2024 Rebus Series 1 Episode 6 Finale Recap

Lockie Rebus BBC

The episode begins with John Rebus (Richard Rankin) explaining to Michael Rebus (Brian Ferguson) how Ger Cafferty (Stuart Bowman) is responsible for George Blantyre’s (Sean Buchanan) suicide and that why he wants to kill him. Cafferty is just as quick to place the blame on Rebus, although he doesn’t provide further explanation.

After Rhona Moncrieffe (Amy Manson) learns about Michael robbing his drug-dealing neighbor, she attempts to convince Chrissie Rebus (Neshla Caplan) to intervene. Rhona appears to become insulted when Chrissie asks why she even cares. Rhona claims it’s because they are family and continues to push until Chrissie mentions overhearing Michael drop Cafferty’s name.

DC Siobhan Clarke (Lucie Shorthouse) and Gill Templer (Caroline Lee-Johnson) are right in the middle of questioning Davey Mathieson (Patrick O’Brien) and Alan Fowler (Ryan Hayes) after the raid when Rhona’s call comes in. Gill attempts to rush her off the phone but reconsiders after learning she might have useful information. When Siobhan later learns about the call, it causes her to remember learning about Gary ‘Cammy’ Campbell (Cassidy Little) and his record for boosting cars after interviewing Andy Rolland (Terence Rae). Siobhan even remembers the address, which Gill insists they visit.

While discussing how to deal with Cafferty’s body, Rebus realizes that it is just a matter of time before the cops show up to question Cammy, and the fewer people there, the better off they will be. Despite Neil MacKenzie (Andrew JohnTait) and Cammy’s insistence on sticking around, Michael gives them a duffel bag and convinces them to go.

Now that they are alone, Rebus asks Michael if the bag contained money. As he pulls out his pistol, Michael tells Rebus that the whole incident has been about money. Once Michael realizes Rebus has no intention of shooting Cafferty an argument ensues. After a bit of back and forth, Michael soon launches into a tirade about how much he enjoyed the freedom of his deployment, not having to worry about bills and hold down a job. Cafferty tries to use the tyrannical ranting to his advantage by not only agreeing with Michael but encouraging him. Rebus quickly realizes this and puts an end to it. Another argument ensues after Rebus suggests Michael turn himself in for robbing Jack (Seamus McLean Ross) and Kai (Craig McLean). Michael becomes so irritated that at one point he takes a shot at Cafferty. Rebus disarms him in the process and despite the bullet missing by a mile, Cafferty ends up on the ground. When Rebus goes to his aid, Michael walks away and suggests letting him die.

Lockie Moncrieffe (Nick Rhys) returns home to be met by a hysterical Rhona in the driveway. While she brings him u to speed on Chrissie’s predicament, Siobhan and Gill arrive at Cammy’s address. After the initial shock of discovering Rebus trying to Cafferty’s life and call an ambulance, Gill vilifies him and practically tells him she is done helping him. With the help of Siobhan, Rebus manages to save Cafferty’s life and later learns that it was Darryl Christie (Noof Ousellam) who provided the lead to Shaun Strang (Aston McAuley). Rebus advises her to be careful with Darryl because he will likely now think she owes him.

Rebus schedules an impromptu session with Andrea Thomson (Melissa Collier) to discuss his concern about saving Cafferty’s life. Apparently, he had been telling himself that he saved Cafferty to save Michael’s life but recently realized that he might have saved him regardless. The conversation eventually segues into the family life, his drinking, and following the unspoken rules between criminals and coppers.

Much later that night, Rebus learns from Sammy Rebus (Mia McKenzie) that Rhona asked Lockie to move Chrissie, Michael Junior (Aiden Connell), and Liam Rebus (Cailean Galloway) to the Balmorals. Rhona claims she thought it was for the best. She does ask what will happen with Michael but he claims he can’t help him.

At the same time, Michael meets with Chrissie to tell her about his plans to turn himself in. She becomes troubled by the confession and encourages him to take the money and run. He appears to reluctantly consider the option but doesn’t make a decision.

The following day while spying on Siobhan at the raided stash house, Darryl receives a call from Lockie, inquiring about their latest venture. When he learns that the seed funding has been lost, he threatens Darryl and hangs up on him. Darryl then visits Shaun in the hospital where he confirms that he is going to take the rap for Jimmy McJagger. Reluctantly, but as promised he says he will take the rap but he wants $25,000 for every year that he spends in prison. They end up settling on $10,000. There is also mention of working with Siobhan and Cafferty, which Shaun appears to be opposed to.

Rebus gets a shock of his own when he visits Cafferty in the hospital and finds Maggie by his bedside. Cafferty and Rebus spend a few minutes arguing once Maggie leaves, but it is Cafferty who is shocked again when he learns that Michael killed a Cochran boy in the shipping yard robbery. Cafferty sarcastically offers to put in a good word after reminding Rebus that if they don’t get Michael, they will get his family. Rebus leaves deep in thought and tries to contact Michael. After several unsuccessful attempts, he reaches Chrissie who practically tells him Michael is gone and nothing more.

Gill and Siobhan interrogate Shaun and he reluctantly stays true to his word. He doesn’t necessarily own up to arranging the hit on McJagger but when Siobhan presents irrefutable evidence against him, he doesn’t deny it. After the brief questioning, Siobhan is approached once again by Malcolm Fox (Thoren Ferguson) to give a statement. She doesn’t give him a statement at the time and turns him down for a later dinner offer.

Lockie and Rhona are right in the middle of finalizing Sammy’s trust fund when the front doorbell rings. Lockie gets up to answer it and takes two shots in the chest. The masked man collects his casings and scurries off long before Rhona even realizes what has happened. It’s not long before she retrieves his phone and calls Rebus. He arrives to find her in a bit of a stupor, sitting over Lockie’s body. Once Rebus confirms that Lockie is dead and the area is secure, he calls Gill. During this time, Rhona begins to have severe stomach pains, which could be stress-related. Although Sammy was away at a friend’s house, she returns home before things are cleaned up. She does not see the body but immediately realizes something is wrong. The finale ends with Sammy and Rhona embracing in the back of Rebus’ car while he drives them away.


Rebus Finale Review

Well, Rebus got his family back that’s for sure. Whether or not it was the way he wanted them back, he’s got them. As for a finale, I felt the episode was a bit lacking and this was because I was expecting everything to be wrapped up. This was my first introduction to John Rebus, so I am unaware of how many seasons it ran previously. For some reason, I was under the impression that this was going to be a miniseries. It’s possible that it was meant to end with things left up in the air. Either way, I really enjoyed every episode, though at times it slogged a bit.

I not only appreciated the acting de force the cast put on, but I also enjoyed the shorter run times and inlaid sarcasm here and there. As I previously said, the whole bit with Alan continually touching and adjusting his bitten-off nose was comedy gold. I’d give the episode a 5.6 out of 10.

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