A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Series 1 Episode 4 Recap

Cara A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

The episode begins with Pippa/Pip Fitz-Amobi (Emma Myers) and Ravi Singh (Zain Iqbal) still in a heightened state from their narrow escape. Shortly after pulling over to evaluate their discovery, they realize that they not only have a small stash of various narcotics but they have what appears to be Andie Bell’s (India Lillie Davies) coded customer list. Caught up in the moment, Pip is nearly late for her mock pre-Cambridge interview with Mrs. Bradshaw (Alice Barclay) and Elliot Ward (Mathew Baynton). Despite this, things appear to go off without a hitch and Elliot appears extremely pleased when Pip announces that she’s changed her EPQ back to feminism in Gothic novels.

Pip’s mind is clearly elsewhere as Zach Chen (Raiko Gohra) and Lauren Gibson (Yali Topol Maragalith) attempt to lay out plans for an upcoming reunion. The arrival of Cara Ward (Asha Banks), with inquiries about the interview only further distracts her. Either way, their discussion doesn’t get far thanks to the arrival of Ruby Foxcroft (Orla Hill). At nearly the same time, Pip appears to have a major breakthrough with Andie’s list. Pip’s sudden departure rubs Zach Lauren the wrong way.

When Pip pulls the same disappearing act at home later that evening, it becomes clear that Leanne Fitz-Amobi (Ann Maxwell Martin) is just as frustrated as Zach and Lauren with the attention Pip is dedicating to the case. This time it leads to an argument and Leanne practically forbids her from seeing Ravi or working on the case. Pip simply walks away while Victor (Gary Beadle) and Josh Amobi (Kamari Loyd) avert their attention.

Pip’s big breakthrough leads them to the Ivy House Hotel where they don’t receive the most gratuitous welcome from Henry Hill (James Meunier). Although he refuses to offer much assistance, Henry claims Andie was there last week. This only sparks their interest further and leads to Ravi setting off a fire alarm so Pip can sneak end and steal the logbook. This goes off perfectly until Pip discovers she can’t make a clean exit. This leads to her and Ravi biding their time in one of the upstairs suites. While doing so, Pip realizes that the suite’s bathroom was the setting for the photo she discovered in Max Hasting’s (Henry Ashton) bedroom. Henry’s sudden arrival sends them fleeing down what appears to be the building’s rear fire escape. Before returning home, the guestbook reveals that there was only one entry two days before Andie’s disappearance, Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Comparing the entry to the coded list, Pip suspects that it was Andie’s writing.

After returning home, Pip attempts to contact the number that was left along with the Gatsby and Buchanan check-in. The message is an automated response but it appears that the number is still in use. She saves it in her contact list for later access and upon returning to the logbook, finds her father’s name from 5 years ago when he was supposed to be in Nigeria. Although Pip doesn’t tell her mother what she found, she does ask why the entire family didn’t go with Victor on the trip to Nigeria. Leanne appears evasive but claims it was because they didn’t want to travel with two small children.

The following morning, Dan Da Silva (Jackson Bews) is waiting for Pip on her patch to school. She attempts to avoid him but he proves persistent. After getting her in his cruiser, he tells her about how he and Nat Da Silva (Jessica Webber) always had to look out for each other because their parents were virtually non-existent in their lives. Much to her surprise, it was Jason Bell (Matthew Chambers) who gave Dan his first job and later convinced him to join the police force. Dan claims that it was because of this and Andie’s close relationship with Nat that he took Andie’s disappearance so seriously. When she asks him how about Salil Singh’s (Rahul Pattni) and his family’s closure, he shows her DI Hawkins’ (Andy McLeod) interrogation with Sal where he completely flips out and attacks officers.

Later that day at school, Elliot attempts to apologize in a roundabout way for conspiring with Leanne to make Pip change her EPQ topic. Much later at home, Leanne tells Pip the truth about Victor’s stay at The Ivy House Hotel. According to Leanne, she and Victor were having problems in their marriage and she is adamant that Vic wasn’t sleeping around on her. Victor also tries to speak to her about this later but she shuts him out.

Things only get worse when Pip tells Ravi about Sal’s interrogation. Ravi attempts to play it off as a normal reaction of anger and Pip’s arguing against this only makes things more heated. This brief dispute also reveals more of Young Pip’s (Kitty Anderson) memory and how she feels guilty for telling Sal Andie’s whereabouts. Pip becomes even more fraught and ends up racing to Cara’s house when Ravi accuses her of only working on the case to clear her conscious.

Pip narrowly avoids an accident while racing over to Cara’s house. Once there, they end up in the yard on a blanket, gazing up at the sky. Their conversation is fairly light but Pip does ask Cara if she thinks that it’s possible to ever truly know someone. Cara says it’s not but simultaneously claims that’s a good thing. Pip asks if she can spend the night which Cara only agrees to under the condition that she help her with something. That something is later revealed to be Naomi’s makeup for the reunion.

While doing Naomi’s makeup and hair for the reunion that she doesn’t want to attend, Elliot interrupts. He not only rushes them so he can get to the reunion early but he delivers the bad news about the TV being broken. Once he is gone, Cara also excuses herself to get the straightener for Naomi’s hair. It is at this point that Naomi asks about the case. Although Pip says she thinks she was wrong about Sal’s innocence, she also mentions Cara not wanting to involve Naomi in it. This appears to hurt Naomi’s feelings but they don’t get long to explore it because Cara returns. The mood in the room is serious now and Naomi excuses herself but before doing so, she tells Pip that they can borrow her laptop to watch movies. Naomi also tells her that the password is ‘wardsRus’ and highly recommends a 2019 flick called ‘Tango Tits.’ Pip immediately picks up on the cue and later learns that ‘Tango Tits’ is Max Hastings’ social media tag. This ultimately leads to a photo of Naomi, Max, and Jake Lawrence (Ephraim Sampson).

Armed with her discovery, Pip races to the reunion where she discovers Becca Bell (Carla Woodcock) on stage, giving a remembrance speech dedicated to Andie. As soon as she finds Naomi, she pulls her to the side and confronts her about lying about Sal not being with them.

The episode ends with Naomi telling Pip that she and her friends had to lie about Sal’s alibi because someone found out what they did.


A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Review

If nothing else, the episode did a good job of keeping viewers invested with the huge cliffhanger ending. At this point, I certainly feel invested enough to see where this is leading. Other than this, the episode wasn’t the greatest. I did like the reunion setting, although it was brief. The next episode will probably feature this more. I also didn’t mind Ravi getting stoned, despite the fact that it was a bit annoying at some points. I’d leave this episode with a 5.5 out of 10.

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