MTV White People Review

With a world in turmoil, MTV does a wonderful job of making America look even more silly thanks to the nonsensical White People. The problem of the show is the path it takes to explore “white people” in America. Unfortunately, the targets are benighted white kids, who’ve signed up for the ride. Of course, these aren’t ordinary kids. No, they’re rich kids, who seek out scholarships and trust funds. Suffice to say, these kids are incompetent in the real world and it gets worse with the introduction of the big MTV bully, Jose Antonio Vargas.

Jose goes above and beyond to incorporate himself into the shoot. He seems like an egomaniacal, pity seeking hypocrite. Why? Well, Jose, himself, who wants to tell us how bad it is in America for minorities and those of a different skin color, has led a somewhat charmed life. Despite being unwhite in America, Jose managed to wiggle his way into an internship at the Mountain View Voice, before working for the San Francisco Chronicle. He, himself, obtained a private scholarship. Obviously, he was unable to get financial aid, because he is “illegal”.

He attended San Francisco State University and earned a degree in Black Studies and political science, so it is easy to see where is ideology stems from. In a country, with specific rules and laws, shouldn’t it be illegal for someone to use falsified immigration documents, in order to avoid deportation?

Ultimately, White People follows the mold of the desired political correctness that a small majority want to see. Anyone in America can obtain financial aid, as long as they meet the income requirements. Scholarships are picky, but why shouldn’t they be, when schools are educating students in silly studies like Black Studies, Women’s studies, Parapsychology and philosophy. The real scandal is that whites, blacks, Asians and others are going in debt to learn worthless information.

Shouldn’t college be about preparing for a job and work? Of course, even doctors and nurses learn nothing from school. Lawyers are in the same boat. Anyone can learn a book of statutes. The real skills are learned in the workforce through experience. So, unfortunately, Jose Antonio Vargas misses a viable opportunity to explore something truly important. Instead, he attempts to force himself into the equation and belittle some silly kids, who don’t know what they signed up for.

White People is no better than a Steve Wilkos episode. Any minute, Jose will be slinging chairs and ejecting people from the stage. The show is horrendous, but still a slight upgrade from MTV’s borderline child porn queen, Miley Cyrus, grinding on some creepy old guy. America has much bigger problems and there are much better shows out there. Obviously, they’re not on MTV. A 1 out of 10 is generous.

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