2024 Rebus Series 1 Episode 4 Recap

Andy Rolland Rebus BBC

The episode opens with DS John Rebus (Richard Rankin) visiting Michael Rebus (Brian Ferguson) at home to question him about the robbery. Michael already knows what’s coming and agrees to speak with him but will only do so at the park. Much to his surprise, Rebus hasn’t come to arrest him, only to let him know that he knows about the incident and warn him from doing anything else reckless. Rebus does bring Andy Rolland (Terence Rae) in to officially question him about the stabbing.

As promised, Michael returns home to tell Chrissie Rebus (Nshla Caplan) about everything, including the most recent shooting at the shipping yard. Chrissie expresses her concerns about him getting caught or killed by criminals, but they ultimately make a pack to earn enough money to improve their living conditions. Their conversation ends with her telling him not to trust anyone.

Davey/Dave Mathieson (Patrick O’Brien) and Alan/Andy Fowler (Ryan Hayes) visit Ger Cafferty (Stuart Bowman) at Whitley & Booth Estate Agents to review the security video from the heist at the shipping yard. Their very brief interaction reveals that the murdered guard was the nephew of someone named Billy, who apparently frightens them all. Cafferty tells them about his recent problems with Darryl Christie (Noof Ousellam) and offers to handle the situation. Davey and Alan tell him they are in specifically in town to deal with the problem.

Darryl is already making moves as he cleans out his safe at the bar and asks Shaun Strang (Aston McAuley) about the money in the safe at the MMA gym. Shaun appears to be a little hurt that Darryl pulled the heist without him. They apparently had plans to rob it together. Before sending Shaun back to the gym to keep up appearances of a routine, Darryl mentions that he’s going to pick up the drugs from the heist. Once Shaun leaves, Darryl phones Moncrieffe Investments to speak with Mr. Moncrieffe.

DC Siobhan Clarke (Lucie Shorthouse) and Rebus officially question Andy about the attack. He claims he thought the incident was a typical fight and simply just reacted when the knives came out. Although he has a bit of trouble remembering which side of the neck Darryl’s tattoo was on, he doesn’t have a problem later picking his mug shot. When Rebus shares the news with Gill Templer, (Caroline Lee-Johnson) she gives him the go-ahead to pick Darryl up. Before doing so he mentions Siobhan and Malcolm Fox’s (Thoren Ferguson) possible relationship. Gill doesn’t appear to be concerned with the discovery. Siobhan appears to be hurt when Rebus not only leaves to pick up Shaun alone but gives her some money and orders her to take Andy for a meal and tea. On his way out of the station, Rebus receives a call from Rhone Moncrieffe (Amy Manson), who tells him about visiting Chrissie. When he mentions picking up Sammy Rebus (Mia McKenzie) later, she says it might be better if he just comes over for dinner, to which he agrees.

Shaun has a surprise waiting for him when he opens the gym. It’s not long before Cafferty, Alan, and Davey have him tied up and break out the blow torch. When Rebus later shows up with two uniforms, the scent of burning flesh is still in the air. Before leaving empty-handed, Rebus orders the officers to check Shaun’s home address.

Over lunch, Siobhan learns more about Andy’s military days and his connections to Michael, Neil MacKenzie (Andrew John Tait), and Gary ‘Cammy’ Campbell (Cassidy Little). In turn, he learns about her parents and their distaste for her chosen profession. At one point, it appears that he might be about to blab about the heist but changes his mind after she tells him that it’s not always necessary to report witnessing a crime unless you are an officer of the law. Although he asks if she has a boyfriend, her response is not revealed.

Rebus returns to the station to take Andy home but before doing so, he brings Siobhan up to date on Shaun’s absence while also asking how Andy seemed at lunch. Rebus clearly becomes troubled when she tells him about Andy’s question about reporting a crime that you’ve witnessed. He eventually orders her to find and question Darryl about Shaun’s whereabouts. Before doing that, she runs Cammy’s name through the police database, which reveals his record.

Neil and Michael meet with Darryl at a crowded restaurant to make the swap. Darryl appears ecstatic with the exchange and practically tells them that the sky could be the limit for their partnership if they get rid of Cafferty. Neil and Michael express no interest and quickly leave, only to be unknowingly tailed by Alan and Davey. Cafferty joins Darryl inside before he can make his exit.

While Rebus drives Andy back to Michael’s, Malcolm questions Gill if she is comfortable with Rebus meeting with Cafferty. She claims it’s all routine and tied to their current investigation and would come to him the moment that she felt uncomfortable. Malcolm has a quick word with Siobhan on his way out and asks her out for drinks later but she refuses. Although their brief discussion doesn’t go in his favor, he warns her to watch out for herself because no one else will.

Rebus is surprised when he discovers Michael is hosting a barbecue. Rebus casually jokes about him having something to celebrate, but Michael claims the get-together was something they’d been planning for a while. Michael asks him to stay but Rebus tells him about his plans to have dinner with Sammy, Rhona, and Lockie Moncrieffe (Nick Rhys). When Rebus leaves, it’s revealed that Davey and Alan are watching the barbecue.

Siobhan unsuccessfully attempts to track down Darryl while Michael questions Andy about his time at the police station. After ensuring him that Rebus only questioned him about the stabbing, he asks how the meeting with Darryl went. Michael gives him an envelope full of cash that he refers to as his ‘first installment.’ Shortly after, Andy gives Michael Junior Rebus (Aiden Connell) 200 quid and tells him not to tell her mother, although it appears she’s witnessed it with her own eyes. She later brings this up with Andy and tells him that although she knows he means well, not to do it.

Darryl already appears to be in bad shape by the time Cafferty and his goons take him to what appears to be a vacant flat to join Shaun. Cafferty is quick to tell him that Shaun gave him up before leaving the two of them alone. Despite this, Darryl checks on Shaun as soon as they are alone.

Sammy jokingly refers to Rebus as a snitch for telling Rhona that she blabbed about her being pregnant. This eventually leads to him stressing the importance of always telling the truth, which comes back to bite him when she asks why he and Rhona divorced. He eloquently describes it as people sometimes changing or not changing. Although the dinner starts with a bit of joking, it turns a bit grim when Lockie brings up Jimmy McJagger’s (Gilly Gilchrist) death. The evening goes rather well but Rebus accepts a glass of wine with the meal that apparently sets off a chain reaction because he finds himself at the Oxford Bar, downing whiskies later that night.

Andy and Chrissie are right in the middle of a conversation in the kitchen when the doorbell rings. Thanks to his quick reaction time, Andy intervenes in the nick of time. Andy ends up on the lawn with one of the intruders and quickly gains the upper hand and control of the silenced pistol by biting the guy’s nose off. After he is shot from behind by the guy’s partner, the two of them flee the scene.

Rebus drunkenly stumbles home to discover Maggie Blantyre (Michelle Duncan) waiting on him. He continues to drink after learning that she has told George Blantyre (Sean Buchanan) about their affair. This only upsets him and after hearing her claim that she told George for him, it only worsens his mood.

The episode ends with Rebus telling Maggie that he doesn’t want her, he wants his family back.


Rebus Review

If there is one thing that I can say about this series, it is that it certainly follows the same formula. ‘A slow burn’ would be the best way to describe it. That said, the episode was an emotionally powerful roller coaster. I didn’t expect to see Rebus fall off the wagon, but it happened so casually that it was a bit shocking. The entire cast does a fantastic acting job at times, but I felt it was Michael and Rebus that really carried it, as probably was intended. I continually find myself frustrated with Chrissie and her wanting-to-have-it-both-ways mentality.

The truly most shocking thing for me was this entire episode was practically filler, except for Alan and Davey’s arrival in town and maybe Siobhan developing suspicions about Andy. Despite that, I felt that it was easily one of the better thus far. There were plenty of parts but I still very much enjoyed it. The episode deserves an easy 6 out of 10.

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