the bp club the last post

The Last Post Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

As the episode begins, Alex Baxter (Chris Reilly) is shown chatting with his father on the phone. After the call ends, Chris Dimarco (Paul Tinto) asks Baxter about his father. Baxter admits that he is fine. Harry (Ben Miles) tells George (Toby Woolf) that his mother is at the hospital preparing for the baby. George is told that Yusra will be looking after him. Joe (Jeremy Neumark Jones) rushes off after telling Honor (Jessie Buckley) goodbye. Yusra (Ouidad Elma) arrives to care for George. Mary Markham (Amanda Drew) is wheeled through the hospital. Harry tells his men about the upcoming operation. He tells them how they plan to capture Starfish and bring him back to the base. Stoneham (Louis Greatorex) makes a pessimistic comment. He doesn’t seem too thrilled with the prospects.

alex baxter the last postThe men are told that a reporter will be going with them. The nurse prepares Mary for birth. Alison (Jessica Raine) listens to music and remembers her lost love. She hears Honor screaming from above. She rushes upstairs and gets rid of a scorpion. Then, they jump in bed together and discuss Honor’s clothing and her relationship with Joe. Meanwhile, Baxter, Dimarco and the others march towards their destination. Ed (Stephen Campbell Moore) checks Tony’s (Tom Glynn-Carney) ankle. Ed determines that Tony isn’t ready to return to action. Joe gets advice from Israel Orchover (Kevin Sutton). Journalist Martha Franklin (Essie Davis) joins the men at the base. Stoneham seems smitten with her. Once they drive away, Tony Armstrong visits Yusra. She tells him not to tell anyone that she gave him aid. She hands him a letter, before returning inside.

alison the last post episode 2Mary goes into labor. The baby is delivered successfully, but Mary begins bleeding abnormally. Honor and Alison chat about love. Then, Alison returns to her music. Stoneham switches places with Joe. Martha gets a little flirty with Joe, but he ignores her advances. Baxter begins to fall behind from his squad, while Tony ices his ankle back at the base. Tony tells Ed that he received no help and was all alone outside. Honor and Alison decide to go to the BP club. Ed returns to an empty apartment. Baxter’s squad stops. His superior takes the picture of his father. He tears it up and hides it in the ground. Then, Baxter is forced to show off the blisters on his feet. The superior tells Baxter to remain behind. The others continue onward.

actor kevin sutton the last postHonor and Alison arrive at the BP club. Honor is introduced to the spy or oil man Harvey Tilbrook (Richard Dillane). They chat briefly and share drinks. Baxter drinks the rest of his water and settles into his makeshift tent. Mary is prepared for a hysterectomy. Joe and his men arrive at their destination. Martha snaps pictures of Stoneham. Then, Joe tells Martha that his men is his only priority. He explains that she is on her own. Another doctor arrives and stops the hysterectomy. He suggests another option. Martha puts sunscreen on Stoneham, while offering to drink with him sometime. He quickly agrees. Alison gives Honor advice for keeping Joe happy. Baxter kills a scorpion, while thinking about his father. Alison and Honor go swimming.

the bp club the last postTony and Ed go after Harry. They run across Baxter and decide to give him a ride. Dimarco and the others find the encampment, which is supposedly home to Starfish. They enter and find nothing inside. They hear something nearby. It turns out to be goats. Then, they’re attacked by Arabic men on the hillside. Harry and the others hear the shooting. They decide to stay put for a short period. Ed catches up with Harry. Joe is forced to make Harry’s choice for him. He decides that everyone needs to go after the others. Dimarco and his men get trapped. Dimarco is forced to confront his fear of highs and climb up the hillside. He does so while dodging bullets. Nevertheless, he is met by enemy soldiers at the top. Dimarco is tied to a post. Kadir Hakim (Aymen Hamdouchi) tells him to begin praying. A man with a long sword stands in front of him.

chris dimarco kadir hakim the last postJoe and the others arrive. They find Dimarco’s head on a post. Martha approaches and begins snapping pictures. Kadir prevents his men from firing. He explains that her pictures will help their cause. Baxter wraps Dimarco’s head in his coat and carries is back to the vehicle. Harry speaks with Baxter and offers him compassionate leave. Baxter refuses. Harry is given the head. Harry rushes to the hospital. He gives the head to the morgue and visits his wife, who is just fine. Joe returns home to a happy Honor. He scolds her for hanging out with Alison. Baxter calls his father that night. Again, they sing the old songs together. Ed tells Alison that the shooting star she saw was death.


The Last Post Review

The 2nd episode of The Last Post was definitely much better than the first. The episode had a little bit of everything. There was humor with Martha and Stoneham. The hunt for Starfish and the shootout were very intense. The episode was very effective in setting the mood and switching from action to bleakness in the end. I sincerely hope the show can maintain this level of quality. If it does, I will be happy to stick around for the long run.

This episode scores a solid 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of The Last Post now!

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