabelle so they can go shopping. Later, Jolene tells her daughter Izzy (Anya McKenna-Bruce) to stop playing on her phone and wash her hands before dinner. She tells Phoebe (Alex Jarrett) not to play on her phone at the table. Phoebe wants to know if she can spend the night with Angel (Sasha Desouza-Willock) at her place.

Jolene agrees but says she’ll need to be in bed by 11. The nanny leaves before Jolene’s boyfriend tells her that he is going to take dinner upstairs because he has a shift on her Twitter. Before he goes, he tells her that the foot guy is getting impatient and wants them soon. When he leaves, Jolene argues with her daughter about being unable to find her face lashes that morning. They chat about a movie while Jolene scratches her eye. Angel drops Phoebe off at her boyfriend’s house. Jolene joins Rich (Joe Dempsie) upstairs so she can film videos for the foot guy. She is asked to follow the guy’s degrading instructions before Izzy knocks on the door and tells her mother that she might have worms again.

Jolene tells her to go downstairs and wash her hands before finishing the video for Gary. Meanwhile, Phoebe hangs out with her boyfriend who wants to know more about her mother’s career. Rich asks Jolene about her itch which she thinks might be conjunctivitis since one of Izzy’s mates has it. Izzy asks her boyfriend why he watches porn. He agrees to tell her along as she promises she won’t judge him and she agrees. He says he enjoys wanking. Izzy finds that funny. They play around before things get romantic. While Izzy sleeps with her boyfriend, Rich and Jolene get it on. Rich sits in a chair and plays with himself. We hear Jolene talking about a game that started at school when she was 14. It involved trying to snap Jolene’s bra.

It went on for ages until she lost it one day. Sean Feeney got on her nerves so she chucked a chair at him. Then, she walked out and went to the park where she sat on the bench for a long time. Some guy sat next to her and he started playing with himself so Jolene ran to Mrs. Owen’s house next door. Her mom was out of it so she told Owens but she only laughed about it. She told Jolene that she wouldn’t be 14 forever and she’ll feel like a ghost when men no longer look at her that way. Rich tells her that she is gorgeous and he asks where that is coming from. Jolene confesses that Amy made her feel really old. He encourages her to get some sleep and she does. Jolene asks Rich if he put Izzy’s Aertex out and he confirms he did.

Joelen has a nightmare that features Amy. When she wakes up in the morning, she finds several missed calls from Amy. Izzy’s boyfriend, Paulie (Jacob Avery), wakes her up with sex. She tries to find out if he is wearing a condom but Paulie continues without answering that question. He finishes before rolling over and telling her that he loves her. He says he has been thinking about it for ages but didn’t have the guts to do it. He knows it is awkward now. She says it isn’t awkward and that she loves him too before putting her underwear back on. Jolene tries to call Amy back while visiting the doctor. She is told that she has tested positive for chlamydia. She admits she has never had it before in her eye before the doctor says it is very common among teenage girls.

He explains he is going to put her on a course of antibiotics and she should see improvement soon. At school, some kids poke fun at Izzy and toss around one of her mom’s toys. Cameron knows more about Izzy than he should so Paulie says he stole his phone and looked at their private pictures. This leads to a fight between Cameron and Paulie while Izzy storms out of the room. Meanwhile, Jolene still can’t get in touch with Amy. She goes to work and tells Dave about having chlamydia in her eye. He says everyone had clean tests but he’ll look into it. Then, they begin talking about Amy and neither has seen her since yesterday. He admits that Amy eventually changed her mind and agreed to the scene.

She wanted more money so she did the scene. When Jolene returns home, she finds a bottle of wine from Carroll by her door. She enters and sees Izzy sitting at the table. She tells her daughter about her STD and suggests Izzy should get tested too since she used her eyelashes. Izzy is upset and tells her mom about it before going to her room and slamming the door behind her. She uses her computer to upload a private video of Paulie to a social network. Jolene enters the room and tries to figure out what is going on with her daughter but Izzy doesn’t want to talk about it.

She wants her mother to be normal about it if she tells her. Izzy tells her mother where she went last night and that she has been staying with Paulie a lot. Jolene wants to make sure that they’ve been using protection. Izzy says they do but Paulie didn’t this morning because he was having sex with her when she woke up. She admits it was awkward and she never told him to stop. Jolene tells her that boys are not mind readers so she needs to be very clear about what she wants and doesn’t. Jolene hugs her daughter and leaves a short time later. Izzy grabs her computer and finishes uploading Paulie’s video. After that, we’re introduced to Carroll Quinn (Rupert Everett) at his party.

She chats with Amy and learns that she hasn’t been drinking because she is taking painkillers for her knee. Carroll says he can’t have a good time unless everyone is having fun. Carroll flirts with her until Amy tells him about her boyfriend Michael. It begins raining and that puts a damper on their party but Amy decides to stay out in the rain. When everyone is gone, Amy gets up and we see that she is using crutches to get around. She makes it inside and watches an interview with Tom Pain with Dave and the others. Sabelle changes the channel before Carroll goes outside and meets Jolene. She returns his wine and admits she is ticked off at him. He tells her that he has to work with some people she has had a bad date with but she claims it wasn’t a bad date.

He admits he needs Tom to make money. As for Jolene, she says she will not shoot with him. Carroll claims he is misunderstood and he wants to talk about Jolene doing anal. She asks about Amy and Carroll says she is doing fine. Jolene agrees to go inside and say hello to everyone. She hugs Amy and asks her what happened. Amy admits it was a little setback before they chat about Amy doing the scene. Amy admits she got paid a grand and it was like two hours. Then, she complains to Dave but he says Amy wanted to do it when Carroll increased the pay. Dave doesn’t believe it was her first day because people don’t do rosebud scenes on their first day. Jolene gets upset and pulls Dave into a private room. They chat about how things have changed since Jolene started.

Dave believes Jolene is jealous of Amy and he doesn’t understand that since he thinks she’ll do six months and that’ll be it. They return to the other room. Dave turns on Amy’s video so Jolene can see what happened for herself. Amy seems uncomfortable as she watches the video. Something goes terribly wrong for Amy. Amy gets upset and pukes on Carroll’s shoes. Jolene comforts her while telling Carroll that she isn’t cut out for this line of work. Jolene learns that Amy will be shooting with Tom tomorrow but she doesn’t want that to happen. The party continues. In the morning, Amy does her best to clean Carroll’s shoes. Tom Pain (Julian Ovenden) arrives at the door and introduces himself to Amy.

They chat briefly and things get awkward when Tom tells Amy what he wants to do to her. He asks her about eggs and she goes for a look. Tom grabs her from behind and has his way with her. She sees a knife nearby before Tom turns her around and she stabs him in the stomach. He tells her not to pull it out but she does before pulling up her underwear and leaving Tom in agony on the floor. Back at home, Jolene checks on her daughter and tosses the fake lashes in the garbage can.


Adult Material Review

I figured Adult Material would be much different than this but I am not saying it was bad. It hit some high notes but there were low points during the episode too. It seems the show tries to walk a tightrope by mixing comedy with drama and I am not sure that worked out so well. I might be the only one but I felt that the comedic aspects of the episode fell short mostly. I cringed more often than I smirked.

However, I think the show can be a good drama if it doesn’t get too outrageous. I am sure a lot of viewers will be turned off by the language and subjects covered but these things have become a part of life for many. I sadly believe that the writers missed out on an opportunity to explore this subject more thoroughly though.

I can’t say that certain since I haven’t watched the entire season yet though. I’ll likely stick with it either way. This episode of Adult Material scores a 6.5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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